A note to the state I currently reside in...

Nov 13, 2009 10:03

Dear SW Kansas,
Jeans and flip flops are casual wear. They are not concert attire. Please, do NOT encourage your child to think otherwise. Do NOT send them to their concerts dressed in them thinking that they will pass for "dressed up". One pair of dress pants (or two if they are growing that fast) a year for concerts and maybe other dressier affairs (church, Sunday dinner, weddings etc.) should not break your budget. Khakis will suffice. But denim for your child's concert is simply put NOT acceptable. Nor do I find it acceptable to call the music teacher, principal, classroom teacher, or secretary and bitch them out about how you shouldn't have to buy a pair of dress clothes for their concert that "they'll only wear once" and so on and so forth.... REALLY? What kind of slovenly society are you encouraging? YOUR parents probably would have dropped dead if you attempted to wear anything that sloppy and casual to your events. I know mine would have killed me. It is my policy... it has been for the past 4 years... and it will continue to be so, get over it and accept that this is the expecation. A concert is a formal/ semi formal affair. Casual is NOT acceptable. I will accept the cowboy hats and boots with dress slacks IF you will accept the fact that I want to see NO DENIM and NO FLIPFLOPS on the stage during your child's concert.
That is all.

*This was prompted after I asked the secretary to send home the reminder notes for next weeks elementary school concert. And upon telling her I wanted it stated in the note that jeans and flip flops were not acceptable, she looked at me and said was I sure I wanted that on the note and that there would likely be a lot of complaint phone calls if it was. I told her it needed to be put on there and that I have told the students every year about it. Its about time it started getting put on the note home.

concerts, dress code, life, work, career

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