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Comments 28

montavilla December 5 2008, 19:33:37 UTC
*Not that one can really say it's OOC. She didn't investigate who put Harry's name in the Goblet either that I remember. And neither did anyone else.

What's funny is that the non-investigation in GoF is too silly even for the movie version. In the film, they felt the need to include a scene where Snape suggests (and Dumbledore agrees) to keep Harry in the competition in order to try and trap the would-be murderer. Since Fake Moody was in that meeting, he was probably put in charge of discovering who the murderer was, while Snape was given the more important job of irritating Harry.

*Arthur and Molly have come to the school too. If only Hermione had been poisoned they wouldn’t have to answer to her parents at all. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Muggleborn. According to our records your daughter was beheaded in June of her second year. I’m afraid we can no longer keep her on our rolls. A team of Aurors will arrive at your house on Thursday morning for memory wipes. Please have tea waiting or else I will be forced to beat you about the head with ( ... )


sistermagpie December 5 2008, 21:52:31 UTC
Wow--I'm impressed with the movie throwing that in!

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do that thing with Lavender overhearing Ron in the movie--which would probably make her look a bit better. And also Ron, who now just goes completely bonelessly passive.


tdotm December 6 2008, 14:02:13 UTC
I read somewhere that Lavender will do exactly that in the film. Remember the good old days when the films could never be as good as the book? When Kloves was an idiot? He still is, but you get my point.


merrymelody December 5 2008, 19:45:54 UTC
Did McLaggen escape some humiliating punishment scene in DH? I'm impressed if he did.

The humiliating punishment was going on a date with Hermione.


sistermagpie December 5 2008, 21:53:32 UTC
That's almost an honor. Years from now he can look at the Weasley family and think he was lucky enough to be a pawn in the second greatest romance of the century!


eir_de_scania December 5 2008, 20:35:24 UTC
*ETA: Luckily, it being Arthur and Molly--good parents--it's not like they'll demand Dumbledore to explain what he's doing about this.
***Demanding DD explaining himself? Blasphemy!

*And what does Dumbledore have Snape investigating in Slytherin? I mean, are they pretending they don’t know it’s Draco?
***"Investigating" is just Dumbles-speak for "run off and play while I make all the decisions. Trust me."

*It turns out news of Ron’s injury is known to at least one person, but he didn’t care enough to spread it. Ron, Katie and Malfoy should start a club for the almost-killed but not interesting enough for gossip.
***Wizards doesn't gossip. If they did, every student would know about the Lily-James-Severus triangle, know the DADA professor in POA was Harry's Dad's old friend and know everything about DD's sordid past.
Not quite true. There is some amount of gossip when the Author allows it. Just as long as it doesn't ruin The Plot.


sistermagpie December 5 2008, 21:54:44 UTC
Yup, the Weasleys know better than to question Dumbledore. It is kind of hilarious the way HBP has characters spending the whole book banking on the fact that of course Dumbledore would stop these dangerous murder attempts if he knew. Naturally once the truth comes out nobody ever thinks about how they were wrong.


eir_de_scania December 6 2008, 11:00:20 UTC
You can't blame the Weasleys, really. Why should they question dear DD when no-one else does?


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 15:21:35 UTC
They do pretty well for themselves being DD's men. It's like that great essay about Patronage.


seductivedark December 5 2008, 22:12:29 UTC
...what with the Potions expert naturally disabled because Harry was there.

He does have that effect on people. Maybe we've been too hard on dear Albus...


...we could maybe imagine all the adults were just too dumb to solve the case that 12-year-old Hermione could. Now 17-year-old Hermione knows she won't be able to solve it...

She's become one of them! She's too old... she's gone for the lipstick...

Mummy and Daddy don’t need to know about pet-the-baby-dragon. That’s our special game!

This just took Hagrid in an entirely new direction for me. *retches*

Do they walk around with a stick down their pants all the time? Somebody really needs to create a holster or something.

Didn't Moody say something about misfirings and better wizards than Harry losing pieces of butt-cheek? Why hasn't someone invented a holster?

You have to wonder about that added security when two blatant murder attempts are indistinguishable from normal school life at Hogwarts.

You can't blame security - this is normal school life at Hogwarts under ( ... )


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 01:30:25 UTC
I guess Wizards go through something like the "dumbening" on The Simpsons. No matter how brilliant you are at 11 you can't be smarter than Harry when you're 30.


seductivedark December 6 2008, 13:55:04 UTC
It must be true, though - look at those parents on Elm Street - their kids are dying in weird ways (stuffed inside a waterbed mattress? like that's natural?) - but they don't believe anything's wrong. Only the kids believe it, but they're still kids. By the time they hit thirty they'll be dumber than rocks, too.


elanor_x December 6 2008, 06:24:48 UTC
*ETA: I guess if you count "disappear in a puff of smoke" one could say their money focus went somewhere.
What were the twins doing in DH? I remember the illegal radio station, but don't know whether they continued to work in the shop or were forced to hide.

Only he and Hermione wouldn't have to deal with Ron splinching himself, complaining, leaving the quest or being jealous.
So, it would be a plus! Even Harry getting more self-righteous about killing Voldemort isn't entirely bad. May be that would make the book concentrate on V too, not only on D.

*Ron’s muttering Hermione’s name in his sleep goes beyond anvil. It’s a bag of anvils beating each other with hammers.
Sure there were no people claiming H\Hr could be canon after HBP?

*I know Hagrid's an idiot but... you've got a war going on and an evil Dark Wizard with a grudge against Dumbledore. But you think people are bumping off the Quidditch team. I would say that's dumb even for Hagrid but it's really not.I read a wonderful humorous fic in Russian, where all characters ( ... )


eir_de_scania December 6 2008, 11:03:40 UTC
Sure there were no people claiming H\Hr could be canon after HBP?

***There are people claiming H/Hr after DH.


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 15:28:44 UTC
I can't remember what the Twins were doing with their store. Did they say anything? Because they essentially made weaponry. You'd think they'd be far more in demand than even the wandmaker.

LOL--so in the story do they assume that Hagrid's really uncovered the plot about the Quidditch team?

To be fair, many parents withdrew their kids in the end of this year, but were forced by V's orders to send them back in DH. Otherwise, they would have to go into the hiding.And yet it doesn't even seem that difficult, what with Ginny not going back after Easter and Ron staying out of school with that ghoul plan. It's just you'd think that trying to make Wizards do things should be like herding cats the way they'er all quirky and individualistic and can do magic. Yet they're surprisingly easy to control ( ... )


elanor_x December 6 2008, 16:19:10 UTC
LOL--so in the story do they assume that Hagrid's really uncovered the plot about the Quidditch team?
Harry is mortified and tries to stop Hagrid. Others seems to agree, probably sarcastically. D is certainly sarcastic, telling V about his surprise at V's diminished goals and mentioning that he does believe Hagrid's explanation, since to believe V trusted Draco to kill D is to insult V's intelligence even more. I would love to translate the fic, but it's quite long (for me) and would take too much time.

Today I have begun translating another short humorous fic of this author about Malfoys and V and another surprising visitor, which happens on New Year's Eve. I hope it'll be a present for New Year at this community. The only problem is that I don't have a beta. It's not longer than your recap. I think even shorter.


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