Anti-OTP Weekend Part 3

Jun 06, 2005 16:32

Session Start: Sat Jun 04 00:00:00 2005
Session Ident: #otpsareforlosers
[00:00] * Saint-Alona sets mode: +o Victoria
[00:00] Ron> *puts his arm back around Neville's shoulder and laughs*
[00:00] * Saint-Alona is now known as Alona-sleeping
[00:00] Marius> *continues kissing and trails his fingers at Joly's waistband*
[00:00] Neville> *laughs slightly awkwardly*
[00:01] Metatron> *sigh, glare* Those are very bad for you!
[00:01] Ron> Yep. *plays with a bit of Neville's hair* Not queer.
[00:01] Pollution> *smirks slightly*
[00:01] Charlie> I know. You told me yesterday. And also, the day before that. I think it's very nice of you to watch out for me. *nod*
[00:02] Neville> *blinks and laughs again* 'Course not.
[00:02] Metatron> ...Pollution, you're not going to even vaguely back me up, are you? *dramatic sigh* All right, fine, ruin your lungs. See if I care.
[00:03] Charlie> *shrug* I'm sorry. At least I'm better than before. Before I used to chain-smoke.
[00:03] Pollution> It pollutes the body, love. *sips at his tea with a bit of a grin* Of course I'm not going to back you up.
[00:04] Metatron> *sigh* Of course. Should have known.
[00:04] Joly> *sucks in a quick breath, in turn sucking his stomach in* Marius...
[00:04] Sibyl-Vane> *a little awkwardly, though not awkward enough to pull away from Victoria* But you... you've managed - this, for... years. How can you live with it...?
[00:04] Ron> *swallows*
[00:04] Charlie> *nod* Yesterday you weren't too happy. Are you feeling better now, Mister, um, Metatron?
[00:05] Crowley> *is still snogging Beezie, apparently? er. or something like that*
[00:05] Metatron> ...Not really, no. I'm trying to not think about it, though. *drinks the last few drops of his tea*
[00:05] Victoria> It dulls and you-- you move on, but-- but not the way that you should. Oh, or maybe that's just me. *looks kind of helpless*
[00:05] Neville> *laughs again*
[00:06] Charlie> Hmmh. *smiles briefly* You drink tea like Patrick drinks wine. A lot of it.
[00:06] Ron> Whatssofunny?
[00:06] Ron> *shifts uncomfortably*
[00:06] Neville> ...Thesituation?
[00:06] Ron> Whichone?
[00:07] Marius> *continues trailing his hand, smirking* Yes, Joly?
[00:07] Neville> ...Us. Hiding under a blanket. Shirtless.
[00:07] Metatron> ...I like tea. *blinks* *is totally addicted, yo* *is probably secretly drinking tea full of crack*
[00:08] Charlie> *nod* And I like cigarettes. And The Smiths, but that's a different story.
[00:08] Pollution> *is addicted to tea, too, so yeah, whatever* *goes to get another cup just to prove it*
[00:08] Metatron> The... Smiths? A group of people with an extremely common last name? *blank stare*
[00:08] Ron> Right, right. *cracks up stupidly and clings to Neville for support*
[00:09] Charlie> No, not really. They just call themselves that. They're a group. A music group, that is.
[00:09] Charlie> I have an album by them, my sister got it for me before she went to college
[00:09] Sibyl-Vane> *looks...even more helpless than Victoria!* *plaintively* But there's... there's -nothing- to do? Nothing but... I mean - I can't just... just change my mind, just say, I no longer love him, and move on. If I could, well, I've told myself, so many, many times, that there's nothing for me there anymore, and I can't... and it doesn't do any good...
[00:09] Joly> *bites lip weakly* You -know-...
[00:09] Metatron> ...I see.
[00:09] Metatron> *totally doesn't see*
[00:10] Pollution> *comes back with more tea, yo*
[00:11] Charlie> They sing. Really good songs, too. I have a mixed tape with my favourite Smiths song on it, if you want to listen.
[00:11] Neville> *cracks up and clings as well*
[00:11] Metatron> Er... well, all right. *looks completely lost* Certainly.
[00:11] Marius> *smiiiirks* Know what?
[00:12] Joly> *splutters* Know what I want right now with you doing -that-.
[00:13] Ron> *falls over on top of Neville before sitting up awkwardly* Uhm ...
[00:13] Victoria> Oh, I wish... if there were ways to fall out of love... oh, but you have a chance, girl. You've not married him, you've not... You're still free, Sibyl, don't you see? You'll-- you'll not forget him, but-- *kisses her cheek* you'll have to recover.
[00:14] Charlie> .. a mixed tape. You know, a tape with a whole bunch of songs on it.
[00:14] Neville> *grins* Alright, mate?
[00:14] Metatron> ...Right. *thinks* RIGHT! Oh. Um. I see.
[00:14] Marius> *innocently* Know? Am I -supposed- to know something?
[00:15] Ron> no ... Yes
[00:15] Pollution> *laughs quietly into his tea*
[00:15] Metatron> *glares at Pollution* What?
[00:15] Sibyl-Vane> *stares, wide-eyed and wibbly, at Victoria, lifting one hand to lightly touch her cheek where Victoria's lips were* ....I...
[00:15] Charlie> I can lend it to you, if you'd like.
[00:15] Pollution> *grins* You're rather slow somtimes.
[00:15] Charlie> There are a lot of nice songs on it, Asleep, Scarborough Fair, Blackbird, MLK..
[00:16] Metatron> I'm not slow! I've not been on earth in a long time. *sulks*
[00:16] Metatron> But. Er. That'd be nice.
[00:16] Neville> Good. *hairruffle?*
[00:16] Charlie> I'll bring it the next time.. because I don't have it right now. Patrick does.
[00:17] Ron> *smiles*
[00:17] Metatron> Ah, thank you. *polite smile*
[00:17] Neville> *grins back*
[00:17] Ron> M'glad to not be alone through all those ... people out there
[00:17] Pollution> *still grinning a bit and sips at his tea*
[00:18] Victoria> *pauses, halfway into pulling back, looking Sibyl in the eye* I don't know what got into me...
[00:18] Metatron> It's not funny, Pollution.
[00:18] Charlie> *nod* No problem.. *looks over at Pollution* Um, hello.
[00:18] Pollution> In your opinion.
[00:19] Neville> Me too.
[00:19] Pollution> *waves idly to Charlie* Hello.
[00:19] Metatron> What makes it funny in YOUR opinion?
[00:20] Sibyl-Vane> *timidly* Perhaps... perhaps you're trying to - to move on... *blushes furiously, leans in, and quickly, lightly, kisses Victoria on the lips*
[00:20] Pollution> *shrugs* Well...not so much funny as just amusing, I suppose. The Voice of God could possibly use a lesson in that which is modern society? ...or perhaps this place will be lesson enough.
[00:20] Ron> *pats Neville's hand* M'glad we're not queer, too. That'd be way too weird,
[00:21] Charlie> I'm definitely learning /something/ here.
[00:21] Joly> *groans* You're well aware, I -know- you are...
[00:21] Metatron> ...I suppose it probably will. *shakes his head*
[00:21] Neville> Yeah, really.
[00:21] Marius> ...*bewildered smile* What?
[00:22] Pollution> Mmm. It's an interesting lesson in a lot of things.
