Zombieland Fic: But First the Riviera (Gen, PG, team)

Jan 02, 2011 00:06

Yuletide reveal time!

Title: But First the Riviera
Fandom: Zombieland
Rating: Gen, PG
Words: 3,400
Characters: Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita, Little Rock
For Mosca
Notes: Thanks to my sister, who read it over in earlier drafts and confirmed there needed to be later drafts... which was great because I had a lot of fun stretching my legs in this universe and seeing what those wacky city-named people would do after the credits rolled.

They lasted a week in Bill Murray’s house before everyone went stir-crazy and decided to go back on the road, like a band scratching the itch to tour again.

yuletide, fic, zombieland

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