Solstice and shopping

Dec 24, 2007 10:00

I am at work, one of the few. The drive this morning was amazingly light; I had the cruise control on the whole way in, which I am never able to do.

Saturday rfunk and I went out shopping for his family, which was actually pretty fun, especially since I didn’t have to do the driving. :-P As we started on our way the car radio (set to a Celtic show) played Waterson:Carthy singing a Wassail song (I’m not sure which one), and then The Watersons singing "The Holly and the Ivy" in their tight a cappella harmonies. I sang along bouncily, and kinda got some Christmas spirit. Yeah, I did.

Yesterday, though, I felt a stronger need to get things done around the house (laundry, bills, etc.), so I did just that while rfunk did the last of his shopping. Meanwhile, his gift from Amazon has yet to arrive. So I’ll head out after work this afternoon for a bit of last-minute gift buying. Which is fine, actually. The shopping Saturday got my gifting juices flowing.

I missed wishing everyone a Happy Solstice! aislinggheal linked to a webcast of the winter solstice sunrise at Newgrange, and I’m passing it on to you. Newgrange is a Neolithic passage tomb in Ireland, constructed so that rays from the sunrise on the winter solstice shine into the inner chamber of the mound. I live for this stuff. I count myself very lucky to have visited Newgrange when I was in college, but of course that wasn’t at the solstice.

seasons, music, winter, shopping, rob

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