[00:22] Metatron> ...A lot of things. *cough* Right.
[00:23] Charlie> *nod* There are more gay couples than straight.
[00:23] Pollution> *smirks again and sips at his tea*
[00:23] Charlie> [ZOMG I DINNER. Be back le later.]
[00:23] Metatron> ...An interesting phenomenon.
[00:23] Pollution> Indeed.
[00:24] Joly> *pulls hard at a bit of his hair* Do you want me to spell it out word for word for you?
[00:24] Ron> *hugs Neville* You're a good friend, you know that?
[00:24] Metatron> Why do you think that is?
[00:25] Victoria> *surprised, and pulls back again* Maybe... maybe we both are... *kisses again, less tentatively*
[00:25] Pollution> *shrugs* Your guess is as good as mine.
[00:26] Neville> *hugs back* So're you, mate.
[00:26] Marius> *yelps* ...Yes?
[00:26] Metatron> *sigh* I doubt it matters. *is not technically part of a gay couple, as is sexless, etc.*
[00:27] Ron> Everyone else here is queer. It's strange.
[00:28] Neville> Yeah. 's really odd.
[00:28] Pollution> *has no idea whether he really counts as male as gender is a human label but...meh* If it honestly mattered on any truly important level, I'm certain you would have some idea, being the Voice of God and whatnot.
[00:29] Ron> *laughs* and we're the shirtless ones!
[00:29] Sibyl-Vane> *closes her eyes, kissing back with considerably less shyness now that Victoria hasn't gone 'omgeww' or anything*
[00:29] Ron> Could probably snog you and we'd still be the straight ones
[00:29] Neville> ...Probably.
[00:30] Victoria> *is very much not going 'omgeww'*
[00:30] Joly> 'M sorry. ...You do, want me to?
[00:31] Metatron> And there you have it. *nods sharply and refills his mug*
[00:31] Marius> ....Yes.
[00:31] Ron> *takes Neville's hand* Yep.
[00:32] Pollution> *nods and refills as well, glancing about the room boredly*
[00:32] Neville> *nods* Right.
[00:32] Metatron> ...So. *rests his chin in his hands*
[00:33] Pollution> *leans back in his chair* So. *sips* ...rather slow around here.
[00:34] Metatron> Indeed. They all seem to be occupied. ...Snogging.
[00:34] Ron> *coughs*
[00:34] Sibyl-Vane> *also very much not omgewwing* *in fact, rather the opposite*
[00:34] Neville> *glances at Ron's hand and coughs as well*
[00:35] Ron> *lets go* Sorry
[00:35] Neville> ...You didn't have to. Er. 'Cos we're not queer.
[00:36] Ron> *takes his hand again* .... right
[00:36] Neville> ...Right. Yeah.
[00:36] Nemesis> *Is bored*
[00:37] Metatron> *is bored, too*
[00:37] Pollution> *totally bored*
[00:37] Ron> *laces their fingers* That's not queer
[00:38] Victoria> *apparently, these two have a lot of moving on to do, yup*
[00:38] Neville> 'f course not.
[00:38] Nemesis> *Tosses paper at Poll and Meta for amusement*
[00:38] Sibyl-Vane> *moves on liek woah*
[00:38] Pollution> *catches paper and tosses back*
[00:39] Nemesis> *Sticks tounge out and catches/throws paper back*
[00:39] Wotton> [do you -really- want him to walk in, lovelies?]
[00:39] Metatron> ...*shakes his head, half-amused and half-annoyed, at Nemesis*
[00:39] Metatron> [...That would be entertaining!]
[00:39] Victoria> [Yes?]
[00:39] Victoria> *moves on, ohyeah!*
[00:39] Wotton> [. . . okay!]
[00:39] Sibyl-Vane> [Yes! ...late!]
[00:40] Pollution> *smirks, catches paper and tosses back again because booooored, yo*
[00:40] Wotton> *wanders in, surveying the chaos and-- whoa, Sibyl/Victoria!* . . . *stare* . . . *blink* . . . *cough*
[00:40] Joly> Well, if you do so insist. *sighs and swallows* I want you to suck me off, but not just -that-, but from now until you have me crying out your name breathlessly with eyebrows arched in frustration, to take as long as you possibly can, and be as cruel as you'd ever want to be about it, and to take absolutely any liberties you want. 'S even now, 'm -completely- at your mercy.
[00:41] Ron> *leans against Neville*
[00:41] Nemesis> Hmmhph. *Catches paper and throws back. Is playing catch with Poll, yay?*
[00:41] Neville> *yelps at Joly* What the HELL!?!
[00:41] Metatron> *slumps forward onto the table and watches idly*
[00:42] Ron> WHAT
[00:42] Ron> *blushes furiously* What are they DOING>
[00:42] Ron> ?
[00:42] Joly> *was so whispering, er*
[00:42] Neville> Idon'twanttoknow.
[00:42] Neville> *cling*
[00:42] Pollution> *catches the paper and, due to mentioned boredom, bounces it off of Meta's head before throwing it back*
[00:42] Sibyl-Vane> *pulls away from Victoria, blushing even more than before* I....*notices Lord Henry* .....oh!
[00:43] Ron> *bites lip*
[00:43] Wotton> . . . Hello, Miss Vane.
[00:43] Nemesis> *Giggles
[00:43] Metatron> ...*bounce'd off of* ...Er. Pardon me.
[00:43] Nemesis> *Catches paper and throws back*
[00:43] Wotton> *not sure whether to be amused, shocked, or what*
[00:44] Victoria> I... oh. Oh. *goes back to nervously ficing her hair* Harry.
[00:44] Pollution> *catches and grins at Meta* Yes? *throws back*
[00:44] Sibyl-Vane> *bites her lip and blushes, because that's what Sibyls do when they're as embarrassed as this* Hello, sir...
[00:44] Metatron> What was that for?
[00:44] Wotton> . . . *settles on "amused"*
[00:45] Nemesis> *Catches and aims at Poll's head before throwing back*
[00:45] Wotton> The next time I am told that women haven't got the minds men have, I shall have to correct whoever says it. Clearly, the thought process isn't much different. *tryingsohardnottolaugh*
[00:46] Pollution> *shrugs* Nothing, really. Bored and boring. You were there. *catches and sticks his tongue out at Nem before throwing it back*
[00:46] Marius> *BLUSHES* ..Oh. Do you?
[00:46] Nemesis> *Makes a face at Poll, catches and throws back*
[00:46] Ron> *feels very warm*
[00:46] Victoria> *extremely embarrassed* Now, Henry, need you always joke?
[00:47] Metatron> Well. All right, then. *smiles vaguely*
[00:48] Sibyl-Vane> *finds new levels of blushiness, avoiding looking at -anyone-* We... were just talking. Sir.
[00:48] Wotton> *looks from Victoria to Sibyl, and back again* Would you prefer that I be -serious- just now, my dear?
[00:48] * Holmes has joined #otpsareforlosers
[00:49] Victoria> I-- er. Oh. *flustered* No, I suppose now, darling, but... well, dear Sibyl here was upset and I was simply...
[00:49] Pollution> *laughs quietly, catching it and bouncing it off of Meta's head again before throwing it back*
[00:49] Fenchurch> *stares* Hello Holmes.
