[Thread] Stepping out

Jan 27, 2009 19:00

Characters: Siegfried, Open
Where: Greenhouse
When: During Takion's birthday
Summary: Siegfried goes out for a bit.
Warnings: None yet.

Pink hair, not green thumbs )

[yuugiou] pegasus j crawford, location: greenhouse, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider, *open, [gundam wing] relena darlian

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Comments 80

i_own_i2 January 28 2009, 00:49:50 UTC
Pegasus had also gone out. He had a feeling that they would have been polite enough to offer him cake and tea if he'd hung around, but he would have felt awkward. It had been a long time since he'd had any real family to celebrate such occasions with, and it would have been awkward for him and them. Better to just excuse himself and go out.

But not too far out. He didn't like cold weather, and this weather was definitely too cold for his liking. He made it a few blocks before he gave up and decided he needed to go inside and thaw out a bit. As he was searching for shelter, he caught a glimpse of pink through the glass windows of the greenhouse. That was a good enough sign for him, so he went to let himself in.


sieggyrose January 28 2009, 00:55:05 UTC
The sound of someone else entering the greenhouse drew Siegfried from his reverie. When he saw it was just Pegasus - a somewhat chilly-looking Pegasus - he smiled. He'd not expected to be found out here, but he hadn't exactly been hiding either. "I would have thought you to be inside where it is warm," Siegfried said by way of greeting.


i_own_i2 January 28 2009, 00:56:48 UTC
"I am inside where it's warm," Pegasus pointed out. "Warmish, anyway. I'm afraid I didn't make the guest list for the little soiree our roommates are having, and it's so rude to show up without an invitation."


sieggyrose January 28 2009, 01:03:18 UTC
Siegfried laughed at that. "How frightening. For once our thinking was the same."


cinqtioned January 28 2009, 08:53:17 UTC
While the threat of the Entropi and the Warden had passed, the tension between groups had not and though she had finally spoken up about it, it was still managing to eat away at her mind, for it seemed to be all she could think about. The comms weren't providing enough of a distraction to that, as all the posts contained within it seemed to be talk of something that her mind could relate to one thing or another and in turn, to something she didn't want to focus on. Frustrated and in need of some fresh air, Relena pulled on her coat and shoved her PDA in her pocket, heading for the greenhouse. Normally, she would've just gone to the park, but it was far too cold for that right now, even for someone like her who was from a Northern European country where such harsh winters were the norm for this time of year ( ... )


sieggyrose January 29 2009, 02:54:56 UTC
Hearing someone enter the greenhouse, Siegfried glanced over and saw the young woman. He offered her a polite smile as he decided that he probably wouldn't be disturbed by her presence. "Nein, there is no need for you to leave," he assured her.


cinqtioned January 29 2009, 11:35:15 UTC
Relena returned the polite smile with one of her own, moving closer to the man. There weren't as many people within the compound as there were when she'd originally arrived nearly a year ago, she noted, but there were still many she'd yet to meet. This man appeared to be one of them, for she couldn't seem to place a name to the face - nor did the face itself strike her as familiar.

Well, now was a better time than ever to introduce herself.

"I don't believe we've met," she said. "I'm Relena Darlian."


sieggyrose January 29 2009, 11:46:34 UTC
Siegfried had a good memory for names and faces, and Relena's was as unfamiliar to him as his was to her. At least she seemed a pleasant enough young lady. There were many in the compound Siegfried would be quick to shy away from.

With a bow that would have done credit in any royal's court, Siegfried offered his own name. "I am Siegfried von Schroider. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Fraulein Darlian."


goddesshelpline January 30 2009, 01:01:10 UTC
Practice. Belldandy needed to reassure herself she could control herself and practice was needed for that. Which was why she decided to come to the Greenhouse. To practice and know her magic was doing the right thing.

She still looked worn and tired, but she was a bit more presentable with clean, unrumpled clothes, and brushed hair. If she was going to be better, little steps like that helped.

She paused after entering the Greenhouse, looking at the man there. "...hello?" She asked, putting on a small smile. No reason to cause worry.


sieggyrose January 30 2009, 01:18:08 UTC
Siegfried was surprised, but not put out, to find his solitude disrupted again. He never would have thought a greenhouse to be such a busy place! On the other hand it made sense that anyone who wanted to steal a few moments of quiet could likely find that sort of peace here.

"Hello, Fraulein," Siegfried responded, giving this latest visitor a smile.


goddesshelpline January 30 2009, 01:24:56 UTC
"Do you come here often?" Belldandy asked questioningly, looking around. At least the plants didn't seem to have suffered too much damage from the attack.


sieggyrose January 30 2009, 01:27:55 UTC
Siegfried smiled and gave a shake of his head. "Nein. I do enjoy admiring a nice garden, but no little of how to tend the plants. I am of little use in here. I am only here now because my roommate is having a birthday party with his family and I do not wish to intrude."


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