Anti-OTP Weekend Part 4

Jun 06, 2005 16:34

[03:07] Ron> *climbs off Neville* Erhm ... I ... I think we should stop.
[03:07] Metatron> *mumbles something (maybe in Russian this time?) incoherent into Pollution's skin, pushing his hands up under the horseman's shirt*
[03:08] Hamlet> *kisses Joca-- Gertrude liekwhoa*
[03:09] Gertrude> (Joca?)
[03:09] Pollution> [Jocasta! *giggles madly*]
[03:09] Jehan> *pauses, then looks down* ...I am horrible; I can't accept that this is all there is. All this hurts. Here. *clutches his chest* watch everything, I can't help but want more...more of...*looks at him* This perfection I see. I am sorry...
[03:10] Hamlet> [/reference>]
[03:10] Gertrude> ((oooooook))
[03:11] Neville> ...Why, mate? We're not queer.
[03:11] Gertrude> (wraps her arms around his neck, sighing happily)
[03:12] Aziraphale> *softly* Perfection that you see... in me? Child, child... *shakes his head slowly* You're far too... eager. Too...loving, too trusting a soul - you'd not survive a minute with most of the literal angels I know. I, myself, find that I usually prefer the company of such...figurative angels, as yourself, dear boy...
[03:12] Ron> I'm ... kindofgettingabit ... I should go ..
[03:12] Ron> *heavilt embarrassed*
[03:12] Ron> **heavily
[03:13] Pollution> *makes a small noise somewhere between a moan and a whimper, hand trailing down Meta's chest to rest at his hip*
[03:13] * Hamlet has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[03:13] Neville> ...Oh. Um. Right.
[03:13] Jehan> *flushes darkly* ....I don't mean to be. I'm sorry... ........Dear angel..? May I please....make a confession to you? ....I used to go to confession when I was young, but not anymore, and I feel sins...piling on me... and I don't want to trouble you, but...if I may...?
[03:13] Ron> Mightbegettingtooqueer.
[03:14] Neville> Rightumokay.
[03:14] Aziraphale> Of course. Of -course- you may, dear boy.
[03:15] Ron> I mean ... I'm OKwithit.
[03:15] * Victoria has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[03:15] Ron> But ... It's complicated.
[03:15] Neville> Yeah.
[03:15] Ron> And we're clearly not gay enough to continue.
[03:15] Ron> It wouldn't look right
[03:15] Neville> Course not.
[03:15] Gertrude> ((clearly))
[03:16] Ron> .... Are we?
[03:16] Neville> ...No.
[03:16] Gertrude> ((YESYOUARE))
[03:16] Gertrude> ((imeanwhat?))
[03:16] Rac-lurklurk> (Gertrude is full of her own issues. Shh. Continue.)
[03:17] Ron> ... Are you?
[03:17] Metatron> *smiles dizzily and kisses Pollution thoroughly again, fingers tracing light patterns on his chest*
[03:17] Neville> ...Um. Are you?
[03:18] Ron> Iamifyouare
[03:18] Jehan> *smiles, a bit guiltily* ....I'm...constantly jealous. So jealous scares me..I keep trying to keep someone that doesn't seem to like being kept up, by someone like me. ...And I keep telling myself, You're not doing him any least try to stop with these horrible thoughts, and these tears.... But I can't stop...and I'm sorry...I'm sorry I'm not a very good person, and I'm sorry to him, and I'm sorry to you
[03:18] Ron> *reddens furiously*
[03:18] Neville> ...*BBR* Thesamehere.
[03:19] Ron> Uhm, I ...
[03:20] Ron> *kisses Neville roughly and pushes him back down*
[03:20] Jehan> (Jehan: I DON'T MEAN TO WHIP ANYONE. ;_;)
[03:20] Neville> *kisses back*
[03:20] Rac-lurklurk> (YOU'RE DOING FINE. :D!)
[03:21] Ron> *grinds his hips into Neville's anxiously*
[03:21] Pollution> *kisses back just as thoroughly, gripping Meta's hips tightly and shifting beneath him*
[03:24] Aziraphale> *smiles gently back* No need to apologize to -me-, my dear. This is what I meant by the choice that humans are given - you people, or at least most of you, have the perception and sensitivity to think about your actions and their consequences, and you have the strength to go with what you feel is right. You -are- allowed to -think-, you know, my dear... But your actions prove your worth, not your thoughts.
[03:26] Jehan> ....Oh..*small smile* ....Thank you for listening. It's....very nice of you. But everything is, then again...
[03:27] Metatron> *moans softly into Pollution's mouth, arching towards him involuntarily, and presses closer, right up against him*
[03:28] Aziraphale> *laughs quietly* Oh, no, my dear, not everything. No.... not quite everything.
[03:28] Jehan> What can't be? *smiles* You're...utterly lovely. You're an angel..
[03:30] Aziraphale> *glances at him curiously* You think so highly of me, of my 'loveliness', when you have only seen me as - this?
[03:31] Jehan> *looks for a moment, before blushing* ....I suppose it's horribly naive of me...horribly think that all you are is an angel... oh heavens, I'm sorry.... I speak of you as though you're something who doesn't feel, who is programmed to be perfect... And you're not. But that's what's wonderful. You are perfect because you have the capacity -and- the will to be..