[00:49] * Irene has joined #otpsareforlosers
[00:49] Neville> ..*runs a hand through his hair* 's hot under this thing.
[00:49] Joly> *props self up to look at him coolly, or, as much so as one can after finishing saying that* ...-Yes.-
[00:49] Sibyl-Vane> ...she was simply -- comforting me.
[00:49] Ron> *runs a hand through Neville's hair* Yeah, it is
[00:50] Metatron> *resigns self to bouncing*
[00:50] Nemesis> *Giggles, catches and opens up paper and sticks flower petals inside, yay, then throws back*
[00:50] Wotton> And I'm sure you have been a -wonderful- comfort, Victoria, darling. Although I do find myself surprised. I had no idea Miss Vane, of all people, would take so well to that particular brand of comfort.
[00:52] Sibyl-Vane> *runs out of ways to say 'blushes', so, simply, blushes* *mumbles awkwardly* It wasn't... not what it looked...oh, dear...
[00:52] Victoria> Well, shouldn't you know, my dear, exactly how well I comfort?
[00:52] Pollution> *quirks a brow at the random inserting of flower petals* *catches and wonders if the flower petals would come out if he bounced it off of Meta's head again* *decides it's worth a shot and tosses the paper at Meta*
[00:53] Metatron> *sprinkled with petals*
[00:53] Neville> *blinks slightly* Yeah.
[00:53] Metatron> ...
[00:53] Nemesis> *Giggles harder*
[00:53] Wotton> *raises eyebrows* Do tell, then, Miss Vane, what exactly it -was.- I shall be fascinated, I am sure.
[00:53] Pollution> *grins and tosses the paper back at Nem*
[00:53] Irene> *looks to Holmes, and nods in greeting* Hello, Mr. Holmes.
[00:53] Metatron> *picks petals out of his hair, looking dismayed*
[00:53] Holmes> Hello Ms. Adler....
[00:53] Marius> Well, then....*moves up to kiss him* Shall we...move..elsewhere?
[00:54] Ron> Hm? *runs his hand through Neville's hair again*
[00:54] Nemesis> *Catches the paper and Giggles even more at Meta, then throws the paper back*
[00:54] Pollution> *catches the paper again, still grinning at Meta* Flowers suit you. *throws the paper back*
[00:55] Irene> *suddenly finds the ground very interesting, feeling unusually nervous around him.* How are you? I trust the case is comming along well...
[00:55] Joly> Mmm. *kisses back needily* 'F course.
[00:55] Neville> ...Nothing.
[00:55] Nemesis> *Catches and throws back*
[00:55] Holmes> *Smiles* As well as can be expected.
[00:55] Holmes> Still no new word.
[00:56] Holmes> I will have it solved, however. I know I am right.
[00:56] Victoria> *looks uncertainly at Sibyl* You needn't tease the girl, Harry.
[00:56] * Nemesis has left #otpsareforlosers
[00:56] Sibyl-Vane> *bites her lip* Um... it was - it was just... I was upset. About... Dorian. And Vi--Lady Wotton was being so kind, and...
[00:57] Irene> *looks up at him* I beg to differ... I believe that Moriarty is not the culpret, as I've already stated...
[00:57] * watchin has joined #otpsareforlosers
[00:57] Pollution> *catches and sighs at Nem's departure* Well, there goes that source of immature amusement.
[00:57] Holmes> *Smiles*
[00:57] Holmes> Ah, but you're so intent on that.
[00:57] Holmes> *Leans close.*
[00:57] Holmes> Jus why is that?
[00:58] Holmes> You must know you're wrong....
[00:58] Wotton> Oh, but surely you've noticed how nicely she blushes, Victoria dear?
[00:58] Marius> ...Right. *kisses again, rather hungrily*
[00:58] Irene> *blushes as her eyes meet his briefly* Of course I'm not wrong...
[00:58] Fenchurch> *WINKS at watchin* Hey baby.
[00:58] Sibyl-Vane> *really can't be any redder by now, but gives it a valiant try nonetheless*
[00:58] Holmes> Oh, certainly not...
[00:58] Ron> *smiles at Neville* You know, we're not really queer.
[00:58] Holmes> *Laughs.*
[00:58] Metatron> I can attempt to amuse you... although I'm not as immature.
[00:59] Neville> ...*grins* 'f course not.
[00:59] * Eponine has joined #otpsareforlosers
[00:59] Holmes> Embarassed, Miss Adler?
[01:00] Ron> *cautiously places a hand on Neville's knee* I mean, this wouldn't be queer.
[01:00] Irene> *lowers her gaze to the ground* Of course not, Mr. Holmes...
[01:00] Neville> Nope. Just mates. Right.
[01:00] Holmes> *Smirks.*
[01:00] Crowley> *burninates watchin?*
[01:01] * watchin was kicked by Victoria (watchin )
[01:01] Crowley> *w00t, it worked ... except not really :)*
[01:01] * Eponine has left #otpsareforlosers
[01:01] Fenchurch> NOOOO WATCHIN
[01:01] Ron> Just mates. *quickly kisses Neville on the cheek*
[01:01] Fenchurch> MY TRUE LOVE
[01:01] Victoria> [Just pretend it did. ;)]
[01:01] Fenchurch> NOOOOoooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo oooooooooo
[01:01] Pollution> Mmm. *tosses the paper at Meta's head one last time* I can do without the immaturity, really.
[01:01] Holmes> *Grins.* Are you certain?
[01:01] Irene> *looks up at him* Nothing's funny about this... a few days ago we could hardly stand each other... and now... *She looks away from him.*
[01:01] Crowley> ... Sorry, Fenchurch.
[01:02] Holmes> o_o
[01:02] Joly> AaahhhHHHHhhhaaaAAAaahhhHHHHHHhhhaaaAAAAaaaahhhHHHHHhhhhaaaaa watchin!
[01:02] Joly> *except not*
[01:02] Holmes> _...>_>
[01:02] Holmes> o_o
[01:02] Victoria> [*cracks. up.*]
[01:02] Metatron> All right, then. *smiles slightly and picks up the paper*
[01:02] Beezie> WITHABIGNOSE
[01:02] Joly> *isn't even i-- WAHAHAHA*
[01:02] Neville> *kisses back quickly* Right, yes.
[01:02] Holmes> ^_^
[01:02] Holmes> *Leans clsoer.*
[01:03] Victoria> *looks from Sibyl to Henry*
[01:03] Jehan> (XD)
[01:03] Metatron> ...*blinks at Beezie*
[01:03] Holmes> It's l ucky for you that your husband left you.
[01:03] Pollution> *blinks as well*
[01:03] Holmes> *IsOmgNot!Suave*
[01:03] Victoria> [...not at ALL.]
[01:04] Irene> *looks at him curiously* Why do you say that?
[01:04] Beezie> ...*looks around like he didn't just say anything*
[01:04] Holmes> *Smiles*
[01:04] Holmes> Because you obviously like me.
[01:04] Wotton> So . . . *suddenlyalittleawkward* Feeling any better, Miss Vane?
[01:04] Ron> *blushes* Only mates.
[01:04] Holmes> It would be rather p oor if your husband knew such a thing, wouldn't it?
[01:04] Neville> Yeah.
[01:04] Ron> *kisses Neville's cheek again, for a bit longer*
[01:04] Metatron> ...Right, then.
