[Accidental] Audio ---> Video ➔ First Blast

Dec 06, 2011 20:36

[ It's always nice when there's a new arrival, right Coruscant?

The first thing that can be heard is the sound of some major destruction, but that is cut off very quickly. The video feed comes to life, but of course he didn't turn it on himself; he can't exactly see at the moment.

Scott clutches at his bowed head, his breathing coming out in shallow gasps. He takes a moment to gather himself, before he starts to mutter. These are the same thoughts that are running through his head] Professor... Professor, it's Jean. Jean's alive, but she's-- [Oh God. What did Jean do to him? He remembered the rush of emotions he felt, being able to finally see her, and to have her in his arms again, but then...]

[He lifts his head, eyes squeezed tightly shut. You wouldn't like it if he opened them. His voice is quiet, and wary.]


scott summers

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