[03:32] Pollution> *moans in turn, shuddering slightly and tightening his hold, pressing up against Meta and deepening the kiss*
[03:33] * Sibyl-Vane has left #otpsareforlosers
[03:34] Aziraphale> *face tightens, the smile fading* I am not. I have not. I - no. I -am- only a programmed being, nothing more than ... no, sweet little poet, I'm only an angel.
[03:35] Jehan> ...But...but certainly you have feelings... I can see it, in your eyes... certainly you must.. And so you can't be just can't be...
[03:36] Metatron> *shivers, closing his eyes and tracing the line of Pollution's jaw with the tips of his fingers*
[03:36] Aziraphale> *stonily* Programmed by the best programmer there ever has been or ever will be, perhaps? A particularly well-crafted automaton? Feathers and steel, poet, only that.
[03:37] Jehan> ....May I....touch you...please?
[03:38] Aziraphale> ....*quietly* Why? Why would you want to, when you're more of an angel than I have ever been?
[03:39] Jehan> Never..... *reaches out and touches Aziraphale's hand with his fingertips, and smiles* ....You're warm.
[03:42] Pollution> *moans again, a bit more loudly than before, hands moving around to press against the small of Meta's back, holding him close*
[03:42] Aziraphale> *stares at Jehan's hand on his*'s your warmth you feel, child, reflected back at you.
[03:43] Neville> *squeaks and pulls Ron closer*
[03:43] Ron> *grins* Thought I'd lost you mate
[03:44] Neville> *laughs* No, Ron.
[03:45] Jehan> *looks down* ...*sniffles* .......Oh, I'm sorry, terribly sorry, I used to always cry in confession, and I didn't think I would now, now that I'm not confessing anything, but... I do confess that... I don't believe you. Your eyes are a blue that is warm as your warm as your smile..
[03:45] Ron> *smiles and kisses Neville playfully*
[03:46] Neville> *kisses back, laughing*
[03:46] Metatron> *breaks off and rests his chin on Pollution's shoulder, still tracing random letters on the horseman's chest* Um - er. Pollution...
[03:48] Ron> Maybe we're just a *little* gay. But only a little bit! And only on special occasions!
[03:49] Neville> Only only special occasions! Right! Yes. Specially queer.
[03:49] Gertrude> ((can we order you for parties?__
[03:49] Gertrude> *))
[03:50] Pollution> *blinks, semi-dazed, then lets his head fall back slightly and shivers, grip relaxing* Hmm?
[03:51] Metatron> *murmurs* Are - are you sure you're all right with this? I mean...
[03:51] Ron> *presses into Neville again* 'specially
[03:51] Neville> Right. *kisses*
[03:51] Aziraphale> *turns away abruptly, wiping roughly at his eyes with his other hand* I'm not smiling now, child, I-- ....there are only two people I've -smiled- for in... in centuries. Longer. I don't know how long. Past time, perhaps, beyond time and into... I don't know what. But I... I don't know. I don't know that I'm allowed to.
[03:52] Jehan> ....Please smile. It can't be wrong. Please........ *takes his hand* We can smile together.
[03:54] Ron> Why didn't we *kiss* do this sooner?
[03:55] Pollution> *blinks again, staring at the ceiling a moment, then sits up slightly, shaking his head* I... *blinks and shakes his head slightly again* ...I think...I should go...
[03:55] * HeLLow_BoYs has joined #otpsareforlosers
[03:55] Aziraphale> *looks back at him, blue eyes more full of tear-blue than sky-* ...I was supposed to help end your world. I disobeyed.
[03:55] Gertrude> ((uh oh))
[03:55] Metatron> *smiles sadly* Right. Um. *detaches himself delicately*
[03:58] Jehan> You've helped me..... a pitiful mortal. I wish I could help you. *takes his handkerchief and dabs gently at Aziraphale's eyes, and smiles*
[03:58] Pollution> *slowly slides out of his chair, possibly somewhat regretful* I... *frowns slightly, glancing over at the Metatron* I'm sorry.
[03:58] Metatron> Sorry? *blinks slowly at him* What for? Don't be.
[03:59] * Neville is now known as Grantaire-ninjalurking
[03:59] * Ron is now known as Ron-SLEEPING
[04:00] Aziraphale> *puts his hand on Jehan's, pushing away the handkerchief* Just smile, small flower, and let there be Heaven on this Earth... *kisses him, slowly and tenderly*
[04:00] Pollution> *opens his mouth as if to speak, then thinks differently and manages a small, crooked smile* Goodnight.
[04:01] Jehan> *makes a soft, high-pitched whimpery sound, and closes his eyes*
[04:01] Metatron> ...Oh, good night, then. *frowns*
[04:02] Aziraphale> *also closes his eyes, cupping Jehan's face in one hand*
[04:03] Pollution> *mutters as he wanders out* At least you're far from boring, love.
[04:03] * Pollution is now known as Poll-out
[04:04] Jehan> *pulls back, half in a swoon* ....oh... *keeps his eyes shut and smiles*
[04:05] Metatron> ...*sighs and steals Pollution's chair to flop at the table, staring disconsolately at the wall*
[04:05] Aziraphale> *stares at him for a second* ....oh, dear... I.... oh. *looks down at the floor* I'm so--no, wait, how is it...? ...Desole, petit...