[01:04] Sibyl-Vane> *far more awkward than Wotton -any- day* ....yes, thank you.
[01:05] Irene> *looks away from him* You really are impossible... Don't flatter yourself so...
[01:05] Pollution> Indeed. *glances into tea cup and contemplates getting more*
[01:05] Holmes> *Laughs.*
[01:05] Holmes> Ah, but flattery gets us everywhere.
[01:05] Neville> *grins*
[01:05] Metatron> More tea?
[01:05] Ron> *laughs*
[01:06] Wotton> Good, good. . . *cough*
[01:06] Fenchurch> *is heart broken*
[01:06] Ron> You ever kissed anyone, Nev?
[01:06] Pollution> *nods* I believe more tea is in order, yes.
[01:06] Holmes> *Smiles.*
[01:07] Holmes> Would you prefer I flatter you?
[01:07] Metatron> All right. *blinks and refills Pollution's cup (and his own)*
[01:08] Pollution> *smirks and sips* Nice trick.
[01:08] Metatron> Saves time. *shrug*
[01:09] Irene> *smiles* Ah, the closet I blieve you can get to a complement is that I do have sense... *She recalls his 'almost' compliment as if it were simply said yesterday*
[01:09] Neville> *kisses Ron's cheek again*
[01:09] Ron> *blushes* I mean really kissed.
[01:09] Pollution> *laughs* Because immortals have to worry about time?
[01:09] Holmes> *Nods*
[01:09] Holmes> That you do.
[01:09] Metatron> ...Oh, fine, I'm a bit lazy.
[01:09] Neville> ..Oh. Um. N-no.
[01:10] Pollution> *grins* Sloth. It's a sin.
[01:10] * Acheron has joined #otpsareforlosers
[01:10] Holmes> *Leeaaans cloooooser*
[01:10] Holmes> I do so love sensible people.
[01:11] Ron> It's loads of fun.
[01:11] Neville> 's it really?
[01:11] Metatron> *glares* Oh, do be quiet.
[01:11] Irene> *brushes her lips against his, unable to fight against her lo...liking him any longer* Well I'm sure that sensible people love you...
[01:11] Ron> *nods*
[01:11] Pollution> *mock-innocence* *sips his tea*
[01:11] Neville> ...Oh. How so?
[01:12] Holmes> Indeed.
[01:12] Ron> Can't really explain it.
[01:12] Holmes> Several delusional ones do as well.
[01:12] Metatron> *looks vaguely pouty and drinks his tea as well*
[01:12] Ron> I ... I can show you if you like. Not queerly. Purely for educational purposes.\
[01:13] Neville> ..Right. Educational things. Yes.
[01:13] Ron> Yeah? *looks at Neville seriously*
[01:13] Irene> *sighs* Mr. Holmes... I... apologize... *She looks away from him.*
[01:13] Sibyl-Vane> *looks sidelong at Victoria - blushes more - and looks down quickly*
[01:13] Holmes> *Blinks*
[01:13] Holmes> For what?
[01:13] Neville> ..Yeah.
[01:14] Ron> Well ... I mean ... I guess there's different kinds of kissing.
[01:14] Pollution> *is amused* Keep at it. You're almost pouting.
[01:15] Metatron> Pouting? Me? *heavenly wrath!glare* Never.
[01:15] Wotton> *should probably leave now and make things significantly less awkward, but -why- would he do that?* I am sure Dorian will be glad to know that you're feeling better.
[01:15] Irene> *looks at him, curious that he didn't disapprove of the kiss* The kiss...
[01:15] Neville> ..Yeah?
[01:15] Pollution> *broad grin* Oh of course. Angels don't pout.
[01:15] Holmes> ^_^
[01:15] Holmes> It was a rather good idea...
[01:15] Victoria> Harry!
[01:15] Ron> Yeah ... There's what we just did, which is the sort of kiss you give your mother or a good friend.
[01:15] Wotton> *innocent!* what?
[01:15] Neville> ...Yeah.
[01:15] Metatron> Ex-act-ly. *drinks his tea serenely*
[01:16] Irene> *smiles softly* I suppose so...
[01:16] Sibyl-Vane> *shuts her eyes quickly, not-quite-whimpering*
[01:16] * Charlie has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[01:16] Ron> Then ... Then there's a soft one on the lips. The kind you might give on a first date or in front of your mother.
[01:16] Holmes> *Leans close.*
[01:16] Holmes> It was a very good idea...
[01:16] Pollution> *laughs and sips his tea* Precisely.
[01:16] Holmes> *Kisses her again.*
[01:17] * Gertrude has joined #otpsareforlosers
[01:17] * Beezie is now known as Hamlet
[01:17] Neville> Oh.
[01:17] Wotton> Oh, don't look like that-- I won't say a *word*
[01:17] Ron> Like this ... *leans in and kisses Neville quietly on the lips*
[01:18] Metatron> ...And there you have it.
[01:18] Neville> *kisses back, zomg*
[01:18] Irene> *returns the kiss* If I am dreaming, then I never want to wake up...
[01:18] * Acheron has left #otpsareforlosers
[01:18] Ron> *pulls away, smiling* Yeah, just like that.
[01:19] Holmes> *Smiles* Ah, but I don't dream, and so this couldn't possibly be one..
[01:19] Gertrude> (pokes her head in tenitively)
[01:19] Sibyl-Vane> *stares intently at her hands in her lap* ....promise, sir?
[01:20] Pollution> *leans back in his chair, bored again*
[01:20] Ron> Then there's the kind that lasts a bit longer ... Might open your mouth a bit, too.
[01:20] Hamlet> *smiles at Gertrude* Mother.
[01:20] Jehan> *sips tea*
[01:20] Gertrude> (beams) Hamlet!
[01:20] Holmes> *Kisses again!*
[01:20] Metatron> ...Dull, aren't we/
[01:21] Metatron> [*?]
[01:21] Pollution> Mmm. *nods and sips at his tea* Terribly.
[01:21] Irene> *leans into him, her heart fluttering nervously* I do love you so... *She blushes and pulls away as she admits it.*
[01:21] Hamlet> [Watson: *rampage!*]
[01:21] Metatron> *paroxysms of boredom*
[01:22] Hamlet> Hello, madam. How do you fare this fair day?
[01:22] Gertrude> I fare quite well, and yourself? (holds out her hand to him)
[01:22] Holmes> [[XDD]]
[01:22] Pollution> *hums idly to himself due to said boredom*
[01:23] Metatron> This is just... pathetic.
[01:23] Holmes> *Doesn't reciprocate*
[01:23] Wotton> . . . promise? Yes, I suppose so.
[01:24] Sibyl-Vane> *softly* ...thank you...
[01:24] Neville> Oh. Um. Okay.
[01:24] Pollution> Mmph. *slides down in his chair and stares at the ceiling, sort of pouting* It is.
[01:24] Holmes> I am rather surprised, I must sya....
[01:24] Wotton> *breaks nearly all promises, including wedding vows, you know*
[01:24] Ron> We don't have to if you don't want to ...
[01:24] Hamlet> *takes her hand* Oh, the same, the same.
[01:24] Hamlet> [Watson: WATSOMSMASH!]
[01:25] Neville> Did I -say- that?
[01:25] Sibyl-Vane> [Watsonchu! I choose you!]
