Harry Potter Abridged! HBP Chapter 6

May 26, 2015 14:35

[Life goes on at the Burrow. Lupin shows up on Harry’s birthday to report mysterious deaths]

Read Chapter 6 )

bigotry, likely stories, purebloods, author: sweettalkeress, racism, malfoys, abridged: hbp, abridged, diagon alley, humor

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Comments 4

hwyla May 26 2015, 22:07:44 UTC
I remember being appalled that Remus kept going on about the disappearances while Molly tried to get him to shut up. This is Harry's FIRST Birthday Party. He has never been with his friends ON his birthday before. Couldn't Remus wait until after the festivities? And, of course, once started the kids were never going to let it go.

And, of course Hermione is 'pathetic', but Harry isn't later when Draco catches him on the train?


nx74defiant May 27 2015, 00:47:58 UTC
You're right. A birthday party isn't the time or place to bring this up. It should be a happy time.

The thing that struck me is - Who gave Bill the authority to take money from Harry's account? Bank employees can't just take money from accounts of family friends without authorization. Not unless they want to be fired and arrested. Harry doesn't care, he trust the Weasleys. But what he needs to ask who else can access my account? What other funds have been taken out?


vermouth1991 May 27 2015, 03:06:22 UTC
Mrs. Weasley: Alright, it’s decided-we’ll go to Diagon Alley as soon as your father has time off so he can protect us.

Ron: Mother, couldn’t you defend us yourself?

Harry: Mrs. Weasley can fight?! I had no idea!


OMG and I thought there was no possible place before DH for some duelist!Molly foreshadowing! Even a tell-don't-show foreshadowing could've gone a long way!

Now it reminds me that this could also be mentioned in GoF when Molly was crying that her children could've been killed at the QWC.


oneandthetruth May 28 2015, 19:06:38 UTC
Hagrid: Yes! Come on, nobody’s going to attack someone as fearsome-looking as I am!

Not unless they know Hagrid is a gullible dimwit who's easily distracted by exotic animals. No way any of that could be used against him.

Ron: Oh, come off it, Mother! Poopy jokes are hilarious and everyone who’s cool knows it!

They don't really act like 16-year-olds, do they? More like half that age.

Ginny: But I don’t want a destined husband!

George: That’s too bad-Harry’s the main character. If he wants you for a wife, you’re going to be his wife.

Ginny: But I like Dean Thomas! He’s smart and funny and we get along so well! Did I tell you about the time he met some muggle musician at a West Ham game--?

Fred: Too bad. You’re destined to marry Harry, and you will like it.Just before reading this installment, I read an article on the Huffington Post about European girls who leave home and travel to the Middle East to join ISIS, not realizing that once they get there, they'll be permanent sex-and-housekeeping slaves who can never leave. This ( ... )


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