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elanor_x December 6 2008, 06:24:48 UTC
*ETA: I guess if you count "disappear in a puff of smoke" one could say their money focus went somewhere.
What were the twins doing in DH? I remember the illegal radio station, but don't know whether they continued to work in the shop or were forced to hide.

Only he and Hermione wouldn't have to deal with Ron splinching himself, complaining, leaving the quest or being jealous.
So, it would be a plus! Even Harry getting more self-righteous about killing Voldemort isn't entirely bad. May be that would make the book concentrate on V too, not only on D.

*Ron’s muttering Hermione’s name in his sleep goes beyond anvil. It’s a bag of anvils beating each other with hammers.
Sure there were no people claiming H\Hr could be canon after HBP?

*I know Hagrid's an idiot but... you've got a war going on and an evil Dark Wizard with a grudge against Dumbledore. But you think people are bumping off the Quidditch team. I would say that's dumb even for Hagrid but it's really not.
I read a wonderful humorous fic in Russian, where all characters gather together after reading HBP and discuss the new reality in which they have to live. When they try to find a main plot-line, they are at loss until Hagrid says it's a book about how bad people tried to destroy the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Now I know from where the author took it.

You’re safer with a cold-blooded assassin than a jumpy kid with a gun closing his eyes and firing.
Depends who you're. The victim is safer with a jumpy kid, the rest of the school is safer with an assassin. ;)

*ETA: Chuckling when I remember that for all the noise about Wizard parents unfairly withdrawing their kids next year they'll all meekly send their kids to school even when they're obviously being taught by Death Eaters.
To be fair, many parents withdrew their kids in the end of this year, but were forced by V's orders to send them back in DH. Otherwise, they would have to go into the hiding.

*ETA: Seriously, what does he have him investigating? They both know it's Draco. What did Dumbledore mean about continuing investigations "in his own house?" Isn't he just following Draco around ... It's like they're talking in eumphamisms even though they think they're alone.
D probably meant making appearance of investigating the matter among Slytherins. Why? Would it be suspicious if Snape didn't investigate? I don't remember any investigations by teachers in CoS.

*I hope they play this out in the movie, with Malfoy looking up from the water fountain or another class he has to see Harry skulking, and getting confused. Good comic potential.
I would like to see that too, but am afraid all the talk about how HBP movie will be closer to comedy than others refers only to R\L & H\G romance. Draco's subplot has the potential to be filmed as "darker" part of the film, without any humor. Hope I am wrong.

*ETA: Or better yet, maybe five scenes of Harry and Ginny trying to generate sexual tension. That would be awesome.
Judging by tying his shoelace scene, their relationship in the film may have a strong motherly vibe, not unlike R\Hr in the books.

*ETA: Oh, that line is truly gross now that we know Harry's future. But it certainly is some disturbing foreshadowing: Gee, I wish I had a team of Aurors at my command so I could use them to go after people I know are guilty.
Did Harry revolutionized Auror department by going after people without evidence of them being guilty to use in court? That was done before too. I guess the difference is Harry's superior instinctive knowledge who's guilty.


eir_de_scania December 6 2008, 11:03:40 UTC
Sure there were no people claiming H\Hr could be canon after HBP?

***There are people claiming H/Hr after DH.


sistermagpie December 6 2008, 15:28:44 UTC
I can't remember what the Twins were doing with their store. Did they say anything? Because they essentially made weaponry. You'd think they'd be far more in demand than even the wandmaker.

LOL--so in the story do they assume that Hagrid's really uncovered the plot about the Quidditch team?

To be fair, many parents withdrew their kids in the end of this year, but were forced by V's orders to send them back in DH. Otherwise, they would have to go into the hiding.

And yet it doesn't even seem that difficult, what with Ginny not going back after Easter and Ron staying out of school with that ghoul plan. It's just you'd think that trying to make Wizards do things should be like herding cats the way they'er all quirky and individualistic and can do magic. Yet they're surprisingly easy to control.

Right, there were no investigations whatsoever in HBP so why would Snape have to appear to be doing them? And why would Dumbledore say that to him in private? I assumed that what he really meant by "investigations" was Snape watching Draco to head off whatever thing he was going to do next, but it's an odd way to refer to it when they're alone.

Did Harry revolutionized Auror department by going after people without evidence of them being guilty to use in court? That was done before too. I guess the difference is Harry's superior instinctive knowledge who's guilty.

Probably that's how it works. Which isn't a problem if Harry has supervision who make sure he has evidence--like in Maya's fic Drop Dead Gorgeous it's Kingsley who's in charge. He says both Harry and Draco have a habit of zeroing in on one suspect. But the thing is, one of them is always right. So if both of them agree he'll assume they're onto something.


elanor_x December 6 2008, 16:19:10 UTC
LOL--so in the story do they assume that Hagrid's really uncovered the plot about the Quidditch team?
Harry is mortified and tries to stop Hagrid. Others seems to agree, probably sarcastically. D is certainly sarcastic, telling V about his surprise at V's diminished goals and mentioning that he does believe Hagrid's explanation, since to believe V trusted Draco to kill D is to insult V's intelligence even more. I would love to translate the fic, but it's quite long (for me) and would take too much time.

Today I have begun translating another short humorous fic of this author about Malfoys and V and another surprising visitor, which happens on New Year's Eve. I hope it'll be a present for New Year at this community. The only problem is that I don't have a beta. It's not longer than your recap. I think even shorter.


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