Sign-Up Post! Round 5!

Oct 01, 2009 12:37

Welcome to the official sign-up post for Round 5 of dramione_ldws! This round, we're doing a RUMBLE (see this post for more information) and we are very excited!

Please be sure to read all the rules before signing up. A password has been added to the rules post which you will need to sign up.

We are only taking the first 10 participants in this experimental round. We kept the entry number low because we didn't want to overload the readers and voters. Since no one gets eliminated, we have the potential for 10, 499-word drabbles every week. That's a lot of words! We know a lot of people might be bummed to miss out on this round, but if there's a lot of interest in this type of drabble challenge, we may start a separate community for dramione rumbles.

All comments will be left UNSCREENED. First come, first serve. This post will be amended when we reach the top 10. Good luck!

[1] mister_otter
[2] greenschist
[3] marlaichen
[4] alexajohnson
[5] somandalicious
[6] ayane_tsurugi
[7] bookishwench
[8] moxicrimefightr
[9] thebigdisaster
[10] midnight_birth

EDIT: We have our 10! Congratulations to everyone who signed up! I hope this round is as much fun as we think it will be! Remember, there's still LOTS of fun to be had as a reader and voter! Thank you!!

round 5, signups

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