[Thread] Stepping out

Jan 27, 2009 19:00

Characters: Siegfried, Open
Where: Greenhouse
When: During Takion's birthday
Summary: Siegfried goes out for a bit.
Warnings: None yet.

It was strange to think that there could be any cause for celebration, and yet there was a bit of a party atmosphere in Sor-Eksi. Normally Siegfried wouldn't have paid it any attention, except that it seemed a sort of family affair. As the writer's family was not his, Siegfried pulled on a coat and stepped out into the chilly weather to let the family have their privacy.

However, once he was outside, Siegfried found he wasn't quite sure what he ought to do. It was far too cold to just stand around. Yet he didn't want to survey the damage to the buildings from the recent attacks. Siegfried supposed that this was a time for people to rebuild and prepare for the next onslaught, but he felt himself ineffective at both construction and defending against aliens.

Not having anywhere to go nor anything to do, Siegfried set his feet towards the greenhouse. At least then he could get out the wind for a little while. He wasn't sure how the greenhouse survived the Entropi attack, but it still stood. Slipping inside, Siegfried found a bare bit of wall to lean against and shut his eyes, savoring the quiet. Perhaps he should have started coming here sooner when he needed to think. The greenhouse seemed surprisingly suited for just that sort of activity.

[yuugiou] pegasus j crawford, location: greenhouse, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider, *open, [gundam wing] relena darlian

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