[Thread] I Feel Pretty

Sep 27, 2008 19:56

Characters: OU!Melaka Fray, OPEN
Where: Rooftops
When: Late night
Summary: Melaka dresses up for no particular reason, and goes off in the night, in a non-patrol-y manner.
Warnings: None than I can think of besides hilarity when people see her all gussied up.

Oh, So Pretty! )

[dc comics] garth ranzz/livewire, [buffy / angel] melaka fray, [warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [castlevania] soma cruz, [trc] kurogane

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Comments 130

darkrangerqueen September 28 2008, 02:42:39 UTC
Sylvanas did not restrict her restless rounds of the compound to the ground level. When she caught sight of the woman leaping from roof to roof, agilely despite her impractical shoes, the dark ranger followed, a silent cloaked figure with burning red eyes.

By the time the other woman had lifted her gaze to the sky, the Banshee Queen was already there, eying her with interest. She recognized the clothing style as something many people had worn to the ball -- she had watched from a distance for a while. It was not her world's fashions.

"I've never seen anyone jump so well in shoes like that. What's the occasion?" she asked, not unkindly.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 03:08:26 UTC
Melaka didn't recognize the voice, so she didn't run and jump off the edge of the building. Her cheeks, however, darkened unnoticed in the low light, at the strange woman's comment on her footwear.

"No occase. 'S why I'm doin' this in the dark," Melaka replied coolly, sparing a glance over at the woman, taking in her attire before looking out at the complex.


darkrangerqueen September 28 2008, 03:18:49 UTC
"I see. I understand." Sylvanas followed her gaze out over the compound. In profile, her long ears swept back to fine points in defiance of gravity. She shifted slightly, to remain upwind. She didn't feel like answering questions about her nature right now, and sought to avoid prompting them. The night was cool, and the compound dark. And when she spoke, her voice was smoky as always.

"I'm Sylvanas."


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 03:31:18 UTC
"Melaka Fray. Friends call me 'Mel'," Melaka replied, taking note of the woman's pointed ears before looking up at the sky. "Moon's gone. Or, will be soon."

She felt a smidgen uncomfortable wearing the dress around someone she didn't know, but it was better than Duo or anyone else catching her in the dress. As far as they knew, it was a one time thing, getting dressed up.


whitenightking September 28 2008, 05:05:13 UTC
"Hide me..." it was a chant that Soma had been reciting since he got away from the SoS Brigades wedding extravaganza. He figured if the Entropi hooked themselves to Sheifa, Selphie, and the rest of them. They wouldn't 'NEED' more energy. Instead he was traveling from rooftop to rooftop, with the Black Panther soul and Hypogriff soul. He hadn't even changed from his more regal clothes in his haste.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 05:42:40 UTC
Alone in the middle of the night seemed to be the time Melaka felt most at home. Perhaps it was the vampire slayer in her. Back in Buffy's time, the slayer only needed to patrol at night. Instead of during the day like Mel had in the lowers, with that heavy fog blocking out the sun's rays.

She tilted her head to one side, closing her eyes for a moment, humming softly to herself, one of the many songs she'd head on Duo's MP3 player. 'Greensleeves' was the song's title, if she recalled correctly.


whitenightking September 28 2008, 05:45:55 UTC
Good thing Soma wasn't a cleavage diver. But hey, it was someone he could use to hide from the rest of the girls. With a quick "Hide me!" he dove for the first shadow near her and peered about anxiously.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 05:56:11 UTC
She caught a movement out of the corner of her eyes and turned her head, seeing a man with a shock of white hair on his head. "Uhh...what're you doing?" She asked, arching a dark eyebrow as she looked up at him. Dressed awful fancy for the middle of the night, but, then again, wasn't she?


littleoldforlad September 28 2008, 06:07:47 UTC
Funny thing about a girl running around in a slinky dress while running around a rooftop on heels, that someone at the right vantage point was going to notice. Garth was patrolling from the air, after hearing about these new villains like the joker, and meeting that girl Jesse? You couldn't be too careful. He patrolled twice a day, if only to get some flying in and kill some time. A four block radius wasn't exactly new metropolis.

Something caught his eye as he flew over one of the buildings near the plaza, namely it was this girl. Girl with black and pink hair, black and pink skirt.. blank and pi- Had a real pink.. thing.. going on didn't she? He watched her for a few minutes as she leaps over the edge, landing gracefully on those heals. It was then he floated down to meet her before she caught her barrings and bolted for the next. "Hey. Good form. You trying out for the prom track league?" He asked wryly, while floating in behind her.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:16:56 UTC
Mel stopped, turning to see the orange haired guy flying in the air. "The ruttin' hell is that?" Mel asked, frowning a little in confusion as she looked up at him. "That...track league prom thing?" Mel asked, shaking her head as she met his eyes.


littleoldforlad September 28 2008, 06:26:12 UTC
"Joke.. Wasn't very funny. See you were running around in a prom dress? Track being a running sport.. you get the idea.. Right?" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Guess it's a nice night for it."


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:32:07 UTC
"I really don't get the idea," Mel said, shaking her head several times. Must be something from Buffy's time.

"It's gonna get colder, though. With it bein' autumn and all." Mel nodded, licking her lips as she looked out at the trees then back at him.


steelninja September 28 2008, 07:10:47 UTC
Kurogane walked outside in what was on top of the 'clean' pile of clothing; white dress shirt, dark jeans, black coat, and his black boots. His boots were the only thing from his Japan he kept wearing here as they were made to run and fight in. And you never knew when you were going to have to run and fight. He also had with him a mug of tea. The tall man followed the steam up to look at the stars ( ... )


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 07:20:26 UTC
Mel heard the door to the roof, not turing unless she needed to, neck still arched backwards, looking up at the stars. No matter how many times she saw them, it was never enough. She never saw stars, 'least not in the sky, back in Haddyn. The masculine voice questioned her prescence up there and she shook her head, black and pink hair shifting back and forth on her shoulders.

"No. Just...sittin'," Melaka replied, cursing herself mentally. Should have gone to the furthest corner of the complex, brace her back against the corner where the walls met and just sat there. At least she'd see people coming and be able to run off if she knew who they were.


steelninja September 28 2008, 07:36:56 UTC
"Ah..." The part of his brain that hardly ever shut up started wondering about the clothes again and why anyone would just sit in such a dress. The larger part of him didn't care what the hell she did. "Mind if I..." he trailed off, lifting his mug up toward the roof's ledge where he planned on 'just sittin' himself. With tea and a bit of star gazing to distract him, Kurogane wouldn't mind sharing a roof with someone.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 08:05:44 UTC
"Not at all," Mel replied, shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders. She looked over at him, looking him over from head to toe. She'd never seen him before, of course, there was a lot of people she'd never seen in Econtra. It was a big place, after all.


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