[04:06] Jehan> .....*smiles and wipes at his closed eyes* I....I went to heaven....
[04:08] * Fenchurch is now known as Fen|sleep
[04:08] Aziraphale> *closes his own eyes, and reaches out to pull Jehan into a tight, close hug* You -are- heaven.
[04:10] Jehan> *breathes in slowly and clutches at Aziraphale* ......*sobs*
[04:11] Aziraphale> *clings to Jehan, not -quite- sobbing, because, well, feather and steel automatons don't sob, but, well, perhaps if he weren't...*
[04:12] * HeLLow_BoYs has quit IRC (Quit )
[04:13] Jehan> I.....I... I'm trying to smile... *keeps his eyes shut* ....Because I have every reason to......wait...*pulls back and smiles at Aziraphale* ...Let's smile.
[04:14] Aziraphale> *rubs his eyes roughly, not looking at Jehan* Yes... smile. I think.... for you, and for -- ....for today, for you...
[04:16] Jehan> ...For everything......for this dream.... *keeps his eyes on Aziraphale* ....That I can't bear to look away from, lest I forget that for a few long seconds....I felt perfection.
[04:18] * Gertrude has quit IRC (Quit )
[04:19] Aziraphale> *looks at Jehan with reddened, still-damp eyes* I wish you would see... wish you would feel, that perfection is... is to be had, every moment of every hour of every day, in every life time, for every soul who chooses beauty over ugliness, who chooses that which is good over that which is not... You, who can bring others to tears with your words and your dreams and your thoughts and your love, you are perfect, and you shoul
[04:20] Aziraphale> and you should feel perfection. Always.
[04:23] Jehan> Don't speak as though you aren''re perfect. I'm....jealous...horribly. *eyes blur* ...You're an angel....and you...I used to sleep with a picture of an angel on my pillow...because I wanted to know, What are they like? ....I know now...perfect. Lovely. Untainted...and I am only...myself.
[04:25] Aziraphale> *softly* Yourself... your perfect, lovely, -human- self. Your brief, mortal self. Your poetic, kind, loving, tea-drinking, poetry-reciting, flower-loving self, yes! Yes, yourself. And thank G....whatever that you are.
[04:26] * Poll-out has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[04:26] * Crowley has quit IRC (Ping timeout )
[04:27] Jehan> And you... your beautiful, holy, heavenly, sweet, patient, everlasting, wise, kind, feeling, understanding...human-hearted self, yes... And thank whatever we choose to believe in, in this eternal moment, that you are...
[04:30] * Crowley has joined #otpsareforlosers
[04:32] Aziraphale> *shakes his head silently, tears once again escaping his eyes* I don't believe in anything - except, perhaps, you.
[04:33] Jehan> ....*covers his eyes with his hand so he doesn't have to see Aziraphale crying* .....Why come down to heaven for us...? For me....? Why... *voice breaks*
[04:36] Aziraphale> *somewhat roughly through the tears* Because, because, because--! Little poet, little perfect wonderful beautiful poet, there is no heaven in the ineffable. Only in the brief, the minute, the momentary - in the fleeting, the fading world.
[04:38] Jehan> ......Do you never have any moments, then...? When there's a fleeting bit of heaven, in this bleached, cold world..? Have you none....?
[04:40] Aziraphale> This world... by it's very essence, is so... *sighs* The... the way it is. The world as it is, this fallible, flawed, clumsy world, proves perfection by holding, also, the antithesis. I... if you had been, if you knew--what paradise was like, what Eden was like, and saw this, you would be grateful for this, for the pain that lets the love shine.
[04:43] Jehan> *small, wavering smile* Yes......pain holds us together.. *shakily reaches forward, and brings Aziraphale's hand to his lips* ...And I don't want to ever forget this...horrible pain in my chest, and this color of blue...that I could never see on earth...
[04:45] Aziraphale> *softly* Pain is in memories, so perfection lies there, too... and in the momentary nature of memory is the perfection. I... oh, G....d...ah. Oh, by -Earth-. *kisses him again*
[04:47] Jehan> *breath catches, and the tears stop for a long moment* is God.... *kisses back*
[04:48] Aziraphale> *murmurs against Jehan's soft lips* No - but you -are- an angel... *and continues kissing*
[04:49] Jehan> *manages to shake his head but doesn't break the kiss, until he pulls back abruptly in a swoon*
[04:52] Aziraphale> *steps back hesitantly* ....good night, child.
[04:52] Jehan> .....*keeps his eyes shut* ........good night..........
[04:53] Aziraphale> *hesitates, then, timidly, steps in to kiss him tenderly one more time* Bonne nuit. *and goes, because, yes*
[04:53] Jehan> *smiles*
[04:55] * Aziraphale has quit IRC (Quit )
[05:05] * Grantaire-ninjalurking has left #otpsareforlosers
[05:21] * Metatron has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client )
[05:30] * Rac-lurklurk is now known as Courfeyrac
[05:30] Courfeyrac> I'm sorry!
[05:30] Courfeyrac> Jehan, I'm sorry!
[05:30] Courfeyrac> I'm so sorry!
[05:30] Courfeyrac> I lose proper!
[05:30] Jehan> ......