[01:25] Wotton> [XD]
[01:25] Sibyl-Vane> [....shutting up now.]
[01:25] Metatron> All right. *points at Pollution* Quick! Think of something to do.
[01:25] Sibyl-Vane> *is a very trusting soul?*
[01:25] Irene> *nods, lowering her gaze to the ground* I thought you would be...
[01:25] Holmes> *Smiles*
[01:25] Gertrude> (kisses his cheek)
[01:26] Ron> EH?
[01:26] Ron> *Eh?
[01:26] Neville> ...Did I say I didn't want to?
[01:26] Holmes> Can you expect otherwise?
[01:26] Ron> No *grins*
[01:26] Pollution> *blink...blinkblink* You do realise that my definition of fun includes dumping radioactive chemicals into oceans, don't you?
[01:26] Neville> ..Right.
[01:26] Wotton> *shrug* It's no difference to me. There are other ways to amuse myself
[01:27] Metatron> ...Sounds... er.
[01:27] Jehan> *recites poetry to the flowers*
[01:27] Metatron> That's the only thing you find fun? *blink*
[01:27] Irene> *shakes her head* No... I suppose not.
[01:27] Ron> *licks his lips and places his hands on Neville's shoulders before leaning in to kiss him*
[01:27] Holmes> *Leanse close to her.*
[01:27] Holmes> Surprises can be pleasant..
[01:28] Pollution> No...but that's a small indication of how dangerous it might be to leave our activities up to me.
[01:28] Neville> *kisses back a little shyly*
[01:28] Metatron> Yes, but I'm a horribly boring person.
[01:29] Victoria> *knows all about broken wedding vows*
[01:29] Holmes> *Surprises her with a kiss, since they're on that subject*
[01:29] Sibyl-Vane> *knows about broken -engagements-...*
[01:29] * Montparnasse is now known as Aziraphale
[01:29] Jehan> *is reciting poetry to the flowers still*
[01:29] Ron> *curls his hand up around Neville's neck, encouraging him*
[01:30] Aziraphale> *wanders in vaguely from the kitchen, a tray of tea things in his hands* Tea, anyone...?
[01:30] Irene> *leans into the kiss, this time not pulling away*
[01:30] Metatron> *looks up* I'll have some.
[01:30] Holmes> *OmgSnogs!*
[01:30] Neville> [Arthur: TEA?!]
[01:30] Hamlet> * still here, right*
[01:30] Jehan> *turns and smiles adoringly*, er, um, yes? Yes, please?
[01:30] Pollution> *smirks* Oh I'm sure you can't be -that- boring.
[01:30] Neville> *puts a hand in Ron's hair and keeps kissing*
[01:31] Metatron> ...No, I really am. Boring, that is.
[01:31] Gertrude> (...kisses his cheek again?)
[01:32] Aziraphale> *smiles vaguely, as his typist is overusing the word vaguely, and brings the tea tray over to Jehan*
[01:32] Metatron> [YAY VAGUE!]
[01:32] Hamlet> *smiles at her* Come, Mother, sit.
[01:32] Jehan> *lowers his head and blushes* ....Thank you..
[01:32] Ron> *lets out a small squeak and grins into Neville's kiss*
[01:32] Gertrude> (follows Hamlet)
[01:32] Neville> *pulls back shyly* What?
[01:33] Aziraphale> *sets down the tray and pours out two cups* Cream, sugar...?
[01:33] Ron> Nothing. Doing well.
[01:33] Neville> ..Oh. *slightly flushed* Good.
[01:33] Ron> There's another kind of kiss, too.
[01:33] Jehan> *heart skips a beat* Oh -- oh, well, yes, please. I -- I mean, I take both cream and sugar..
[01:33] Hamlet> *sits down and motions for her to do the same*
[01:33] Ron> Save the best for last, you know?
[01:34] Neville> ..Oh. Right.
[01:34] Pollution> Well, you should really work on that, then. *sits up in his chair* Boring is not a good thing to be. Especially if you're boring enough to admit that you are.
[01:34] Gertrude> (sits next to him) So...
[01:34] * Cinderella is now known as Cinderella-awaybutlogging
[01:34] Aziraphale> *smiles indulgently* How much sugar is extra, my dear boy?
[01:34] Metatron> *shrugs* I suppose so. I don't know. How does one become less boring?
[01:35] Jehan> *blushes* ....Um....five...five or six...teaspoons full?
[01:35] Irene> *returns the snog, holding him close to her.*
[01:35] Ron> It's a bit like the last one only ... Uhm ... we, well ... *reddens* putourtonguesineachothersmouths ....
[01:35] Aziraphale> *raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say a word, simply putting the cream and six teaspoons of sugar into Jehan's cup before handing it to him* There you go...
[01:37] Jehan> *smiles awkwardly* Thank you...very much. It's quite sweet of you. I mean, er, no one's ever made me tea and, well, er -- er, put the sugar in it for me.... It's perfectly lovely of you... It's quite a nice gesture... I do believe it tastes best like this, especially when you have one to do it for you. Er.
[01:38] Gertrude> (rests her hand on Hamlet's knee) What have you been up to?
[01:38] Pollution> could start by doing things you wouldn't general do. *finishes off his tea and sets the cup down*
[01:38] Aziraphale> *blinks in surprise, then laughs quietly* It's only tea, my dear boy! Though I'm glad you like it so much - I must say, if no one's ever made you tea, no one's ever made so much of my making them tea, before, so that's rather nice, as well.
[01:38] Metatron> *raises an eyebrow* ...Such as...?
[01:38] Neville> *blush!* Oh. Um. Ookay.
[01:39] Hamlet> *got turned into a lion this morning!* Nothing of mention, for all seems so quiet without Horatio. And you...?
[01:40] Jehan> *laughs a bit breathlessly, still blushing* ...Oh, well, it's.....such a sweet gesture... I'm quite surprised no one, told you how nice it was of you. *takes a shaky sip* ....It tastes utterly lovely... *smiles*
[01:40] Gertrude> Oh, my life is utterly devoid of interesting actions. The king is busy with his war...
[01:40] Ron> *leans in and kisses Neville again*
[01:40] Aziraphale> *lifts his own cup, murmuring "It's only tea..." before taking a sip*
[01:41] Neville> *kisses back!*
[01:41] Joly> *"It's only an apple..."*
[01:42] Ron> *smiles and pulls Neville close*
[01:42] Jehan> *blushes and looks away from Aziraphale* I'msorry.
[01:42] Gertrude> (frowns)
[01:42] Neville> *wraps his arms around Ron's neck, blushing*
[01:42] Pollution> Oh...I don't know. *shrugs and idly draws a circle of oil around the tea cup* You're an angel. I'm sure there are plenty of things you don't do. It's the not doing that makes you boring.
[01:42] Hamlet> *looks kind of upset at the mention of kings and wars* What of news from Denmark?
[01:43] Gertrude> Fortenbras has not reached the border, all is well.
[01:43] Ron> *slides his tongue against Neville's mouth, seeking entrance*
[01:43] Metatron> Well... obviously there are a lot of things I don't do. *looks vaguely embarrassed* But what would make me interesting without making me... er... too interesting?
