Deathly Hallows, chapter 13

Dec 05, 2008 17:48

The Muggle-Born Registration Commission

* What ought to have been a break of a couple of weeks stretched into a break of.. a couple of months? Dude, I so fail at this. But never mind, on with the show.

* I'd forgotten it was this chapter I was supposed to be doing. Maybe my subconsciousness remembered that and it was for that reason that I stayed away. Couldn't I please skip this chapter? Pretty please? Oh, I guess not. Damn. ;-)

* What's it with Rowling and the comparisons of people with animals? Rats, lions, toads and now the Minister is like a crab.

* Also, Runcorn's feet are big. Is that a sign of evilness? *eyes her own feet*

* "... the plan he had been carefully concocting with Ron and Hermione..." Plan, Harry? What plan? Oh, the one where you waltz into the Ministry and then, um, do something.

* May I just point out how stupid it is of Harry to remove the magical eye from Umbridge's office door. It does no good and is bound to alert people to the fact that someone has been in the office.

* Harry is angry, which does not bode well for him. If I were him, I'd try to keep a check on my temper, because not doing so increases the risk of discovery. But then again, Harry has never cared about what consequences his temper-tantrums have, so it's not fair of me to expect any better of him.

* Rita Skeeter is the bestselling author of Armando Dippet: Master or Moron? I wonder how that book has managed to sell well. It sounds like the most boring book ever. Also, I didn't know Dippet was important enough to have a biography made of him.

* Ahahaa, Dumbledore had elbow-length hair even as a teenager. I can so imagine him grooming his hair, looking for split ends. With his fancy clothes and his fancy hair, Dumbledore is quite vain a wizard.

* OMG, is that what JKR thinks gay people are?

* Is the Muggle-Born Registration Committee supposed to be another shout-out to the Nazis?

* I think that stunning Umbridge and Yaxley, and then taking the locket and getting the hell out of there would have been the best course to take, what with their non-existent plan having been shot to hell, but true to himself, Harry acts out of anger. Tsk tsk, Harry. Keep your cool.

* Harry says the Patronus spell is the only one Hermione ever has trouble with. Maybe my memory is like a sieve, but I thought it was the Riddikulus spell she had failed to do. In fact, IIRC she was the first of the DA to learn the Patronus spell.

* I hate to compliment Harry, but his impersonation of Runcorn in the atrium was quite good. The boy has hope, if only he could learn to control his temper.

* I wonder, why didn't Hermione stun and obliviate Yaxley instead of abandoning Grimmaulf Place? It would seem like the most sensible approach.

*Well, that was short. I seem to be out of practice. Well, maybe next chapter will be less of an ordeal to slog through.

dh, jabootu, chapter commentary, chapter commentary: dh

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