Autumn weekendness

Oct 29, 2007 10:17

This morning there was frost on my car for the first time this season. It might be time to see if I can get the garage door opener working again so I will start putting the car in the garage.

rfunk and I put a second coat of paint on the living room walls. With the exception of a few very minor touchups, he pronounced it done. I'll post pictures once the furniture is all in place.

It ended up being a bit too nippy Saturday night for a sari to be comfortable, and the only stuffed elephant I could find for the baby Ganesh was too expensive for my comfort level, so I scrapped the Parvati costume idea (sorry, bec76). I ended up going with the easily-put-together gypsy costume, and was able to outfit rfunk to match. I'll post pictures of those, too, once rfunk has a chance to clean up the photos (they came out pretty dark).

Yesterday afternoon I potted the sweet marjoram and the oregano from the herb garden and brought them inside for the winter. The lemon thyme is doing really well so I transplanted it to the front garden where I am trying to get some ground cover started. It may not get quite enough sun where I want it to grow, but we shall see how it does next year. I also split off and potted part of the plant mass to grow indoors during the winter, just in case the transplant dies.

I've been getting turnips from the CSA for the last couple of deliveries. Yesterday I put four of them in made a turnip-cabbage-lentil stew. It turned out okay, but needs a bit more seasoning. The other two turnips I cut up and fried in butter. I have never had fried turnips before. They were good, but not life-changing. Not a bad way to cook turnips, though.

seasons, halloween, painting, costumes, cooking, fall, gardens, csa

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