Oct 09, 2009 08:11
... nothing terribly exciting happening today really. Going to work on teaching program songs to the kids today.... that's fairly straight forward. Going to get my rear in gear on the 6 costume orders I have left to fill. I completed one and need to box it up for shipping. I have another fabric run to make sometime this weekend. Lee and I have our being selfish and lazy plans for this weekend sort of laid out. Gonna be COLD this weekend too.... in the mid 30's tomorrow and the 40's on Sunday. Brrrrrrr..... that's cold for this time of year here. I sense an early hard winter.
Rehearsal last night was sort of hit and miss again. Things went right and things went wrong but mostly we were tired and not feeling well. Migraines, stress, and sleep deprivation hit the cast hard last night. I'm glad we have a couple days off before "hell week". Crazy stuff.