The Little Mouse Who Could...

Sep 17, 2015 11:15

Bandit brought a mouse in just after midnight on Tuesday, waking me up with his usual triumphant squawk. The poor little thing was still alive, and when I grabbed Bandit to make him drop it, it bolted. I didn't see where it went, but in my kitchen the only place it could have gone was behind my sideboard. It's too heavy to move alone, so I went back to bed and decided to try moving the sideboard the next day to retrieve the mouse, which I figured would probably be dead by then.

Cue yesterday, and I get home from work and call my dad to see if he can pop round to help me move the sideboard. Then I go into the downstairs bathroom to clean the cat's litter tray and espy tiny whiskers poking out from between the litter tray and the skirting board. Tiny mouse. Tiny mouse who is definitely not dead, and more than that, has managed to survive an entire night and day in a house with two cats by hiding by one of the few places they're guaranteed to visit at some point. Clearly the Rambo of mice.

We then had a merry chase where I was trying to catch the mouse and the mouse was not having it. There was lots of me talking to the mouse and telling it that I was only trying to help. Clearly I don't speak Mouse and the mouse doesn't speak English. It eventually ran into my shoe rack and hid in a pair of my Vans trainers, which I scooped up and took outside to the garden. Then I had a hell of a time getting that poor mouse to leave the safety of my trainer, which it did eventually and scampered off into the undergrowth, no doubt to tell his buddies about his adventure in the Cat House. And no doubt his little mouse buddies will not believe him...

animals: pets

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