[05:30] * Courfeyrac is now known as Rac-lurklurk
[05:30] Jehan> What?
[05:30] Jehan> .....
[05:30] Rac-lurklurk> *lurks.*
[05:30] Jehan> .........
[05:31] Jehan> ....I'm sorry I kissed M. Aziraphale, if you're listening.
[05:31] Rac-lurklurk> ...I am speaking for both myself and Fish when I say that I canNOT believe that's the first thing you say.
[05:31] Jehan> .....sorry..
[05:33] * Rac-lurklurk is now known as FishyFish
[05:33] FishyFish> Jehan.
[05:33] FishyFish> Don't apologize.
[05:33] FishyFish> You break the heart of god.
[05:33] Jehan> ......*shuts up*
[05:33] FishyFish> *patpats Jehan*
[05:33] Jehan> *smiles*
[05:33] FishyFish> I'm sorry for making you suffer that awful boy.
[05:33] Jehan> Which awful boy?
[05:34] FishyFish> THE awful boy.
[05:34] Jehan> ...?
[05:34] FishyFish> Who wouldn't be half so awful if he weren't in my care.
[05:34] Jehan> ........................................................Courfeyrac?
[05:34] FishyFish> You said the name!!
[05:34] Jehan> I don't think I'd be in love with him, if he weren't in your care.
[05:35] FishyFish> LIES!
[05:36] * FishyFish slaps Jehan around a bit with cotton candy...
[05:36] Jehan> Eek..
[05:36] FishyFish> Sorry for that, dear.
[05:36] Jehan> ....I mean it. I love him more than anything. And I'm sorry he had to see me kiss M. Aziraphale.
[05:36] FishyFish> OH MY GOD JEHAN DON'T SAY THAT.
[05:36] FishyFish> That is wrong on so many levels.
[05:37] Jehan> ....Oops. No "sorry."
[05:37] FishyFish> For one thing, yes, no sorries.
[05:37] FishyFish> Second, that wasn't even that kind of kiss.
[05:37] Jehan> Well, yes...that's true...
[05:37] FishyFish> Third, you deserve to kiss anyone at all as often as you like.
[05:38] FishyFish> Fourth, and if Rac has ANY objections to that, which he doesn't, I will personally end his miserable little life.
[05:38] Jehan> ...But I wouldn't want to. Only Courfeyrac....and occasionally angels -- oh, dear....*looks nervous*
[05:38] FishyFish> Aw, dear...
[05:39] FishyFish> ...Stick to the heavenly host.
[05:39] Jehan> ....But I love Courfeyrac more.
[05:39] FishyFish> And you can't imagine how utterly flabbergasted I am.
[05:40] FishyFish> You apparently have very bad taste in company.
[05:40] Jehan> How could you be? ....No...I don't think so. He's -Courfeyrac-......
[05:41] FishyFish> I think you ought to carry around a volume of LM.
[05:41] FishyFish> And flip through the pages and be in love with that fellow in there.
[05:41] Jehan> ....It's quite heavy..
[05:41] Jehan> .........
[05:42] Jehan> ....Everyone's in love with him..I dont know if that says anything, but..
[05:42] FishyFish> Trust me: no.
[05:42] Jehan> Oh, and...Mlle. Eponine told me today that she's in love with Courfeyrac.
[05:42] Jehan> .......
[05:42] FishyFish> *rolls eyes*
[05:42] Jehan> *smiles slightly*
[05:42] FishyFish> It's not like you to lie, L... Jehan.
[05:43] Jehan> *L..?* ...I wasn't lying. She said she's now in love with Courfeyrac. And then apologized to me.
[05:43] FishyFish> ...Jane, don't do that.
[05:43] Jehan> Because she didn't intend for me to hear (she was speaking to Marius).
[05:43] Jehan> Seriously.
[05:43] FishyFish> JANE.
[05:43] FishyFish> SERIOUSLY.
[05:43] Jehan> AUGH
[05:43] Jehan> SERIOUSLY
[05:44] FishyFish> ...
[05:44] FishyFish> .....................W.T.F.
[05:44] FishyFish> DOUBLE YOO TEE EFF.
[05:44] Jehan> .....Courtesy of Mimi.
[05:44] Jehan> XD
[05:44] FishyFish> But Mimi muns Hel!!!!!!11
[05:44] Jehan> Yeaaahhh....
[05:44] Jehan> And Eponine.
[05:44] FishyFish> aAaaaAaaaA
[05:44] FishyFish> What does Mimi want from me?! XDDD
[05:44] Jehan> ...She obviously really really likes your Courfeyrac.
[05:44] Jehan> ....I guess.
[05:44] FishyFish> I mean -- I mean, thank you, thank you, I'm really honoured and flattered beyond words and..
[05:45] FishyFish> ..but......... but
[05:45] FishyFish> ......but Eponine?!
[05:45] Jehan> .......I know what you mean.
[05:45] Jehan> .......mrr...
[05:45] FishyFish> I'm just... bowled over.
[05:45] Jehan> Maybe it was just a
[05:45] FishyFish> Maybe...
[05:45] Jehan> Like....maybe she won't act on it.
[05:45] Jehan> Or just...go for Montparnasse.
[05:45] FishyFish> Course, it's impossible not to be insanely happy that she'd say such, but... but ... EPONINE!