[01:44] Neville> *opens his mouth, getting redder*
[01:45] Aziraphale> *sets down his teacup, stirring sugar into it idly* No need to apologize, my dear boy - your gratitude, while a bit more effusive than I admit to being used to, is quite complimentary. ...drink your tea, now.
[01:46] Jehan> *flushes darkly and quickly nods, downing his tea quickly* .....Thank you. It was good.
[01:46] Ron> *cautiously pokes his tongue into Neville's mouth*
[01:47] Gertrude> Let us not talk of the war.
[01:47] Gertrude> (sighs)
[01:47] Hamlet> *nods* It is a dreary subject indeed. And merely cycic.
[01:48] Aziraphale> Would you like some more? ...considering how fond of the -first- cup you seem to have been...
[01:48] Gertrude> (nods) Quite.
[01:48] Gertrude> You think of something
[01:48] Neville> *does the same, BBRing liek WHOA*
[01:48] Jehan> *blushes and glances quickly up, adoration in his eyes* ...If it's not too much trouble...yes, please..?
[01:48] Pollution> *smirks and quirks a brow* Well, seeing as being "too" anything is completely relative...
[01:49] Metatron> *glares* You know what I mean...!
[01:49] Hamlet> Er. *ponders* I know of nothing.
[01:49] Aziraphale> *smiles slightly, a bit touched ((inthehead))* Of course it's no trouble, my dear. *pours out another cup* It's a small enough thing, simply a cup of tea...
[01:50] Gertrude> The sky? The birds? Love? I don't know, a happy subject
[01:50] Jehan> Oh, but it means so much -- *shuts up, not wanting to ruin the moment with airheaded poeticness* ....It's nice of you, angel... to do this for me... You shouldn't have to....
[01:51] Hamlet> *laughs* The sky, the birds! What of them? The sun shines brightly. *ignores love 'cause omgawkward*
[01:51] Ron> *slides his hand down Neville's back pulling him close*
[01:51] Aziraphale> *looks down into his own teacup, smile fading a bit* Being an angel doesn't mean much, at least not here...
[01:52] Gertrude> (nudges him playfully) You are usually so verbose. What stops your tongue
[01:52] Neville> *pulled closer, is still under the blanket* Mmm.
[01:52] Jehan> ...*looks up, worriedly* ..It doesn't?'re a heavenly creature.. You're...perfect... It should mean something... *quickly remembers to drink his tea*
[01:52] Pollution> *grins* Oh do I? *rests his chin on one hand, brow still raised* Well...let's see... How can we make an angel more interesting without forcing him to do anything too terribly unangelic?
[01:53] Ron> *teases Neville's tongue with his own*
[01:53] Metatron> *keeps glaring, thoroughly ruffled* Well, don't ask me. I'm the one with the problem here.
[01:54] Neville> *teases back, omg*
[01:54] * Joly has quit IRC (Quit )
[01:55] Ron> *pulls away for breath*
[01:55] Hamlet> *laughs more* My tongu-- *thinks better of that comment* My words are tied to another, and the absence of him is their absence, too. *smiles self-consciously* So I suppose we speak of love.
[01:56] Neville> ...Well.
[01:56] Gertrude> (smiles softly) I suppose we do
[01:57] Ron> *grins sheepishly*
[01:57] Hamlet> *manly Hamlet!blush* Not if it upsets you, madam.
[01:57] Aziraphale> *smiles wistfully, still idly stirring his tea* I only wish I were, my dear boy. But I'm beginning to think that no one is perfect. Not even G.........ood people are perfect. *clears his throat*
[01:57] Pollution> *grins a bit broader, obviously amused by the frustration* Indeed. You're the afflicted and I'm supposed to have the cure. *enjoys teasing way too much, yo*
[01:57] Gertrude> (touches his cheek gently) No, dear
[01:57] Neville> ...That was...educational.
[01:58] Ron> Bitmorethaneducational
[01:58] Neville> ..Right.
[01:58] Metatron> *innerflail* Then give it to me! ...The cure, that is.
[01:58] Gertrude> ((Give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh))
[01:59] Jehan> *finds the courage to look at him* ....But... angels, then, are as close to God as anything could ever get... And, it is a lovely, near-perfect thing... And angels mean something to me...*smiles slightly*
[01:59] Hamlet> *presses cheek against her hand*
[01:59] Ron> Was that OK?
[02:00] Gertrude> (bites her lip and takes her hand away)
[02:00] Neville> ..Yeah, mate
[02:01] Hamlet> *frowns a bit* Mother?
[02:01] Ron> Not queer.
[02:01] * Holmes has left #otpsareforlosers
[02:02] * Irene has left #otpsareforlosers
[02:02] Neville> Not at all.
[02:02] * Marius has left #otpsareforlosers
[02:02] Gertrude> (smiles nervously) Yes?
[02:02] Hamlet> Something troubles you?
[02:03] Gertrude> I... I worry too much
[02:03] Ron> *giggles*
[02:04] Hamlet> *frowns more* What do you think on that worries you so?
[02:04] Gertrude> (softly, not looking at him) Mostly about you...
[02:04] Neville> *snickers quietly*
[02:05] Ron> *laughs*
[02:05] Aziraphale> *stares at him for a moment, cup and spoon forgotten in his frozen hand*, my dear boy, are... are quite certainly a rarity, then. It's... unique, to say the least, for anyone here to have the slightest bit of faith -- in anything, other than themselves, I suppose.
[02:05] Aziraphale> But to have faith in a religious icon? Unique, indeed. Rarer still... to have faith in - perfection. Beauty. *thoughtfully, almost to himself*...but then, I suppose one such lovely soul can find divinity in the meanest things of life...
[02:05] Ron> *pushes Neville on to his back and kisses him firmly*
[02:05] Pollution> You know, annoying you is rather entertaining. *smirks* But I suppose... *moves a hand to the back of Meta's head and leans in for a rather-less-than-chaste kiss*
[02:06] Metatron> *eyes widen in surprise* Th- *pause* ... *kisses back*
[02:06] Neville> *kisses back!*
[02:06] Hamlet> Me? Why, madam... *reaches out to take her hand* I am well, that may you know above all else. Tell me these troubles, and I shall soothe you.
[02:07] Gertrude> ((omgsoothe))
[02:07] Ron> Mmph ... Sorry, Nev, just ... *kisses* Seriously ...
[02:07] Hamlet> [omgshush]
[02:07] Gertrude> I worry about you being so far from home... (rests her head on his shoulder) And I miss you...
[02:08] Neville> Hmmm?
[02:08] Jehan> *blushes darkly and swallows* ....Thank you.. I'm....I'm talking to an angel...oh, heavens...what would...would my mother think? *laughs, embarrassedly* Dear.. angel, looking at you, one cannot help but believe in perfection, and true beauty, and...*shakes his head helplessly, a bit speechless and embarrassed*
[02:08] Pollution> *grins a bit against Meta's lips before pulling back* There. Now that wasn't boring.
[02:08] Ron> If this isn't gay then I want it. *grins and kisses*
[02:10] Metatron> Er. *turns bright red* Right. Not at all. Yes.
[02:10] Hamlet> *wraps his free arm around her* I should not have left you so alone, but your husband... *smiles a bit* But you are here now.
[02:11] Gertrude> (frowns) My husband
[02:11] Hamlet> Ay, is he not company for you?
