mod post, round 8, rules

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  • Rules Refresher - Can Anyone Guess Why?

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Feb 05, 2010 10:58

  • dramione_ldws has open membership, to encourage the widest reading audience possible, and everyone is welcome.

  • Anyone who is a community member, including former Round winners and participants, may sign up to participate in a round.

  • In order to participate in the challenges, you must sign up for the current Round.

  • Under the current schedule ( Read more... )

    mod post, round 6, rules

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  • Rules & Timeline for Round 5

    floorcoaster wrote in dramione_ldws Sep 24, 2009 09:03

    Rules & Timeline for Round 5 of dramione_ldws.

    We are doing this a little differently this round. Okay, a LOT differently, actually! Instead of using the typical Last Drabble Writer Standing format, we are experimenting with a RUMBLE format ( Read more... )

    round 5, rules, timeline

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  • Revised Rules per Community Feedback Poll

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Jan 05, 2009 20:34

  • dramione_ldws has open membership, to encourage the widest reading audience possible, and everyone is welcome.

  • Anyone who is a community member, including former Round winners and participants, may sign up to participate in a round.

  • In order to participate in the challenges, you must sign up for the current Round.

  • Under the current schedule ( Read more... )

    mod post, rules

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  • Rules & Timeline

    pokeystar wrote in dramione_ldws Aug 15, 2008 08:37

    R U L E S ( Read more... )

    rules, timeline

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