Round 4 Challenge #10 - FINALE Results!!

Sep 01, 2009 13:04

Hello everyone!! I apologize profusely for the delay in posting these results.

This round has been a blast! I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Time to send out the traditional round-wrap-up thank-yous!

First, to my co-mod of 3 rounds now, pokeystar! Despite not being as publicly visible this round, she was every bit as active behind the scenes. MWAH!! Next, to my second co-mod, somandalicious, for helping me with planning, organizing, and brainstorming. Finally, thanks to __vintagebomb for the beautiful graphics this round-the header, the icons, the awards! They were beautiful!!

This round, we focused on the theme of summer. Every week was incredible, and the three finalists excelled in order to reach the Grand Finale. Congratulations to everyone!!

Our Round 4 Second Runner-up Award goes to:


Our Round 4 First Runner-up Award goes to:


Which means the Winner of Round 4 dramione_ldws is:


Writers who wish to receive feedback and tallies, please comment to this post. Congratulations to you fantastic writers, you! We hope you had a great time this round and hope to see you back for Round 5!!

finale, round 4, results

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