Battlefields Tour #4 - WWI

Oct 17, 2023 16:37

Our first stop on Wednesday morning was a visit to Tyne Cot Cemetery - the largest CWCG cemetery on The Ypres Salient. There are almost 12,000 graves of which over 8,000 are un-named. There are a total of 35,000 names on the memorial walls of those buried with no known grave.

The first time I went to this cemetery I was with Mum, Dad , Nick & Tim; and have been back again on a previous tour ... and however many times I visit, it is a very special time.

One of the German bunkers

This is a special site for those from New Zealand ... and there memorial logo is special.

From there we went to The Brooding Soldier ... a memorial of the Canadians who were killed by gas attacks

belgium, cemetery, camera, holiday 2023, cwcg, wwi

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