[05:46] Jehan> > I knowwww!! Strange choice of character to fall in love with Courfeyrac.
[05:46] Jehan> Stranger than Enjolras/Eponine.
[05:46] FishyFish> ...Did Rac and Eponine even substantially meet?!
[05:46] Jehan> ....ummm...not really?!!?
[05:46] Jehan> x.x
[05:46] Jehan> Besides the...
[05:46] FishyFish> ...the...
[05:47] Jehan> The "let's get her to fall in love with Montparnasse" thing.
[05:47] Jehan> that's it.
[05:47] FishyFish> ......yes, I was thinking of that, but that shouldn't have worked very much in Rac's favour. XD
[05:47] FishyFish> ...Well, that and the time he tried to distract her from Marius. But...
[05:47] Jehan> I know. ....
[05:47] Jehan> ...yeah.
[05:47] FishyFish> ...
[05:47] Jehan> ...
[05:47] FishyFish> OMG I TALKED WITH JEHAN
[05:47] Jehan> ...I didn't mean to shock you.
[05:47] Jehan> OMG YOU DID
[05:48] FishyFish> *SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE*
[05:48] FishyFish> I'll die happy.!
[05:48] Jehan> XD
[05:48] FishyFish> Oh come off it Jane, you know hearing that's a really flattering feelig, it's just... I'm feeling like I'm missing something.
[05:48] FishyFish> feeling, I mean.
[05:49] Jehan> ....yeah. I almost do, too! I was wondering, "Did they talk when I wasn't around or something?"
[05:49] Jehan> ...But...I guess not!
[05:49] FishyFish> No... hmm.
[05:50] FishyFish> ...Well actually, I'm feeling like I'm missing something with Hel and Jehan and Montparnasse too, really.
[05:50] Jehan> ...You mean, them all falling in love?
[05:50] Jehan> with Courfeyrac?
[05:50] FishyFish> Or somesuch...
[05:51] FishyFish> Remember you said 'I thought you knew -- not Courfeyrac, but you as a typist knew'
[05:51] Jehan> ..Mrrr....I would try to explain Jehan, but I already Jehan...and if I did....I'd like, not good at it.
[05:51] Jehan> Yeah....I mean, with the hints Jehan was dropping...
[05:51] FishyFish> no, I was -- like -- . . . . . . me?
[05:51] FishyFish> ....
[05:51] FishyFish> ..........
[05:51] Jehan> XD They were kinda stupid hints, but...
[05:51] Jehan> .....
[05:51] FishyFish> ............hints
[05:51] FishyFish> WAIT. Tell me and I'll tell you how I managed to miss them as being hints.
[05:52] Jehan> Okay! Ahem...
[05:52] Jehan> I mean, Jean would say, well, said about three times over the course of a week, "Oh, Courfeyrac's quite handsome.." ...And Marius would say, "...Jehan? Is there something you'd like to tell us?"
[05:53] FishyFish> ...w... when
[05:53] Jehan> And then there would be a lot of "*smiles at Courfeyrac*" and a lot of "*watches Courfeyrac*"...
[05:53] Jehan> ....When?
[05:53] Jehan> ...Well, I remember one time, was after the "typing with my tongue because Byron stole it" incident.
[05:53] Jehan> Right before Jean had to leave.
[05:54] FishyFish> Oh, but...
[05:54] Jehan> but..?
[05:54] FishyFish> . . . oh.
[05:54] Jehan> Yeah...when I put them down, they actually don't seem very big..
[05:54] FishyFish> I thought it was because RAC was totally being an idiot and ...
[05:54] Jehan> ....oh.
[05:54] Jehan> No, of course not!!
[05:55] FishyFish> ...and Jehan was like "aww, look at the boy..."
[05:55] Jehan> Aww!! XD
[05:55] Jehan> No, not at all..
[05:55] FishyFish> And -- and -- XD
[05:55] Jehan> It was more, "OMG HE IS LIKE HONEY ON TOAST."
[05:55] FishyFish> XDDDDDD!
[05:55] FishyFish> Except, you know, not.
[05:55] Jehan> For Jehan, yes!!
[05:55] FishyFish> .........*hems and haws*
[05:56] Jehan> XD
[05:56] FishyFish> I am honest and not exaggerating at all when I say that you gave me a near heart attack.
[05:56] Jehan> :O I can't believe that! I was like, "....did I...? Uh..."
[05:57] FishyFish> ...XD
[05:57] Jehan> YOU gave ME a heart attack with the truth serum!!
[05:57] Jehan> THough you know that. xD
[05:57] FishyFish> ...because it was in all caps? XD
[05:57] Jehan> Well, that, and...
[05:57] FishyFish> XDD
[05:57] FishyFish> Wow, talk about flimsy plot devices. XD
[05:58] Jehan> I thought, even with my hints, Courfeyrac will never get it, and Jehan will be a poet with unrequited love &c &c...
[05:58] Jehan> I never thought I'd ever tell.
[05:58] Jehan> Unless it was to someone like Grantaire or Marius.
[05:58] FishyFish> ......;___;
[05:58] Jehan> Aww!! Don't be sad.
[05:58] FishyFish> But... but you know...
[05:58] FishyFish>'s practically unrequited.
