[Thread] I Feel Pretty

Sep 27, 2008 19:56

Characters: OU!Melaka Fray, OPEN
Where: Rooftops
When: Late night
Summary: Melaka dresses up for no particular reason, and goes off in the night, in a non-patrol-y manner.
Warnings: None than I can think of besides hilarity when people see her all gussied up.

Oh, So Pretty! )

[dc comics] garth ranzz/livewire, [buffy / angel] melaka fray, [warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, [castlevania] soma cruz, [trc] kurogane

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littleoldforlad September 28 2008, 06:07:47 UTC
Funny thing about a girl running around in a slinky dress while running around a rooftop on heels, that someone at the right vantage point was going to notice. Garth was patrolling from the air, after hearing about these new villains like the joker, and meeting that girl Jesse? You couldn't be too careful. He patrolled twice a day, if only to get some flying in and kill some time. A four block radius wasn't exactly new metropolis.

Something caught his eye as he flew over one of the buildings near the plaza, namely it was this girl. Girl with black and pink hair, black and pink skirt.. blank and pi- Had a real pink.. thing.. going on didn't she? He watched her for a few minutes as she leaps over the edge, landing gracefully on those heals. It was then he floated down to meet her before she caught her barrings and bolted for the next. "Hey. Good form. You trying out for the prom track league?" He asked wryly, while floating in behind her.


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:16:56 UTC
Mel stopped, turning to see the orange haired guy flying in the air. "The ruttin' hell is that?" Mel asked, frowning a little in confusion as she looked up at him. "That...track league prom thing?" Mel asked, shaking her head as she met his eyes.


littleoldforlad September 28 2008, 06:26:12 UTC
"Joke.. Wasn't very funny. See you were running around in a prom dress? Track being a running sport.. you get the idea.. Right?" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Guess it's a nice night for it."


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:32:07 UTC
"I really don't get the idea," Mel said, shaking her head several times. Must be something from Buffy's time.

"It's gonna get colder, though. With it bein' autumn and all." Mel nodded, licking her lips as she looked out at the trees then back at him.


littleoldforlad September 28 2008, 06:45:53 UTC
He didn't acknowledge her first statement, shrugging at the misunderstanding. "If it were a few weeks from now I'd say you were nuts for wearing that.. Any reason why or didja just feel like it?"

Garth landed on the roof and looked to her, holding out his cybernetic hand to shake. "Name's Live Wire."


melakafray13 September 28 2008, 06:50:22 UTC
She didn't lift her hand, simply stared at him for a moment. "Live Wire? Really?" Melaka asked, arching an eyebrow, blinking several times. "Is that, like, a codename or something?"


littleoldforlad September 28 2008, 06:55:54 UTC
"Yeah. .. Grife.. Might as well.. It's Garth." Tinya and Lyle already through secret ID's out the window.



melakafray13 September 28 2008, 07:01:45 UTC
"Melaka...Fray. And I have no good reason for wearin' this. Just...sorta felt like it," Melaka replied, looking down for a moment at her dress and heels then back up at him.


littleoldforlad September 29 2008, 17:59:12 UTC
Garth took a moment, watching her as she hesitated, giving her name. "Understandable." Better then Porcupine Pete's costume anyway. Girl kind of reminded him of Shrinking Violet, only hotter.

"Give ya a credit to tell me what's on your mind."


melakafray13 September 29 2008, 21:01:14 UTC
"That I'm spun for dressin' up in this ruttin' dress. Shoulda just left it in the closet," Melaka replied, glancing back down at her dress. She looked nice in it, sure, but damn, did she feel the fool.

"That and a handful of other shit, I really don't wanna get into. 'Specially since I just met you."


littleoldforlad September 30 2008, 02:30:32 UTC
"I get that.. guess I'll be seeing you, Mel'." Garth said as he started hovering backwards and back up.

"For what it's worth though, you look great." he smirked again before turning over and flying off across the street.


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