Happy Birthday Walt Disney

Oct 17, 2023 15:21

Apparently it's Walt's 100th birthday today - people who have brought a lot of joy to so many people deserve to be remembered.

I worked this morning and clinic went well ... even better it looks like I may get a few more shifts in a couple of weeks, so a positive morning.

But, wow, hasn't it gone cold. I am still telling myself I don't need to put the heating on, but I can only wear so many layers! So, I might change my mind ... let's see.

Right I do have a couple of shifts tomorrow, so that's good ... so hope to be back Thur, if not Friday, so -

17 - Mulligan Day: Commonly used in games such as golf, the term ‘mulligan’ derives from the 1920s when Canadian golfer David Mulligan made a mistake during a game and retook his shot. Since then, to ‘call a mulligan’ means the chance to try again. Is there anything in your life you'd like a second chance at?
I suppose much of life could be re-done, but I would probably still make the same mistakes!!

18 - International Legging Day: Do you wear leggings? If yes, do you wear them mostly when exercising, or do you wear them outside of the gym?
I am actually wearing leggings this afternoon ... they do help keep you warm

Right, see you soon x

work, daily meme, disney

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