This is problematic.

Jul 21, 2007 13:32

  For some reason, I thought yesterday was Saturday.  From the time I got up, I somehow had that idea.  I remember going to the diner for a late breakfast and thinking they'd still left Friday's daily special papers in the menu holder - that's how convinced I was that it was Saturday.  This means I missed my doctor's appointment yesterday and have to reschedule it.   Arrgh.

I didn't realize it was actually Friday until late at night, when I got my sleeping pill from my medicine holder.  It was in Friday's container, and I looked at it, confused, wondering how I'd managed that.  Then I went and got my cell phone and looked at the date.  Then I felt like a big dork.

Not sure how this happened.  There wasn't anything traumatic about going to the doctor (just my standard three-month medicine review/get prescriptions refilled type thing), so I don't think that was it.  I'm not going to obsess about this, I hope.

Other news: finally got my passport in the mail yesterday.  Time to run away to Costa Rica.  *snicker*   The thing is really gorgeous - they've entirely redesigned the interior pages since my last one.  It's also nice to have a blue cover instead of a green one (I was in the Air Force when my last one was issued, I didn't realize until I'd had it a while that most people had blue covers).  I actually like my passport picture, too.

Damn, but the weather last night was gorgeous.  I spent time sitting on the screened porch having a drink and relaxing.  The porch is almost all the way cleared off - have to get rid of this old DJ coffin sitting on the porch, bring the window a/c down to the cellar, and take out the last of the crap that came out of the bathroom (old vanity, shelves, medicine cabinet).  I need to get some people in here to haul away all this junk from the renovation once I've finished pulling up the last of the floor stuff (hopefully today).

Hopefully I'll keep better track of the days from now on.  Meh.

enjoy, changes, renovations, emotions

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