Harry Potter Abridged! HBP Chapter 6

May 26, 2015 14:35

[Life goes on at the Burrow. Lupin shows up on Harry’s birthday to report mysterious deaths]

Lupin: So, Karkaroff is dead, Florean Fortescue has been found missing…. Oh, and Ollivander is gone too.

Ginny: You mean the guy who gives people wands? But where will the new students get their wands?

Lupin: There are other wandmakers.

Ginny: There are? I never noticed!

[On the bright side, Harry is made Quidditch Captain]

Hermione: Did you know that this makes you as important as a prefect? You can even use our bathroom!

Harry: Hooray for wizards’ obsessions with their stupid sports!

Mrs. Weasley: Alright, it’s decided-we’ll go to Diagon Alley as soon as your father has time off so he can protect us.

Ron: Mother, couldn’t you defend us yourself?

Harry: Mrs. Weasley can fight?! I had no idea!

Mrs. Weasley: Well…you know what they say about safety in numbers….

[The day of shopping dawns]

Bill: Harry, here’s some money for you. I took the liberty of getting it out of your vault so you wouldn’t have to wait in the maximum-security line.

Fleur: Isn’t that thoughtful of you?

Bill: Not really-it’s just common sense. I don’t want to wait for him to go through that line either.

[Two cars provided by the Ministry of Magic take them to Diagon Alley]

Mr. Weasley: Isn’t this nice? It’s all because they want to protect Harry.

Harry: Can I expect to be treated as paper-fine glass from this point onward?

Mr. Weasley: No.

Harry: Aww…

[At the Leaky Cauldron, they meet up with Hagrid]

Hagrid: I’ve been assigned to escort you around Diagon Alley.

Harry: Oh, wow! Not a bunch of aurors?

Hagrid: Nope-Dumbledore put in a good word for me.

Ron: Oh, joy….

[They enter Diagon Alley, which has changed]

Harry: All the signs are covered in Ministry posters. Some of the stores are even boarded up.

Con wizard: You people look important! You should totally buy one of my amulets to ward off evil!

Mr. Weasley: Eew. If I were on duty I’d arrest you at once.

Mrs. Weasley: Let’s see…how to do this shopping to ensure that we finish as quickly as possible and don’t split up more than is necessary…?

Hagrid: I can always take Harry, Ron, and Hermione off your hands.

Mrs. Weasley: You? Take these children from me?

Hagrid: Yes! Come on, nobody’s going to attack someone as fearsome-looking as I am!

Mrs. Weasley: I suppose I have no choice. Very well, you three go with Hagrid.

[They go to Madame Malkin’s, where Draco is]

Draco: But Mooootheeeeeer, I want to go shopping alooooooone!

Madame Malkin: Now, now, your mother’s just worried about you.

Draco: But she’s treating me like a baby! I’m a big boy now!

Harry: Aaagh! Draco is here!

Draco: Eew! It’s Harry and his filthy little friends!

[Harry, Ron, and Draco draw wands]

Madame Malkin: Hey! Play nice indoors!

Hermione: Seriously, don’t make this even worse than it already is.

Draco: Eew! It’s Hermione!

Narcissa: Agh! Everyone stop this right now! You three, stop pointing your wands at my son or there’ll be hell to pay!

Harry: Oh, I’m so scared! What are you going to do, send your Death Eater friends after us?

Madame Malkin: What?! Who said anything about Death Eaters?!

Narcissa: Don’t make me laugh. You wouldn’t talk so tough to me if you weren’t Dumbledore’s favorite.

Harry: Dumbledore isn’t here right now, you know. So why the hell don’t you come after me, you filthy genocidal racist you?!

Draco: Hey! That’s not a very nice thing to say about my mother!

Narcissa: Draco, dear, your mother can fight her own battles.

Harry: I say it because it’s true!

[Madame Malkin is so nervous that she pokes Draco with a pin]

Draco: Ow! Fuck this! [Pulls off robes] I’m out of here!

Madame Malkin: But I haven’t even finished fitting your robes!

Draco: I don’t want these robes anyway! [Storms off]

Narcissa: That’s alright-I think there’s another store somewhere along here…. Draco! Come back! [Runs after Draco]

Harry: Oh, well. Will you fit us virtuous main characters now?

Madame Malkin: Very well.

[She fits their robes hastily and sends them on their way]*

Harry: Hagrid, Hagrid! We saw Draco in the shop!

Hagrid: Oh, yeah. Well, he wouldn’t dare try anything in the middle of Diagon Alley in broad daylight.

Harry: I sure hope you’re right.

[After a time, they reconnoiter with Mrs. Weasley, and they all to go Fred and George’s shop]

Ron: Harry, Harry! Look at that sign! Isn’t it funny?!

Harry: Oh, yes! That sign is so funny! U-No-Poo! Ahahaha! Poopy jokes are the best thing ever!

Mrs. Weasley: That’s disgusting.

Ron: Oh, come off it, Mother! Poopy jokes are hilarious and everyone who’s cool knows it!

[Both Harry and Ron collapse in fits of giggles]

[They go inside the store…]

Harry: Look, look! Fake wands!

Ron: Look, look! A reusable hangman that behaves like a real man who’s about to be hanged!

