I am so disgusted right now.

Jul 26, 2007 22:47

  I was watching CNN (actually, it's more noise in the background than anything else) and they had a feature on the problem of dogfighting.

Having had dogs fight (much not my choice, one case was a female in heat and an unaltered male, the other was two alpha females who could not live together, but they're both sweet in their respective homes now) I know all I ever wanted to do when it happened was get them apart before someone got hurt.

Seeing these "men" in the plywood-fenced pit, encouraging these dogs to attack each other, listening to the dogs whine in pain, I was almost physically ill.  They showed some of the people watching one of these events and there was a boy of six or seven there who'd been brought by his grandfather.  What kind of sick fuck brings a small child to something like that?  What kind of culture says this is not only acceptable, but that it should be encouraged?   The only consolation of watching even that sickening little bit of tape was the knowledge that they were busted by a sting operation right after that tape was made.

I don't give a rat's ass if that football player personally did any of these things (and it seems pretty stupid to say he bought a house for his friends and had no idea what was going on), he's guilty of encouraging that behavior.  There have been reports that he frequented dog fights independent of this investigation and indictment from back when he was in college.   People like that are just as bad as people who kill animals directly, and that sort of behavior is just the start of nasty slide into completely socially inappropriate behaviors that range all the way up to killing humans.

Yes, I'm too attached to my dogs, I know that.  But this behavior should disgust people who may not even like dogs much.

Yes, there are people who are being harmed, too.  But that doesn't mean we should condone this kind of cruelty.

There are days when I know the world is cruel and unfair, but seeing things like this make me want to turn into some kind of PETA avenger or something (and normally I think they go too far with some of the things they do).

cruelty, anger, emotions

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