[02:12] Hamlet> *shutup,freud*
[02:12] Neville> *kisses back, laughing*
[02:12] Gertrude> He is occupied with playing soldier and has no time for his wife
[02:12] Aziraphale> *pinkens just a bit, setting his teacup down with a small laugh* You're overly complimentary, my dear M. Prouvaire - I'm hardly a thing of beauty, particularly not in this form, and even less am I perfect...
[02:13] Aziraphale> *continues jas*
[02:13] Pollution> *quirks a brow* Problem? You know...if you'd rather just stay boring...
[02:13] Metatron> N-no, but... um. The. Um. *flail*
[02:13] Ron> *tangles a hand in Neville's hair and kisses his jaw down to his neck* Not gay at all. *kiss*
[02:14] Hamlet> A shame, a capital shame. I am sorry you grow lonely.
[02:14] Gertrude> (snuggles) As do I
[02:14] Aziraphale> *more seriously* No; perfection isn't possible without free will, I think... Humanity has the chance to be perfect, and to be perfectly beautiful, for they are given the choice, between right and wrong and... and everything in between... Angels can only - do. Humans can be. I'm not the beautiful one here, my dear boy - you are.
[02:15] Neville> Of course not. *shivers*
[02:15] Pollution> The? Um? *grins* Spit it out. Or are you not sure what you're trying to say?
[02:16] Ron> *slides a hand down Neville's chest languidly* I like girls.
[02:16] Jehan> *half swoons and braces his hands on the table* Oh... that's.... oh.. *pauses* But.. You are..! You are -- terribly beautiful...and oh, just as I imagined angels to be...except, not so... so very.. well, easy to talk to. *blushes* ...Angels were created sinless,'s..lovely.. Utterly lovely. *gazes at Aziraphale lovingly*
[02:16] Ron> *kisses Neville's chest*
[02:16] * Wotton has left #otpsareforlosers
[02:17] Neville> *eeps* So do I . Yep. Like Fleur. Right.
[02:17] Gertrude> Are you lonely, without your love?
[02:17] Ron> Mmm, Fleur, yeah ... *kisses Neville on the mouth again*
[02:18] Neville> *kisses back* Yep.
[02:18] Hamlet> Terribly so. The ache grows with every passing day.
[02:19] Gertrude> (hugs him tightly) My poor love
[02:19] Metatron> *flushes bright red* ...Er. Nothing. Right. Not boring. Working on that. *leans forward and kisses Pollution soundly*
[02:20] Hamlet> *holds her* And you, here without your husband.
[02:20] Ron> Fleur's nice ... You're nice ...
[02:20] Neville> Fleur's -really- nice. 'n so 're you, mate.
[02:21] Gertrude> (laughs softly) We shall be alone together, then
[02:21] Hamlet> Ah, but never alone together.
[02:21] Pollution> *laughs and soundly kisses back, hand still at the back of Meta's head and loosely tangled in his hair*
[02:22] Gertrude> (kisses his cheek again) You are sweet to comfort me so
[02:23] Ron> *grins and runs a hand through Neville's hair*
[02:23] Metatron> *pins Pollution to the back of his chair with hands on his shoulders, half-closing his eyes*
[02:25] Neville> *grins back*
[02:25] Aziraphale> *smiles gently at Jehan, a touch of sadness in his eyes* Created sinless, perhaps... But perhaps we - or... I, at least - have also picked up a few habits from you humans. I wouldn't call myself...perfect or sinless. Not now... not... not as I am.
[02:26] Hamlet> *smiles warmly* 'Tis but a son's duty to his first love. *OEDIPUSWHO?*
[02:27] Gertrude> ((DunnoanyOedipus))
[02:27] Gertrude> (smiles and tacklehugs him)
[02:28] Pollution> *makes a small, muffled noise against Meta's lips and closes his eyes, leaning back into his chair and pulling the angel with him*
[02:28] Ron> *kisses Neville's neck warmly*
[02:29] * Amadeo has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[02:29] Jehan> *clutches the table* ...But how can you not be? I can see your eyes. they're a blue that isn't -- can't be -- on earth. Untainted...Perfect... And it is horrible that we had to show someone like you how horrible the world can be, how cruel everything is... But you're still perfect. Truly, utterly...
[02:29] Hamlet> *tacklehugged, laughs* Why, Mother! How affectionate you've become!
[02:30] Metatron> *pulled onto Pollution's lap* Mmf--! *cups Pollution's cheek in one hand and kisses harder*
[02:30] Gertrude> Seperation makes the heart grow fonder, and such
[02:30] * Amadeo has joined #otpsareforlosers
[02:31] Hamlet> *hugs and cuddles, 'cause NO, SERIOUSLY, WHO IS OEDIPUS?* How sweetly you speak when I've been away.
[02:32] Gertrude> I have missed you (teh cuddlage)
[02:33] Pollution> *another muffled sound, something of a moan, and he matches force in the kiss, free hand moving to Meta's hip*
[02:33] Neville> *lately kissed and shivers*
[02:33] Hamlet> And I you. Of all the draws of Denmark...
[02:35] Ron> I like this ... *kisses Neville and presses into him*
[02:35] Aziraphale> *shakes his head slowly* What is cruel, child, perfect child, is that someone like -you- has to -- will, inevitable, someday, discover how cruel Fate is. -That- is what is cruel. That someone can be created, can be born, can live, and choose - out of every possible choice - to be perfect, to be good, without
[02:35] Aziraphale> even considering that you might go any other way... While I - supposedly sinless, supposedly unstainable, supposedly the angelic one, am not half so perfect as you. ....*blushes a bit, and sips his tea*
[02:35] Metatron> *makes a quiet noise of contentment under his breath and squirms slightly as he kisses Pollution*
[02:36] Gertrude> ... (kisses him briefly on the lips)
[02:38] Hamlet> *smiles* Why, madam. *kisses again*
[02:39] Jehan> *blushes* ....i'm all. Not half as innocent as you are.. And I have already gone down countless wrong paths, and I have never seen anything as perfect as you.... You have seen heaven, and you have seen other angels, and you have seen God...and... please tell me...*whispers* is it as beautiful as I think it is..?
[02:39] Gertrude> (snuggles)
[02:40] * Rac-lurklurk has joined #otpsareforlosers
[02:40] Rac-lurklurk> (omg not here.)
[02:40] Metatron> [Omg how sad!]
[02:40] Rac-lurklurk> (XD)
[02:40] Sibyl-Vane> [Omg why not?]
[02:40] Rac-lurklurk> (bad with windowage! I'll probably fail!)
[02:40] Cinderella-awaybutlogging> {{omg me either *tacklepounce*}}
[02:40] Sibyl-Vane> [BAH. I haven't yet.]
[02:40] Rac-lurklurk> (XD)
[02:41] Pollution> *grins just slightly into the kiss with a small shiver, hand slipping around from the hip to the small of the Metatron's back*
[02:41] Gertrude> You still love me, don't you, my Hamlet
[02:41] Gertrude> ??
[02:42] Metatron> *wriggles closer to Pollution, kissing fiercely, hands trailing down his chest*
[02:42] Hamlet> Did I ever not? *smiles and holds her closer* This heart could never for you.
[02:43] Gertrude> (could never... what?)
[02:43] Rac-lurklurk> (never not.)