Hermione: Look, look! A 30-minute daydream you can apply in the middle of a class period! …Should I be upset about that?

Fred: Wow, I take that as high praise coming from you.

Hermione: Oh, hello, Fred!

Fred: So, shall I give you all a tour?

Harry: Oh, yes! Please!

[Fred leads them around…]

Fred: So we sell jokes of all kinds. We also sell some muggle magic tricks, because apparently they have a market as novelties. Who knew?

Random ten-year-old: Ooh! Edible Dark Marks!

Fred: Step away from that, little boy, if you know what’s good for you.

Random ten-year-old: Sorry! [Runs away in fear]

George: Oh, and by the way, we sell more serious stuff too. The Ministry employees are buying our shield clothing, Peruvian instant darkness powder, and so forth.

Harry: Oh, wow! You are so clever!

Fred: By the way, you can have anything you want in this store for free, as long as you tell your friends where you got it.

Harry: Hooray! I get free stuff!

Ron: You’re lucky. They won’t let me take anything for free and I’m their own brother.

Harry: Oh Ron, your life sucks so much!

Ron: You don’t have to remind me!

Fred: Oh, by the way, Hermione, Ginny, did you know we sell love potions too?

Ginny: Love potions? Do they actually, you know, work?

Fred: Yes, of course they do. Oh, but you don’t need any, I’m sure. According to Ron you have all the boys in the school lining up to date you.

Ginny: Oh, please-he’s exaggerating!

George: But you are going out with at least one, correct?

Ginny: Well, yes. I’m going out with Dean Thomas. Why?

Fred: Because you’re supposed to be dating Harry. He’s your destined husband.

Ginny: But I don’t want a destined husband!

George: That’s too bad-Harry’s the main character. If he wants you for a wife, you’re going to be his wife.

Ginny: But I like Dean Thomas! He’s smart and funny and we get along so well! Did I tell you about the time he met some muggle musician at a West Ham game--?

Fred: Too bad. You’re destined to marry Harry, and you will like it.

Ginny: No, I refuse to accept--! [Notices a cage full of pink and purple fluffballs] Ooh! What are these things?!

Fred: They’re Pygmy Puffs. Think Puffskeins but even cuter.


Mrs. Weasley: I thought I heard something in here!

Ginny: Mother, Mother! I wanna buy a Pygmy Puff!

Mrs. Weasley: A what?

Ginny: A cute little ball of purple fluff, like a Puffskein but even cuter!

[Just then, Harry spies Draco outside the window!]

Harry: Aaagh! Draco! He’s up to no good, I’m sure of it! …I must investigate!

Ron: What is it?

Harry: It’s Draco! He’s traveling! And he seems to have lost his mother!

Ron: That’s strange. I wonder where she’s gotten to.

Harry: Let’s all get under my Cloak so we can find out!

Hermione: I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.

Ron: Surely just tailing him for a little time couldn’t hurt?

[They all get under the Cloak and head outside, following Draco until…]

Harry: He went into Knockturne Alley! After him!

Hermione: Mind that our feet aren’t seen!

[They eventually find Draco in Borgin and Burkes, which is deserted but for him and the shopkeeper]

Ron: Let’s use our extendable Ears to listen in!

Hermione: Good idea!

[They put in the Extendable Ears…]

Draco: So, anyway, I want a very important thing fixed.

Borgin: Of course, I’ll be glad to fix it if you bring it in.

Draco: No, no, no! It can’t come into the shop! I have to keep it where it is. I just need to know how to fix it.

Borgin: You do realize that what you’re asking me to do is difficult if not impossible.

Draco: Do it or I’ll tell Fenrir Greyback you refused to help me!

Borgin: Do you have to go that far?

Draco: Of course I do! I’m evil, do you hear me?! Evil!

Borgin: If you say so.

Draco: Oh, and by the way, don’t sell that other thing I’m interested in.

Borgin: If you want it so badly why don’t you just buy it?

Draco: Because I can’t be seen with it in public, that’s why! Now don’t sell it!

Borgin: Very well.

Draco: Also…this meeting never happened.

Borgin: Of course, I’ve forgotten about it already.

[Draco leaves]

Ron: So…now what?

Harry: Well, we know that Draco wants something fixed, and something else reserved. Other than that, not much.

Hermione: I had an idea!

Ron: Oh, really?

Hermione: Yes. Wait here.

[Hermione goes inside the shop]

Borgin: Who are you?

Hermione: Oh, I’m just a friend of Draco Malfoy’s. I’m looking to buy him a present. Is there anything you’d, like, absolutely not want me to get for him?

Borgin: What do you mean by that?

Hermione: Well…take this creepy-looking necklace. Is it for sale?

Borgin: Don’t make me laugh-that necklace is completely out of your price range. Now get gone, you stupid girl.

Hermione: Alright, alright! [She leaves and returns to Harry and Ron]

Ron: That was pathetic.

Hermione: Tell me something I don’t know.

*A/N: I think the following quote by Film Brain about sums up this scene:

“Remember, when confronted with ignorance, just descend to its level and beat them up for it! You may be assaulting someone but at least you’re morally right!” XD

bigotry, likely stories, purebloods, author: sweettalkeress, racism, malfoys, abridged: hbp, abridged, diagon alley, humor

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