Nightshift 30: F1-F10 Hallway.

Feb 26, 2008 10:40

[ inside f7]“What?” Kairi had been in the middle of getting off of the bed when she heard the announcement the head doctor made, surprise overtaking her face. Hadn’t the man on the radio been well known? Hadn’t he helped all kinds of people ( Read more... )

naminé, miku, hanyuu, lyta, axel, amelia, kairi, lust, rukia, shana, luxord, ururu, max, fox, rena

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Comments 153

lustful_thing February 26 2008, 19:10:09 UTC
What an interesting start to the night. Lust pulled out her curved blades as she listened, seeing no reason not to believe the man on the intercom.

She'd never much liked the man on the radio anyway. He hadn't truly helped, not in her opinion. Perhaps now the nights would be quieter, without their constant bickering back and forth.

Ah well. Lust had very specific plans this evening. She slipped out into the hallway, armed and prepared.

She was going to find Scar, one way or another.


lustful_thing February 29 2008, 19:06:24 UTC

F7 bewarethecute February 26 2008, 19:43:51 UTC
[ From here]

Thankfully, Ururu was good at running, and the distance was short. She hadn't even lost her breath by the time she made it to Rukia's door.

But she hadn't been able to keep all of the tears away. It hurt so much, all of it. And though she was still trying hard, her face felt wet when she touched it.

Ururu didn't like this at all.

With unusual nervousness Ururu knocked on the door, rapidly seeking entrance, safety in the company of someone familiar.


haiiro_no_chou February 27 2008, 04:21:11 UTC
Rukia had taken a few minutes to lie down; her legs felt stiff and swollen from sitting all day long, so she thought that elevating them might help. She had even dozed off, not noticing Kairi's movements as she changed clothes and left the room. Ururu's knock on the door, though, woke her.

As quickly as she could manage, Rukia flicked on the flashlight and set it on her desk, then grabbed her katana and hobbled over to the door; she wasn't using that chair if she could get away with it. Blade held at the ready, but not so as to appear threatening, Rukia opened the door.

"Ururu! Are you all right?" she asked when she saw the wetness on the girl's cheeks. "Come on in."


bewarethecute February 27 2008, 04:35:58 UTC
Ururu didn't need to be told twice, quickly stepping out of the hall into the safety of her room. She raised her arm to wipe her eyes, then stopped when she saw that it was the one marked like the ghost.

Marked with their sins, and all their pain.

Ururu didn't want to touch the skin, afraid of what would happened. So she switched hands, swallowing hard to try and finally force the lump out of her throat. It didn't work though.

"Th-there was a ghost." The small girl's voice hitched as she tried to speak, but Ururu had to warn Rukia. She had to warn everyone she cared about, so no one would get hurt again. "I couldn't hit it. I tried, but my arm went through. And n-now it hurts."

It. Everything. It all hurt so much, Ururu didn't know if she could bear it.

"I'm sorry."


haiiro_no_chou February 27 2008, 04:46:45 UTC
"When did this happen?" she asked, feeling very guilty for asking Ururu to come to her room. "Just now? Well, come on and sit down on the bed anyway."

Stretching out one arm, Rukia set her katana on the desk, then grabbed the back of her desk chair for balance. Hopping a couple steps toward the bed, she waved her hand at Ururu, indicating that the girl should follow. Rukia hopped some more and sat gingerly on the edge of the bed. She patted her hand on the mattress next to her.


F2 pacifistcrush February 26 2008, 20:20:54 UTC
At the very moment of the transition from day to night, Amelia felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. While the atmosphere of the place had made her feel a bit uneasy during the day, once night fell, the presence of evil made itself clearly known to the princess' senses. Yes, this was her Justice Sense telling her that all around her were wrongs in need of righting, victims in need of saving, and evil in need of smiting!

And that man on the intercom gave her the creeps. She didn't know who the "man on the radio" was, but here was a man confessing to killing another man in cold blood, without any hint of remorse! Was this the Head Doctor? Whoever he was, he was clearly a wicked human being - if he was a human ( ... )


Re: F2 accursed_rock February 27 2008, 03:43:59 UTC
Zelgadis was pleased to have made it to Amelia's room without incident. He knocked politely on the door, prepared to knock it down if any sign of danger appeared.

Perhaps their next stop should be the bathrooms-- Hughes had mentioned that the "plumbing" inside them would provide pipes, which was a decent alternative to a sword under the circumstances.



pacifistcrush February 27 2008, 05:26:18 UTC
The princess' roommate had left long before Zelgadis arrived. While Amelia was worried about the girl, Rena seemed to be in a hurry, so at the very least, she probably knew what she was doing.

Amelia was examining some strange device with buttons that didn't seem to do anything besides make it buzz loudly when she heard the knock on her door. Setting the gizmo aside and forgetting it in an instant, she bounced over to the door and opened it. "Good evening, Mr. Zelgadis!" she greeted as though this were a perfectly normal situation.

She took a step outside of the room, with the ball of light following and hovering nearby. "I'm glad you made it. Now we can set forth and crush this lurking evil!" Or some of it, anyway. Hopefully enough to quench her thirst for justice!


accursed_rock February 27 2008, 05:36:59 UTC
Zelgadis was happy to see Amelia was safe.

"The light..." He said, alarmed and puzzled.

It distracted him from arguing with Amelia about her urge to fight the monsters.


F9 kagurazuki February 26 2008, 20:33:33 UTC
Kagura felt anxious as the nurses led her back to her room as night approached. It all seemed very surreal. Like a dream she might wake up from at any moment. The curse wasn't in effect anymore and Hatori seemed to be working for this place. Why that was, she couldn't say for sure, but maybe the one was linked to the other?

Either way, she was glad to be able to help, even if it was just a little bit. Leon and Javert and Ren had helped her through her first night and she just hoped that this next one would pass a little easier.


Re: F9 officer_leon February 27 2008, 03:09:19 UTC
[from here]

Leon knocked lightly on the door, then eased it open. "Kagura?" he asked. "It's Leon..."


Re: F9 kagurazuki February 27 2008, 04:01:59 UTC
Kagura hurried across the room only to see that Leon had already opened the door. "Ah- you made it alright?" she asked, looking slightly worried. He seemed to be in one piece though, which was a relief. She smiled up at him.

"Is... Javert-san with you? He said he was coming too."


Re: F9 officer_leon February 27 2008, 05:12:56 UTC
Leon nodded. "It seemed quiet out there," he said, deciding for the moment not to mention the vague threats he'd heard. "And I haven't seen Javert yet."

He glanced into the small room. It looked about the same as the one he and Yohji occupied. "Mind if I come in?" he asked.


kaerutokoro February 26 2008, 23:22:40 UTC
Finding relief in Mion's safety did little for Rena's need to hunt down the one responsible for her friend's "operation", but the girl decided to be patient. It was not in her best interest to be careless and lose the opportunity to strike. Thus, during dinner, Rena put on her best face for the nurses, eating and conversing as if no trouble existed in the world. Enough for them to believe she had had a change of heart ( ... )


kaerutokoro February 27 2008, 21:50:09 UTC
[To here.]


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