The recent weekend...

Oct 28, 2008 19:22

The drive from PHX to San Diego, CA is much nicer than the drive to Los Angeles. I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised by that. The topography is more interesting, as are the U.S. Border patrols one encounters during said trip. For a stretch near Yuma, I could see the actual border fence between the U.S. and Mexico.

I arrived in San Diego around 4:30 on Friday afternoon. I found my friend Alex's place with no problem. I hadn't seen him since last October, but he looks the same. I got to meet his wife Britt(any). She is cool, very gregarious, and she definitely wears the pants in that marriage. For being 21, she has lots to say, and in a few years most of it will make sense. Alex will be 32 this coming weekend, and I could see the maturity gap quite clearly. They have a lot of fun together from what I saw, and that is a huge key to a successful partnership.

My old friend Dave was unable to join, as there was a death in his wife's family. I was disappointed because it would have been nice to share the night's concert experience with a friend. It's been great going to the Stereolab shows, but having a confidant to share the excitement with would have made it even more fun. It is true what they say, "It's more fun to share." And Daddy-doo likes to share.

I joined my new Lab friend Steve and his friend outside before Stereolab took the stage. Their guitarist and co-founder Tim Gane came over and joined us for a good 20 minutes. The poor guy had his laptop stolen off the sidewalk that same morning while they were in Los Angeles for their appearance of KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic show. During the show, Laetitia mentioned this to the crowd in hopes that it might lead to its return. I hope he gets it back as he told us he has loads of music and programming on it.

There weren't many surprises to the set list at all. That was okay. They are playing what many consider to be their greatest and most successful songs on this tour that I can't be compelled to complain. And once again, we got to hang out with the band after the show. I got to talk more with Julien Gasc, the newest member who is also (like Laetitia) from France. His English isn't as good as hers, and his attempts at coherent English were strong enough to be very entertaining. I really like what he brings to the band's sound, like a handsome male version of (the late) Mary Hansen.

Joe Watson, the other primary keyboardist was around, as was Tim Gane. Their US tour was over, and they were quite relaxed knowing they had a couple of weeks to rest up before they hit the stage again in Holland on November 10th. Before we called it a night, we got to chat with Laetitia Sadier. She was very very sweet, wishing us all well, giving hugs, thanking us for supporting them, and telling us that she looks forward to seeing us the next time they come around. I told her that my buddy Jeroen (A.K.A. jay_lo) said he is planning to see them play at their next show on November 10th. It was a kick hearing Laetitia practice Jeroen's name, even managing in her sultry French accent to make it sound like a nice name. I kid! It is a nice name. It's better than Ray and for most, Ray is easier to say. I've actually run into people who have had trouble with it.

When I got back to Casa de Finch, the couple had just gone to bed. They heard me struggle with their door key, so they came to let me in. Alex and Britt attended a Halloween party called the Booball. It could easily have been called the Boob Ball. There were women walking around with painted breasts. Britt went a different route. She had the artist paint her ass. She asked me if I wanted to see it. I looked at Alex to get his blessing as I was about to check out his wife's bare butt. She pulled her shorts down and there were two beautifully painted teal dragons, one on each cheek facing one another. She had already showered once since they got home, and it hadn't come off. A leather chair would have done the trick!

I fell asleep sometime after 3 AM. By the time I saw Alex and Britt the next morning, she had showered again. The dragons were about half way gone. She was the hit of the party, and I'm sure some of the pictures Alex acquiesced others to take of the "artwork" all circulating the net by now. Let me know if you see one. I can authenticate.

We went for breakfast at noon to IHOP. We talked more about each other's events from the night before. It was such a good time. I wish I had more of this kind of thing here in Phoenix. I'll have to work on that. I shouldn't have to always drive 700-800 miles round trip to have a really great weekend. I can stay home with my wife and kids and have fun. Aside from work, being around other adults and doing adult things is becoming more and more of a rarity in my life. I cherish the few opportunities that I get.

The life and times of Daddy-doo - To be continued...

family, friends, road trip, stereolab

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