Battlefields Tour #4 - WWI

Oct 17, 2023 16:37

Our first stop on Wednesday morning was a visit to Tyne Cot Cemetery - the largest CWCG cemetery on The Ypres Salient. There are almost 12,000 graves of which over 8,000 are un-named. There are a total of 35,000 names on the memorial walls of those buried with no known grave ( Read more... )

belgium, cemetery, camera, holiday 2023, cwcg, wwi

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Comments 8

kazzy_cee October 17 2023, 17:14:09 UTC
The Brooding Soldier is such a powerful statue isn't it?


debris4spike October 20 2023, 15:31:21 UTC
It is a beautiful image - and i actually prefer it to the Canadian Memorial at Vimy


petrusplancius October 17 2023, 20:35:43 UTC
I visited Tyne Cot with my mother about Tyne years ago and both of us found it extremely moving (in a way that I had not anticipated).


debris4spike October 20 2023, 15:31:59 UTC
I know what you mean - this is my 3rd visit, and it is still hauntingly beautiful


deepseasiren October 18 2023, 07:27:14 UTC
I love that New Zealand memorial!! That's great!!


debris4spike October 20 2023, 15:32:30 UTC
It is an amazing image, isn't it?


garnigal October 20 2023, 15:23:27 UTC
Have you ever been to Vimy? It's one site that I've always wanted to go to as a Canadian. My husband did a choir tour of Europe in high school, and they sang at the Vimy memorial.


debris4spike October 20 2023, 15:42:27 UTC
I went to Vimy back in 2018 (and have just checked, but realised I never posted some photos at the time)

... )


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