Rules & Timeline for Round 5

Sep 24, 2009 09:03

Rules & Timeline for Round 5 of dramione_ldws.

We are doing this a little differently this round. Okay, a LOT differently, actually! Instead of using the typical Last Drabble Writer Standing format, we are experimenting with a RUMBLE format!

For those of you not familiar with a rumble, it started off in the icon challenge world. Basically, instead of someone getting voted off each week, everyone sticks around and accumulates points from week to week based on specific challenges and the way people vote. We haven’t seen any other drabble communities attempt this format, so we’ll be making this up as we go along! But we think it’ll be fun!

Credit for the rumble idea goes to chimera_x, who wanted to get away from the negativity of LIMS contests. Since I bemoan having to eliminate someone every week, I’m thrilled about this venture!

Here’s how our rumble will work!

  • We will accept 10 (ten) people for this experimental, 8-week round. If you sign up, you agree to write for 8 weeks.
  • Each week, participants will receive a new prompt and have the usual 5 days to write a drabble.
  • Voting will take place over 2 days. Voters will vote for a most favorite and least favorite.
  • Points will be given to the writer with the most MF votes (the “winner” of the week), the second place drabble, mod’s choice, and any special categories we want to add. For example: If the prompt is clichés, we might give points to whoever incorporates the most clichés in the drabble. These weekly categories will not always be announced by the mods!
  • Each week, there will be at least a winner and mod’s choice. We will also list the top 3 drabbles.
  • We will keep you updated on the TOP THREE participants every week but not the points tally.
  • There are no “skips” since there are no eliminations. If you do not submit a drabble, you simply don’t have the opportunity to win points that week.

We’re also going to get voters more involved. Voting will be done as usual, via a text entry poll. Then, in a screened comment, voters can predict which drabbles they think will fall in the top 3 by listing their top 3 guesses in order. Points will be assigned for each correct placement guess.

For example:
Voter 1 predicts the top 3 drabbles will be, in order: 2, 7, 8.
Voter 2 predicts the top 3 drabbles will be, in order: 10, 3, 6
ACTUAL results are: 10, 7, 5.

Voter 1 gets 2 points for a correct placement guess of drabble #2.
Voter 2 gets 3 points for a correct placement guess of drabble #1 (the winning drabble).

The voter(s) with the most points EACH WEEK and at the end of the rumble will get shinies!

Questions? Comments? Squees? Please leave them here! (Password=The Bronx) And remember: Sign-ups begin October 1!!

round 5, rules, timeline

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