wherein Liz hates writing

Aug 13, 2016 15:16

If I ever try to combine genre romance with a story about politics and prejudice again, please shoot me.




Oh shit, I just remembered that's basically the plot of "A Change of Season." *headdesk* No WONDER I've been reluctant to start serious work on that fic!

...Well, okay, "The Courting Dance" has bigger structural issues that have nothing to do with its particular combination of subplots -- namely, the rotating POV thing, and the fact that I started it as a one-shot with a followup and therefore didn't lay proper groundwork for ANY plot at the start -- but still. I hate romance, I hate romance, I hate romance and I should not be allowed to try writing it. At all.

*resolve face*

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wip big bang, grrr argh, fandom: chronicles of narnia, writing, how is this my life

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