Jan 07, 2006 19:49
Ok, this isn't news, but having just recently had a conversation with someone about Wikipedia inaccuracies, I just felt like ranting. Yes, Wikipedia can be inaccurate. But then, so is the whole bloodly web. Anytime you do a search on the internet, you have to take the results with a grain of salt since anyone can write anything. How many years did it take the media to learn that lesson? Wikipedia is no different. It is just a distillation of it all. Your searches results all in one easy to find location. Any, in fact, it generally is more accurate than the web as a whole. And even if you have mistakes, they are clearly marked as disputed (like in a certain Greco-Turkish historical event). If, that is, you are popular and many people like to read about you. OTOH, if you are some politician that no one bothers or cares to read your page, there might be some errors or a complete fairy tale. Next time, take your vanity check a step further and clean up your page so that you can read your page with pride...ok, this is going down hill. This rant is officially over.
For those who stuck it out, here is a new acronym: Wikipedia Wrepresents the Web.