[05:58] Jehan> I thought, Well, this works for a poet!
[05:58] Jehan> I don't know..Jehan's happy with it.
[05:59] FishyFish> Except not unrequited, but... well...
[05:59] Jehan> I think Courfeyrac is incredibly sweet to him.
[05:59] Jehan> Like, it melts my heart!!
[05:59] FishyFish> Oh, but how could anyone not be? It's Jehan!
[05:59] FishyFish> And SWEET?!
[05:59] FishyFish> PLEASE, WOMAN.
[06:00] Jehan> I AM SERIOUS.
[06:00] Jehan> A SERIOUS WOMAN.
[06:00] FishyFish> ...XD
[06:00] FishyFish> "omg Cinderella. omg Hel. Hide me, Jehan!" -- sweet?
[06:00] Jehan> ...Actually, if I tell the truth...
[06:00] FishyFish> PLEASE do.
[06:00] FishyFish> ;__;
[06:01] Jehan> Jehan was incredibly happy when that happened, because he thought, Oh, good, out of all the people, he wants only me to know where he's hiding.
[06:01] Jehan> ..No girl involved.
[06:01] FishyFish> ..............
[06:01] Jehan> ....
[06:01] FishyFish> heart just crack'd from side to side
[06:01] Jehan> .....Sorry!!!!!
[06:01] FishyFish> ...The logic of love is the most ...
[06:02] FishyFish> Well, Jehan's like an... emotional HQ.
[06:02] Jehan> ...XD He is.
[06:02] FishyFish> How more unromantically could I have put that. XD
[06:02] FishyFish> "Jehan's like an air base!"
[06:02] Jehan> XDDD I can't think of any romantic way to put it right now, so.
[06:02] Jehan> Doesn't matter.
[06:02] FishyFish> Well... but it's true!
[06:03] Jehan> ...Is it too much for Courfeyrac?
[06:03] Jehan> I just poured water on my pie.
[06:03] Jehan> .......
[06:03] FishyFish> I need a word that expresses negation as strongly as EW WATER ON PIE
[06:03] Jehan> ....yeah, um, hang on a sec.
[06:03] FishyFish> ...*dabs at pie with tissue and gets flakey things all over*
[06:04] Jehan> eek, okay. *eats the flakey pie* ....I am incredibly glad to hear that.
[06:04] Jehan> Seriously.
[06:04] Jehan> Because, if it was like, "I WANT THE BACHELOR'S LIFE" for Courfeyrac.... I wouldn't want to keep him.
[06:05] FishyFish> Wait, I have a well-defined thingummy somewhere.
[06:05] Jehan> XD kay.
[06:06] FishyFish> Oh, --
[06:06] Jehan> yes!
[06:06] FishyFish> when Rac had a semi-breakdown at Jeanne.
[06:06] FishyFish> "I try so hard to receive a kind word in return, I do, a smile's the only thing I ever ask for... *bites his nails* But see, they're supposed to laugh and flirt back, sometimes all the way into a bed, maybe I'll see them again and maybe they'll disappear, or maybe I'll disappear... But they're not supposed to fall in love, for heaven's sakes!"
[06:07] Jehan> .....oh.
[06:07] FishyFish> And then Jeanne replied, and then Rac said "Well, that's really the whole point, isn't it -- meet someone, dance all night, flattering words so hollow that they echo inside... What's important is that the person on the other side of the bed knows that you're a tramp who won't think twice about anything that lasts longer than a strand of pretty hair."
[06:07] Jehan> ....
[06:07] FishyFish> And then Jeanne's reply, and then "Nonono, it's -- it's not that I want that, it's just always been the way things've been, you know? And I was quite used to it, and now suddenly that's not the way things are working anymore, and I'm not sure what to do, and am frankly quite lost."
[06:08] Jehan> ....That's really sad.
[06:08] Jehan> ....Which is an understatement.
[06:08] FishyFish> and for a long while he frets like a useless ... thing.
[06:08] Jehan> ......
[06:08] Jehan> ...
[06:08] Jehan> ....Poor thing.
[06:08] Jehan> I hope he's not miserable like that all the time.
[06:09] Jehan> Around Jehan, I hope he isn't racking his brain trying to figure everything out.
[06:09] FishyFish> Rac? Miserable?!
[06:09] Jehan> No?
[06:09] FishyFish> The only Miserable in him is the title of the book.
[06:09] Jehan> XD
[06:09] Jehan> ...He seems so bewildered, though. It's awful.
[06:09] FishyFish> He was like that because Jeanne was berating him for not being faithful.
[06:09] Jehan> .....oh.
[06:10] Jehan> ....Courfeyrac's plenty faithful. It's just who he is that makes him free-spirited.
[06:10] FishyFish> He's not bewildered per se, just confused about what would be the best for Jehan.
[06:10] Jehan> oh...
[06:10] Jehan> Oh. Ah. I see.
[06:10] FishyFish> World goes round.
[06:10] Jehan> Yes, yes...
[06:10] Jehan> Jehan's incredibly happy.
[06:10] Jehan> like..
[06:10] Jehan> Hella happy.
[06:10] FishyFish> ...oh... but...
[06:11] Jehan> ??
[06:11] FishyFish> ......but he ... well, he ought to be happy, of course, but...
