Bye bye, Clara!

Sep 16, 2015 14:06

BBC News: Jenna Coleman 'leaving' Doctor Who

Can't say I'm sorry, if this turns out to be true. It's been rumoured for ages that she's leaving at some point - well, I suppose they've all got to leave eventually! But I've never warmed to Clara in the way I did with Rose or Martha or Amy or Donna.

I think it was the whole 'impossible girl' storyline. The big draw of the companions was that they were ordinary. They were normal. They were people the audience could identify with - part of the whole appeal of the show was the way the Doctor inspires ordinary people to find the extraordinary within. Clara was presented to us right of the bat as something out of the ordinary, something special, something impossible. And so I've never really warmed to the way we were told to find her amazing, rather than discovering that for ourselves.

tv: doctor who

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