Looking ahead--and behind

Dec 26, 2010 14:33

I meant to get up and go right to work, but it is cold, and my window shows a white-gray sky and dripping trees, and my bed is warm, and there are YT recs everywhere. So I'll work up to getting out of bed and going to the office. It's closed anyway, so I can go in whenever.

With school starting Jan. 3, I'm looking ahead to making it a better semester, time-management wise. This week, I'll be waking up early to go to the school gym, then spending a few hours in the library researching for my thesis (I'm writing about unintentional student plagiarism--somehow I think I unintentionally switched from the English Lit program to the Rhetoric and Composition program, but that's cool, since comp theory really grabbed me last term.) After studying, I'll go into work, where I'm of a mind to radically reorganize the office, or at least toss some of the detritus we've accumulated. My spring cleaning itch comes way early.

Here, have a fandom in review meme, gakked from everyone.

Your main fandom of the year?

SPN for sure. I've also enjoyed reading Merlin fic since the summer.

Your favorite film watched this year?

I really enjoyed Zombieland and Whip It (female aggression ftw!), and Red last night. Rapunzel charmed me unexpectedly. Did Woodstock come out this year or last?

Your favorite book read this year?

Some awesome stuff for school: Peter Elbow's Writing With Power, which is largely responsible for how stressless most of my writing has been this fall. Christina the Astonishing, a contemporary account of a medieval mystic who came back to life at least three times and suffered a lot. It was strangely touching. Rereading The Fall of Ile-Rien for the umteenth time this summer. It seems to be a comfort book.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?

I'm still incredibly happy to get in the car and listen to my classic rock station on the way to wherever. I also burned a CD for the Eagles' Desperado early this year and enjoy listening while soaking in the tub.

Your favorite TV show of the year?

Jeez. SPN, obviously. I also discovered Merlin, enjoyed the end of Lost, and seem to be on a 30 Rock buzz right now. Also rediscovered Grey's Anatomy. Oh, and Psych.

Your favorite LJ community of the year?

Ooh. The SPN newsletter. Also the SPN recs comms, which I've sadly had to temporarily filter off my flist in the name of my GPA. The SPN bigbang comm rocks every year, as does the summer_gen comm, and I really enjoy reading the sharp_teeth comment meme.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?

Merlin fer shure. Maybe Hawaii 5-0 with its exquisite h/c.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?

I can't think of anything.

Your TV boyfriends of the year?

Haha Dean Winchester ilu. Sawyer from Lost. Arthur from Merlin. Zachariah from SPN keeps stalking me. Yes, Alec Baldwin from 30 Rock (it's his personality 100 percent). Cristina's husband and Alex on Grey's.

Your TV girlfriends of the year?

Gwen from Merlin. Olivia from Fringe. Juliet from Psych. Tessa from SPN, and Jo grew on me a lot too. Kate from Lost. ("I saved you a bullet.") Kono from H50.

Your biggest squee moment of the year?

When the dragon came in and saved Merlin from the scorpion monsters at the beginning of S3. I was totally not expecting that. Also when Shawn and Juliet got together in a very cute and funny scene in Psych. (The squee continues as they actually seem to have a functional, drama-free relationship so far.) Dean telling a possessed Sam, "I won't leave you.

The most missed of your old fandoms?

SGA, hands down. I get into McShep moods from time to time and it's good to go reread old fics, though.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?

Glee? I'm saving it to watch with a friend out here, who just discovered it too. I dunno; I probably have enough to keep me busy.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?

Wincon in NOLA. Summergen. Reading bigbangs again. Writing more fic. Hanging out on LJ with all these cool people. ♥

[eta: Somehow I lost my cut tag when fixing something earlier. Sorry if this ate your flist page.]

school, rl, memes

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