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montavilla December 5 2008, 19:33:37 UTC
*Not that one can really say it's OOC. She didn't investigate who put Harry's name in the Goblet either that I remember. And neither did anyone else.

What's funny is that the non-investigation in GoF is too silly even for the movie version. In the film, they felt the need to include a scene where Snape suggests (and Dumbledore agrees) to keep Harry in the competition in order to try and trap the would-be murderer. Since Fake Moody was in that meeting, he was probably put in charge of discovering who the murderer was, while Snape was given the more important job of irritating Harry.

*Arthur and Molly have come to the school too. If only Hermione had been poisoned they wouldn’t have to answer to her parents at all. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Muggleborn. According to our records your daughter was beheaded in June of her second year. I’m afraid we can no longer keep her on our rolls. A team of Aurors will arrive at your house on Thursday morning for memory wipes. Please have tea waiting or else I will be forced to beat you about the head with the pot. Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore, Epitome of Goodness."

Yes. It was fortunate that in CoS, the attacks were directed toward Muggleborns. Hermione spent most of that year in the infirmary with nary a peep from her parents!

*Hermione’s crying, btw. For anyone who’s missed this sort of thing so far, this is what we mean by an anvil.

*Ron’s muttering Hermione’s name in his sleep goes beyond anvil. It’s a bag of anvils beating each other with hammers.

This is one of those movie moments. Which would be more effective if JKR didn't use exactly the same idea (and better) later on with Fleur and Bill. And, if it had had the result a moment like that would have in any decently written film--by which, I mean that it would settle the question of Ron and Hermione and we wouldn't have the ridiculous kiss in DH.

Also, ideally, Lavender would have been there to witness Ron's muttering of Hermione's name and gotten the message immediately. We'll have to wait until July to find out, but I'd be surprised if Kloves didn't do that and spare us the next three months of Ron trying to escape Lav-Lav.

Man. This should have been the warning sign. This, and Ron's Quidditch crisis reset. It's all foreshadowing the Quest that Takes Forever in DH.

*ETA: Did McLaggen escape some humiliating punishment scene in DH? I'm impressed if he did.

He did. But, he was a seventh-year, so he wasn't around to be humiliated at the end. Maybe he was one of the Death Eaters Harry took at during that first chase? Or maybe he was working at the Ministry and had a rainy room? I'm sure he was slated for humiliation somewhere...


sistermagpie December 5 2008, 21:52:31 UTC
Wow--I'm impressed with the movie throwing that in!

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do that thing with Lavender overhearing Ron in the movie--which would probably make her look a bit better. And also Ron, who now just goes completely bonelessly passive.


tdotm December 6 2008, 14:02:13 UTC
I read somewhere that Lavender will do exactly that in the film. Remember the good old days when the films could never be as good as the book? When Kloves was an idiot? He still is, but you get my point.


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