Dear Diary

Oct 03, 2015 14:12

Ugh! Men’s fashion is so much harder to design and sew then women’s fashion. Women’s fashion looks more complicated but it’s easy. Some of the most basics of women’s fashion can just be whipped up with some simple measurements and a straight forward cut here and there and some trim. Men’s fashion has all these tucks and pockets and secret compartments and fitted trims that don’t just decorate the fabric but wrap around it like a cozy second coat.

You can see all the details complicates stitching and sewn in trimming in this picture.

I spent a good portion of the morning going over male Mori Kei style clothing. I like the Black Forest better in male clothing but I like to incorporate some of the darker greens and browns into the Black Forest style rather then just layering black with shades of grey.

Although the guy in the regular Mori Kei is one of my favorites, maybe because he is so cute, but I like the camo pants, the po boy hat, and the boots.

Also I am trying to decide how I feel about this new ‘Harem Pant’ fad. They look stupid like the person didn’t have any pants and decided to wear a shirt to cover their legs but couldn’t get the shirt up around their waist, only the shirt is up around their waist. I am glad that the pants do go to the waist, or at least upper hip area, thus covering the underdrawers. A bonus considering I am tired of seeing peoples underdrawers due to low riding pants. I also don’t mind the ones that have the crotch line further up, and almost to where a crotch line should go. The ones that look like male shirts with leggings are kind of nice as well, despite the dropped crotch. I’ve even seen a few that have the crotch line to the ankles, but come on, no guy in the world has that much junk is his trunk that need to be covered. The ones in this picture don’t look that bad.

What I really want to make is a cape. I really like this one, and I have the material for it. Although it looks more like a coat then a cape to me because of the sleeves on it. I like the asymmetrical back to it. The hood looks like it is part of the lapel going down the front, the cut looks a bit tricky.

I will probably end up making this one instead, but with a very large hood on it similar to the hood in the picture before it. This would be much simpler to make, the cut almost identical to that of a woman’s cape or rather a more unisex cape.

I can only think about fashion today. I’ll go continue with my Buffy/Angel marathon in a few to get my mind off clothing and designing stuff for a bit, maybe, I always liked the way Spike dressed, so maybe that wont work. :/

fashion, mori boy

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