
Dec 07, 2011 00:36

[Luke's built something which is sitting on a workbench now. It's about the size of his two hands together and messy with wires and cables and circuitry and big exposed bolts; he hasn't put it in any kind of casing yet. The machine thing might be recognizable to folks from the right time stream as a kind of droid caller, which does not exist in this time, at least not in this form. In the background there's a round remote hovering its way from on screen to off, trailing a string. Two fluffy black spukamas kits are in very enthusiastic and also quite clumsy pursuit of the string; lots of skittering and gleeful pouncing and tripping over each other.]

[The boy touches the droid caller, looking concerned. He's been saying something, but this is a case where the device has been slow to turn on instead of popping to life at random. Luke is not yet used to the Starkpad.]

- so just basically, would this break time, is what I'm asking.

luke skywalker

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