[02:43] * Alcuin has joined #otpsareforlosers
[02:43] Hamlet> [...the word there was 'cool']
[02:44] Rac-lurklurk> (oh. XD)
[02:44] Metatron> [XD Nice, Z.]
[02:44] Hamlet> [I don't know where it went.]
[02:44] Hamlet> [XD Dude, it's 8AM.]
[02:44] Gertrude> When you said... you loved him more than the world... I... (bites her lip)
[02:44] Alcuin> (*sits down to watch the ANGST and DRAMA* Whee. ^_^)
[02:45] * Alcuin is now known as Alcuin-lurkage
[02:45] Metatron> [Don't forget the angelic debauchery!]
[02:45] Aziraphale> *looks away for a moment, staring un-focused at a random spot on the wall* Heaven is... is the most... Heaven is indescribable in this flawed spoken language - it is not... not a place, describable and plottable and walkable - it is a... a perfect state, a...a light, a moment, a song, a smile... *half-smiles* You, I'm sure, could find the words for it.
[02:45] Alcuin-lurkage> (Woot!)
[02:47] Jehan> *stares* .....No words.. No words need to be said...when it is Heaven. ...I wish I knew what it was like...*whispers* Anywhere is better than here. Anywhere can say.. I've never wanted anything more. I don't want anything at all, but...I just want to feel this beautiful...and see this beauty...forever. ...And there would be no need for anything else.. But even better. Oh, I wish.... *closes his eyes*
[02:47] Alcuin-lurkage> (Only NOT, because now I have to sleep. I'll steal a log from someone tomorrow. bwahaha.)
[02:48] * Alcuin-lurkage has quit IRC (Quit: AbleNET IRC )
[02:48] Hamlet> Oh, mother, I... I love him, yes, and more than any other ever-- oh, but there are more kinds of love, and...
[02:49] Ron> Nev?
[02:50] Pollution> *shivers again with a muffled moan and shifts slightly under Meta, deepening the kiss and pulling him closer*
[02:51] Neville> Yeah?
[02:51] Gertrude> (smiles and kisses him again) As I said, I worry too much at times
[02:51] Ron> You still with me, mate?
[02:52] Metatron> *shudders and pulls back briefly* So, er - am I interesting yet? *smiles*
[02:52] Hamlet> *kisses happily* Worry not for me, mother. I swear to you, never should one I love take that love held in your name.
[02:53] Gertrude> (notverymotherlykiss) Nor shall anyone take my love held in your name
[02:53] Neville> Yeah, still here.
[02:54] Neville> Daft typist's distracted.
[02:54] Hamlet> And of your husband, or your husband's brother? *totallynotfilialkiss*
[02:54] Ron> Oh ...
[02:54] Gertrude> I do not with to think on either of them
[02:54] Pollution> *blinks, then slowly grins again* Quite.
[02:54] Neville> Why, what?
[02:55] Ron> Nothing. *kisses Neville again, hoping he won't forget him*
[02:55] Hamlet> Agreement, then, for nor do I. I have thought too much on one, and no thought enough shall restore the other.
[02:56] Neville> *kisses back, hoping the same*
[02:56] Metatron> Oh, good. *grins back triumphantly* Well then. *leans forward again and trails kisses from the spot where Pollution's jawline meets his ear down to the hollow of his neck*
[02:56] * Amadeo has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client )
[02:57] Ron> *presses against Neville* You're the only one here who doesn't seem gay.
[02:57] Gertrude> (nods) Let us think only of the present
[02:57] Gertrude> (is not gay...)
[02:57] Neville> *laughs* You're straight as an arrow, mate.
[02:57] Sibyl-Vane> * not*
[02:57] Rac-lurklurk> (SO PRESS AGAINST HIM MORE)
[02:57] Sibyl-Vane> Zira: *HAS NO GENDER BAH*
[02:58] Ron> You too. *kisses Neville hungrily* Goodatthis ...
[02:58] Victoria> *straight... well, used to be?*
[02:58] Neville> *kisses back* So're you.
[02:58] Sibyl-Vane> *still straight! just in need of comforting!*
[02:58] Victoria> *comforts!*
[02:59] Sibyl-Vane> *comforted liek woah!*
[02:59] Hamlet> *smiles and kisses her again* The present, and all it holds.
[02:59] Ron> Likewatchingyou,Nev. *snogs*
[02:59] Metatron> *is not technically gay*
[02:59] * War has left #otpsareforlosers
[02:59] Pollution> *doesn't currently care -what- Meta is*
[02:59] Aziraphale> *almost in a whisper, his eyes filled with an ineffable sadness* There is heaven to be found on Earth, as well, my dear... A more perfect heaven - perfection never-ending, never choosing, can be stale. If you will allow me to advise you,
[02:59] Neville> *snogged* You'retheonethatstarted.
[02:59] Aziraphale> to play the patronizing, pompous elder - MUCH elder, I suppose - then let me tell you this - find your Heaven in the bliss of -choosing- Heaven. Don't waste your heart in longing for an unearthly Heaven. Let this be Heaven. Let your own heart be your Heaven.
[03:00] * Avaric has left #otpsareforlosers
[03:00] Ron> Youagreed,mate. *presses down to Neville*
[03:00] Ron> Stilldo.
[03:00] * Logging has quit IRC (Quit )
[03:01] Gertrude> (tries to think of a pun about holding things)
[03:01] Metatron> *is apparently horsemansexual*
[03:02] Rac-lurklurk> (...XD)
[03:02] Gertrude> (decides against it)
[03:02] Hamlet> Beezie: *jealous!?*
[03:02] Metatron> [He's snogged TWO of them today! TWO!]
[03:02] Metatron> *is actually Beeziesexual when things aren't so... anti-OTP*
[03:02] Pollution> [*dies* You just made me lose my train of thought! During snoggage! XD]
[03:02] Metatron> [Sorry! Carry on!]
[03:02] Gertrude> (fails at seducing her son or something)
[03:03] Rac-lurklurk> (...XD)
[03:03] Rac-lurklurk> (Fails at seducing her son.)
[03:03] Hamlet> *was totally just kissing her, so it's obviously not failing*
[03:03] Gertrude> (I thought you weren't here!)
[03:03] Gertrude> (yeah but doesn't know what to do next . usually Claudius just jumps her)
[03:04] Gertrude> (I'm sure all of you needed to know that too)
[03:04] Rac-lurklurk> (Nice, Claudius. XD)
[03:04] Neville> *kisses back lately* Mmmhmmm
[03:04] Metatron> [...Ew. :D]
[03:04] Rac-lurklurk> (AND HELLO CINDERELLA, IF YOU'RE HERE.)
[03:04] Pollution> *shivers once again, letting his head fall back* Nnn... *drags his nails lightly from the nape of Meta's neck around his collar*
[03:05] Victoria> *totally didn't need to know that, yo*
[03:05] Victoria> *... isn't Hamlet, but didn't need to know that, anyway*
[03:06] Gertrude> (rofl)
[03:06] Hamlet> *...yeah, so, kisses*
[03:07] Gertrude> (kiss'd! clings and returns the kiss)

neville longbottom, aziraphale, gertrude, ron weasley, pollution, sherlock holmes, anti-otp, hamlet, victoria wotton, joly, irene adler, crowley, beelzebub, fenchurch, sybil vane, marius pontmercy, nemesis, metatron

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