
Jul 22, 2007 18:02


Whacked the f*** out of my knee on the bathroom doorframe.  I'm such a damn klutz.  Sitting here with an ice pack on my knee.

Sometimes it seems like this renovation project is taking forever.  On the other hand, I'm just doing it as I want to.  Spent a lot of time yesterday and today patching/smoothing the bathroom walls, and pulling the underlayment out.  Since I want to do this right, and I don't want to overly strain myself or anything, I'm taking my time.  Also, the noise of the saw really freaks Mikey out and after cutting for a little bit, he comes in and wants to crawl underfoot.  Doggie and power tools do not mix.

Poor little guy.  I'm always a bit sad that he's been with me over ten years and whatever happened to him in those six or so months before I found him and took him home still stays with him.  It reminds me of myself.

So I make sure to comfort him.  Someone has to.

renovations, emotions

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