[Thread] Stepping out

Jan 27, 2009 19:00

Characters: Siegfried, Open
Where: Greenhouse
When: During Takion's birthday
Summary: Siegfried goes out for a bit.
Warnings: None yet.

Pink hair, not green thumbs )

[yuugiou] pegasus j crawford, location: greenhouse, [yuugiou] seigfried von schroider, *open, [gundam wing] relena darlian

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cinqtioned January 28 2009, 08:53:17 UTC
While the threat of the Entropi and the Warden had passed, the tension between groups had not and though she had finally spoken up about it, it was still managing to eat away at her mind, for it seemed to be all she could think about. The comms weren't providing enough of a distraction to that, as all the posts contained within it seemed to be talk of something that her mind could relate to one thing or another and in turn, to something she didn't want to focus on. Frustrated and in need of some fresh air, Relena pulled on her coat and shoved her PDA in her pocket, heading for the greenhouse. Normally, she would've just gone to the park, but it was far too cold for that right now, even for someone like her who was from a Northern European country where such harsh winters were the norm for this time of year ( ... )


sieggyrose January 29 2009, 02:54:56 UTC
Hearing someone enter the greenhouse, Siegfried glanced over and saw the young woman. He offered her a polite smile as he decided that he probably wouldn't be disturbed by her presence. "Nein, there is no need for you to leave," he assured her.


cinqtioned January 29 2009, 11:35:15 UTC
Relena returned the polite smile with one of her own, moving closer to the man. There weren't as many people within the compound as there were when she'd originally arrived nearly a year ago, she noted, but there were still many she'd yet to meet. This man appeared to be one of them, for she couldn't seem to place a name to the face - nor did the face itself strike her as familiar.

Well, now was a better time than ever to introduce herself.

"I don't believe we've met," she said. "I'm Relena Darlian."


sieggyrose January 29 2009, 11:46:34 UTC
Siegfried had a good memory for names and faces, and Relena's was as unfamiliar to him as his was to her. At least she seemed a pleasant enough young lady. There were many in the compound Siegfried would be quick to shy away from.

With a bow that would have done credit in any royal's court, Siegfried offered his own name. "I am Siegfried von Schroider. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Fraulein Darlian."


cinqtioned January 29 2009, 11:51:10 UTC
Relena, a princess in her own right and a former queen by the right of another, smiled bright at the bow and curtsied in return, though she was sure such looked a bit ridiculous while she was wearing pants and not a skirt. Still, she couldn't help but return such a gesture.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister von Schroider. Forgive me if this question seems rude, but are you by any chance, German?"


sieggyrose January 29 2009, 11:57:22 UTC
Siegfried's expression brightened at the question. Some worlds had his home country and some didn't. It was always nice to find someone who had even heard Germany here. "Ja, although I've been making plans to relocate to California when this is all over."


cinqtioned January 29 2009, 12:03:46 UTC
While Relena didn't speak the language, she recognized the accent and could pick out words here and there and had visited the country numerous times with her adoptive father in the days before the Eve War. Unlike the others from her world, save her double, she was Earth-born and not colony-born.

"California's a beautiful state," she said, "almost as lovely as Germany is a country. I'm originally from Scandinavia myself. A country called the Cinq Kingdom."


sieggyrose January 30 2009, 01:19:24 UTC
"Scandinavaia I know of, but I have not heard of the Cinq Kingdom," Siegfried admitted.


cinqtioned January 30 2009, 02:23:32 UTC
"It was a small pacifist kingdom that's," she paused, sighing and frowning for a moment, "not there anymore, not even in my world." Relena's smile returned. "But, at least you've heard of Scandinavia."


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