[06:11] FishyFish> ...but he ought to be happy because of... happier things.
[06:11] Jehan> like what?
[06:11] FishyFish> Like... things like...
[06:12] Jehan> Like Aziraphale? XD
[06:12] FishyFish> ...good point!
[06:12] Jehan> Or the PoF?
[06:12] FishyFish> NOT THAT.
[06:12] Jehan> Nuh uh. Aziraphale is more like a popular metaphor used in poems that has come to life.
[06:13] FishyFish> And how wonderful is THAT, may I ask you!
[06:13] Jehan> It's more "There is a God. Poetry isn't useless when there is actually this true beauty" sort of thing.
[06:13] FishyFish> ;____;
[06:13] Jehan> XD It's good, but it's not another human to love.
[06:13] Jehan> ...Or someone who's shared similar experiences...
[06:13] FishyFish> No, I wouldn't dream of Jehan falling in LOVE with Zira, that's just... weird... in a...
[06:13] Jehan> XD
[06:13] FishyFish> a ...
[06:13] Jehan> ....Too weird.
[06:13] FishyFish> ......yeah. Just...
[06:13] FishyFish> ...but even not Zira...
[06:13] FishyFish> ...Jehan ought to...
[06:14] Jehan> no, no, no.
[06:14] FishyFish> know, a proposal of marriage from someone insanely wonderful...
[06:14] Jehan> ...Well, yeah! but.
[06:14] FishyFish> ...things of that degree! and that.. plausibility!
[06:15] Jehan> ...It's not romantic, to Jehan, that whole matrimony/domestic/angst-free thing.
[06:15] Jehan> Love is the pain and like.
[06:15] FishyFish> Oh... that makes sense too..... ;__;
[06:15] FishyFish> Ah here's the bit about Jehan!
[06:15] Jehan> Oh!
[06:15] FishyFish> Jeanne said "I worry about Jehan, you know."
[06:15] FishyFish> Rac: "Do you? *bites a nail* ...Well, yes, I do know what you mean. I don't treat him nearly as well as I ought to."
[06:16] FishyFish> Jeanne: "*frowns* I don't want to sound critical but he seems very alone."
[06:16] FishyFish> Rac: "...I'd explain it away by saying that he's a poet, he's always a little alone and always a little sad, but... You're right. Absolutely right. He doesn't deserve it."
[06:16] Jehan> .....
[06:16] FishyFish> Jeanne: "*sighs* You're his boyfriend. You should fix that."
[06:16] FishyFish> Rac: "I know, but... ...I don't know. I don't know what to do. A melancholy voice or someone's slightest frown, a bit of rustling skirt, and I jump up instantly. I know I should be sitting next to Jehan, but -- I don't know, it's just ... ingrained, I guess. ..."
[06:16] Jehan> ....Ingrained?
[06:16] FishyFish> ...Ingrained.
[06:17] FishyFish> ......Like a... reflex. XD
[06:17] Jehan>
[06:17] Jehan> Courfeyrac understands Jehan completely.
[06:17] Jehan> The second paragraph he said.
[06:17] Jehan> That's Jehan exactly.
[06:17] FishyFish> ...No, he couldn't, he couldn't.
[06:18] Jehan> ...He has him down completely!!
[06:18] Jehan> ...But of course, Courfeyrac would never know that. And there are layers to Jehan.
[06:18] Jehan> But still.
[06:18] Jehan> That's what it is.
[06:18] FishyFish> Rac says it because .. he guesses, but ... well...
[06:18] Jehan> Ahhh, but he's got him down.
[06:19] FishyFish> Rac's just... has a very ODD view of human relations, he thinks everyone thinks that way, and consequently he ... ends up misunderstanding most things and people.
[06:20] Jehan> Aww....well, he pulls off most things very well...except in the case of Hel, which isn't his fault. Speaking of which...
[06:20] FishyFish> of which... :)
[06:21] * Alona-sleeping is now known as Saint-Alona
[06:21] Jehan> ...!!
[06:21] Jehan> :)
[06:21] FishyFish> HELLO ALONA IN HERE TOO! 3
[06:21] Saint-Alona> ...Hi.
[06:21] Crowley> HI ALONA. Wait. *smacks typist*
[06:22] Jehan> XD
[06:22] Saint-Alona> *snickers*
[06:22] FishyFish> MANY things have happened in this chat today, methinks. XD
[06:22] Jehan> Oh yes!
[06:22] Jehan> ...Should I keep going in here?
[06:22] FishyFish> ...Wait, it was an odd thing what we were doing, come to think of it. XD
[06:22] Jehan> ...yeah. XD
[06:23] Jehan> Where should I continue?
[06:23] Jehan> OOC?
[06:23] FishyFish> But... there isn't any real anti-OTPage here...
[06:23] Jehan> ...true that, true that.
[06:23] Jehan> *keeps going in here, then, mwahaha!*
[06:23] FishyFish> XDD
[06:24] Jehan> Jehan, after Courfeyrac left and stumbled over himself in guilt, explained to Cinderella and Hel why Courfeyrac was "flirting meaninglessly", as they were putting it...
[06:24] FishyFish> See, Jehan knows Rac so much better!
[06:24] FishyFish> Better than Rac knows himself, rather.
