[Thread] I Feel Pretty

Sep 27, 2008 19:56

Characters: OU!Melaka Fray, OPEN
Where: Rooftops
When: Late night
Summary: Melaka dresses up for no particular reason, and goes off in the night, in a non-patrol-y manner.
Warnings: None than I can think of besides hilarity when people see her all gussied up.

Oh, So Pretty! )

[dc comics] garth ranzz/livewire, [buffy / angel] melaka fray, [warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [castlevania] soma cruz, [trc] kurogane

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whitenightking September 28 2008, 05:05:13 UTC
"Hide me..." it was a chant that Soma had been reciting since he got away from the SoS Brigades wedding extravaganza. He figured if the Entropi hooked themselves to Sheifa, Selphie, and the rest of them. They wouldn't 'NEED' more energy. Instead he was traveling from rooftop to rooftop, with the Black Panther soul and Hypogriff soul. He hadn't even changed from his more regal clothes in his haste.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 05:42:40 UTC
Alone in the middle of the night seemed to be the time Melaka felt most at home. Perhaps it was the vampire slayer in her. Back in Buffy's time, the slayer only needed to patrol at night. Instead of during the day like Mel had in the lowers, with that heavy fog blocking out the sun's rays.

She tilted her head to one side, closing her eyes for a moment, humming softly to herself, one of the many songs she'd head on Duo's MP3 player. 'Greensleeves' was the song's title, if she recalled correctly.


whitenightking September 28 2008, 05:45:55 UTC
Good thing Soma wasn't a cleavage diver. But hey, it was someone he could use to hide from the rest of the girls. With a quick "Hide me!" he dove for the first shadow near her and peered about anxiously.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 05:56:11 UTC
She caught a movement out of the corner of her eyes and turned her head, seeing a man with a shock of white hair on his head. "Uhh...what're you doing?" She asked, arching a dark eyebrow as she looked up at him. Dressed awful fancy for the middle of the night, but, then again, wasn't she?


whitenightking September 28 2008, 05:57:35 UTC
"Avoiding the wedding reception from Hell... So many weddings... all at once..." He shuddered as he peered about her before straightening up. He began dusting himself off before looking her over. Dear lord... "Let me guess, you attended? Odd since I don't recall seeing you there..."


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:01:46 UTC
Her cheeks flushed as she glanced down at her attire. "Yeah...no. I didn't even know there were weddings going on here. I just..." Her voice lowers to an embarassed mumble, "felt like dressing up."


whitenightking September 28 2008, 06:05:03 UTC
"Oh..." That was good, not a wedding nut was good. "Well dressing up is a good thing I suppose. Reminds us that we 'can' be civilized when we wish to be." He noted with a nod before looking about. "Nice night though."


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:08:16 UTC
"Yeah. Sky's clear. Moon's next to nothin', though," Mel commented, looking up at the stars. She returned her gaze to the man before him, a small niggling in the back of her brain. Her brow furrowed a fraction and she figured Harth was walking out and about nearby. She prayed he didn't sense her up there.


whitenightking September 28 2008, 06:12:27 UTC
"It'll come back, once the planet isn't in it's way. So long as the Entropi don't blow it up at least." He noted with a nod. "You don't mind if I change do you? I feel overdressed even with your outfit." He asked before activating Doppelganger. Allowing his outfit to melt from the overdone formal suit he had been wearing to his typical fluffy collared coat, turtleneck, and bellbottoms.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:21:07 UTC
"Don't mind," Mel said then her eyebrows arched as she watched his attire change without him having to remove any clothes. "Nifty little trick. If only I could do that with weapons," Mel said with a small chuckle, a light breeze tossing her black and pink locks.


whitenightking September 28 2008, 06:26:29 UTC
"I've heard there are some weapons with that idea in mind actually," he offered before shrugging and leaning a bit. "So any reason why only the stars get a treat of seeing you in a dress?" he asked with a raised eyebrow of his own.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:33:53 UTC
"Well, for one, there's no reason to be in one," Melaka replied, making a 'oh brother' face. "And two, in my group of friends, I'm not exactly known as the girly one."

Mel paused, tilting her head to the side. "I'm not even sure if we have a 'girly one' in our group."


whitenightking September 28 2008, 06:37:39 UTC
"Oh I see..." she ran with boys, and a tomboy trying to act her gender could be hard to deal with. Namely because everyone else started in on the 'girly' things. "Adopt a girl into the group? That way when you decide to dress up it can be so that the girl of the group doesn't feel alone? And if someone tries to say something, give them a hot dress and tell them they got the hips for it?" he offered.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:44:04 UTC
Melaka laughed, her shoulders shaking. "Jesu," She said quietly. "That's not half bad. I'm sure Monkey would look cute in a dress."

After a moment of pondering, she shook her head. "I dunno. I'd pity the girl that has to deal with Dee and I's arguments. And my...family issues," Mel said, making a small face.


whitenightking September 28 2008, 06:45:37 UTC
"And people say I don't come up with good ideas." He puffed up rather proudly at that.

"That's what a walkmans' for... or leaving the room all together." He pointed out. Family issues?


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:49:18 UTC
"Yeah, well, some arguments sort of...escalate," Mel said, thinking back to when they'd argued and Mel grabbed Duo, pressing her mouth firmly against his.

They had a very odd relationship to say the least.


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