Obviously I Don’t Know The Meaning Of Automatic!!!!!

Oct 20, 2023 16:28

Back at the end of 2010 I had my first interview at the hospital I work at, and started in February 2011. I have a zero-hours contract as I work for Staff Bank. I start by saying this so you know where the rest of this scribble comes from.

I am happy on Staff Bank. I have never been one to hunt for extra wages, never been one to be concerned for the future (I know it used to drive Mum & Dad mad), but that is me. Maybe it’s as I see so many people scrabbling for every penny it makes me more annoyed, I don’t know, but that’s me. Over the last few years I have had 3 of my regular “bosses” beg me to take a contract, which is lovely as it’s nice to know they are happy with my work. But I have always been self-employed, so am happy that way … especially as I am trying to do a bit of travel, as and when I can.

Anyway back in the summer we were told that we would be transferring to another company for our work … they were out-sourcing, however it would be AUTOMATIC and the only difference was a new log-in, and another ID card.

Last month we got our “start” of log-in … and I did that.

This week we had details of the next stage … I found I couldn’t log on, and I was told that it was a phone app I need. Fine, I don’t use phone apps, as I only have a basic phone. That was (eventually) sorted … but, the log-on process is …

2 proofs of address
1 photo ID
2 interviews

…. Excuse me, but I did all that back in 2010 … So how is that an automatic transfer?

Now, to add insult to injury, I received confirmation of the new log-in and the date of interview #1 (in mid-November), and they have spelt my surname incorrectly.

To say I was livid when I saw that is an under-statement.

But, on a positive note, it looks as if I will be doing one clinic a week come the new year, as the senior matron I am working with today has said there will be clinics with her going forward. (at some point)

OK, rant over.

Well, actually, not truly rant over.

Back in 2015 when Mum was called Home I was very “down” and one of the side effects was an abscess in a tooth that already had a crown on it. Although my dentist battled, I lost the tooth, and soon after I lost Dad I had a small plate done, as it’s a front tooth. On Monday I was eating an orange, heard a “snick” … and, yes, you guessed it, the plate is broken. I am going to the dentist on Monday in the hope it can be repaired, but if not, it will be a new plate. I am not at all concerned about my appearance, and again, never have been, but being a fron tooth I am aware I lisp, and that is not good when one of my jobs involves answering the phone.

AND, I have just been informed I need a “fit” test … this is to see what shape of mask I need. I did say I don’t work on wards now, but still wanted. Ironically back when we all re-started work at the beginning of Covid, I didn’t need one for the clinics I was/am doing!!

So, all in all, a WONDERFUL week.

Right, before I find anything else to moan about …

19 - Free Speech Week: There is a lot of talk about the so-called "cancelling" of individuals who are known for espousing controversial views. Would a better way of framing it be "accountability" rather than "cancelling", with the emphasis being on the reality that free speech isn't consequence-free?
Free speech should be allowed … but I do find it frustrating that sometimes only “one” side of the “argument” seems to be allowed that freedom

20 - Information Overload Day: We've all likely suffered from this at some point in time, if not almost daily. What do you do to limit the flow of information coming to you? Do you put your phone on "Do Not Disturb"? Log out of your email client? Avoid social media? Read a book or go for a walk instead of watching the news?
Well I suppose not really having a fancy phone means I have to actually turn on my computer to find emails/Instagram etc
I only ever watch/listen to news headlines

I hope to catch up with you all in a bit, and see what you are doing. I also have a set of icons due, so I must get them completed …. And if I get time a few more photos up, if not it will be next week, as I have very few shifts then.

Hope you are all having a good day x

dentist, work, daily meme

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