[06:24] Jehan> Well -- see if this is what Courfeyrac's trying to do:
[06:25] Jehan> And Jehan said, "He flirts because he wants people to feel special, to be happy. He does it to everyone; he isn't thinking of the love aspect.... He just thinks it's what makes people happy. To be paid attention to, and to have fun."
[06:25] FishyFish> LIKE A CHARM.
[06:25] Jehan> XD
[06:26] Jehan> Cinderella said, "That's a beautiful way of thinking about it. Thank you, Jehan."
[06:26] FishyFish> And then I said "Who is Cinderella-mun anyhow?"
[06:26] Jehan> But Hel said, "I thought he thought only I was special." So...Jehan couldn't get to her.
[06:26] Jehan> XDD
[06:26] Crowley> *snickers evilly, since he knoooows*
[06:26] Jehan> *knows too*
[06:26] FishyFish> Oh, puhLEASE. XD
[06:27] FishyFish> Well... Hel is rather... a newbie at the emotions business.
[06:27] Jehan> Yeah. Jehan tried, but couldn't get to her.
[06:27] FishyFish> He certainly tried in the right direction.
[06:27] FishyFish> More than right DIRECTION.
[06:27] Jehan> :) Good!
[06:27] FishyFish> Right freaking polar coordinates.
[06:27] Jehan> XDDD
[06:28] Jehan> I'm really glad.
[06:28] Jehan> But Jehan did say....
[06:28] FishyFish> (But no matter how well Jane-Jehan puts it, Rac will forever be an idiot.)
[06:28] Jehan> (L-word alert!!)
[06:28] FishyFish> (Oh, but really, he's so "WAIT, THAT'S NOT HOW YOU THINK? WHAT ARE YOU, NUTS?")
[06:29] Jehan> "Though I'm not sure, but...maybe sometimes he wants, er, casual relations...though I don't know. Maybe."
[06:29] FishyFish> ...casual relations...
[06:29] Jehan> ....yeah.
[06:29] Jehan> Like, just friends with benefits thing.
[06:29] FishyFish> Like Wasp!Amis? :D
[06:29] Jehan> XD that.
[06:30] FishyFish> Well...
[06:31] FishyFish> I guess he would love to have those 'casual relations'... but would rather go and pay some streetwalker for those things if his friends would rather not er.
[06:31] Jehan> Yeah, I thought so. Well, Jehan thought so. But I'm glad he didn't say anything -completely- wrong in that case.
[06:32] FishyFish> You ARE Jehan, dear.
[06:32] Jehan> .......
[06:32] Jehan> ...I wish I was.
[06:32] FishyFish> And I don't mean that in a 'omg puppet' way.
[06:32] Jehan> XD
[06:32] Jehan> But hearing that makes me incredibly happy. ;_;
[06:32] FishyFish> Write it on your walls and know I'm saying it to you all the freaking time.
[06:33] Jehan> OMG I love you.
[06:33] Jehan> I think you're as funny as Courfeyrac.
[06:33] Jehan> XD
[06:33] Jehan> which is FUNNY
[06:33] FishyFish> ......I don't know how to express my amusement at that. XD
[06:33] FishyFish> Because...
[06:34] Jehan> XDD Well....well, yeah, you are, because you make up everything he says..
[06:34] FishyFish> ...Because he... yes, he can only be as funny as I am, which is a shame...
[06:34] Jehan> Aww! You're incredibly funny. You make him much more funny (not the OOC kind) than he is in the book, so!
[06:35] FishyFish> Now that's just plainly a lie. And that's not even self-deprecation.
[06:36] Jehan> ...well, I won't hit you with a fish, but. I think it's true. But either way.
[06:36] Jehan> You're a good Courfeyrac. :B
[06:36] Jehan> Like...incredibly.
[06:36] FishyFish> I think that's where the discrepancy stems from. XD
[06:37] Jehan> And I'll RP him, to show you just how much better you are.
[06:37] FishyFish> OH! WILL YOU! I mean the former part, but WILL YOU!
[06:37] Jehan> Nuh uh
[06:37] Jehan> .
[06:37] Jehan> XD Sure
[06:37] Jehan> !
[06:37] Jehan> As soon as I get the chance.
[06:37] FishyFish> I am just SO expectant.!
[06:37] FishyFish> Cuz, you know.
[06:37] Jehan> XDD
[06:37] FishyFish> Never seen before.
[06:37] Jehan> I would REALLY want to see you be Jehan.
[06:37] Jehan> :D
[06:38] FishyFish> ...*perplexed like woah*
[06:38] FishyFish> I...
[06:38] Jehan> Yes!
[06:38] FishyFish> ...think I'd ...
[06:38] FishyFish> ...I don't know how many different ways I could ruin him.
[06:38] FishyFish> I'd... JEANNETTE HIM!
[06:38] Jehan> XDDDDDDD
[06:38] Jehan> Same with me and courfeyrac, but still!
[06:38] Jehan> I think I'm going to make Courfeyrac emotionless x.x
[06:39] FishyFish> Oh, shush. But if -- if I RP'd Jehan, I'd just be basically ripping him right off you.

jehan, anti-otp, hamlet, neville longbottom, typist log, aziraphale, gertrude, ron weasley, metatron, pollution

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