Nightshift 30: F1-F10 Hallway.

Feb 26, 2008 10:40

[ inside f7]“What?” Kairi had been in the middle of getting off of the bed when she heard the announcement the head doctor made, surprise overtaking her face. Hadn’t the man on the radio been well known? Hadn’t he helped all kinds of people ( Read more... )

naminé, miku, hanyuu, lyta, axel, amelia, kairi, lust, rukia, shana, luxord, ururu, max, fox, rena

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F2 pacifistcrush February 26 2008, 20:20:54 UTC
At the very moment of the transition from day to night, Amelia felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. While the atmosphere of the place had made her feel a bit uneasy during the day, once night fell, the presence of evil made itself clearly known to the princess' senses. Yes, this was her Justice Sense telling her that all around her were wrongs in need of righting, victims in need of saving, and evil in need of smiting!

And that man on the intercom gave her the creeps. She didn't know who the "man on the radio" was, but here was a man confessing to killing another man in cold blood, without any hint of remorse! Was this the Head Doctor? Whoever he was, he was clearly a wicked human being - if he was a human ( ... )


Re: F2 accursed_rock February 27 2008, 03:43:59 UTC
Zelgadis was pleased to have made it to Amelia's room without incident. He knocked politely on the door, prepared to knock it down if any sign of danger appeared.

Perhaps their next stop should be the bathrooms-- Hughes had mentioned that the "plumbing" inside them would provide pipes, which was a decent alternative to a sword under the circumstances.



pacifistcrush February 27 2008, 05:26:18 UTC
The princess' roommate had left long before Zelgadis arrived. While Amelia was worried about the girl, Rena seemed to be in a hurry, so at the very least, she probably knew what she was doing.

Amelia was examining some strange device with buttons that didn't seem to do anything besides make it buzz loudly when she heard the knock on her door. Setting the gizmo aside and forgetting it in an instant, she bounced over to the door and opened it. "Good evening, Mr. Zelgadis!" she greeted as though this were a perfectly normal situation.

She took a step outside of the room, with the ball of light following and hovering nearby. "I'm glad you made it. Now we can set forth and crush this lurking evil!" Or some of it, anyway. Hopefully enough to quench her thirst for justice!


accursed_rock February 27 2008, 05:36:59 UTC
Zelgadis was happy to see Amelia was safe.

"The light..." He said, alarmed and puzzled.

It distracted him from arguing with Amelia about her urge to fight the monsters.


pacifistcrush February 27 2008, 06:03:40 UTC
Amelia gave the light a tap with her finger. "It looks like some spells work here." And looking at how dark the hallway was, that one little spell was going to come in handy a lot! "I can't pull off anything big, though. I already tried."

Her eyes lit up then, as she suddenly remembered something. "Oh! But I did hear something really interesting about that. Sometimes they brainwash people here - which is positively evil - but when they do, those people get all their powers back! Did you know that?" Maybe Amelia could share the idea she had discussed during the lockdown with Zelgadis.


accursed_rock February 28 2008, 00:08:18 UTC
Zelgadis realized he hadn't attempted any spells during the night-- his two failed attempts had been during the day. Since it seemed to make a difference in Amelia's case, he aimed towards the far wall and shouted,

"Flare arrow!"

There wasn't even a carrot.

As for the other information Amelia had mentioned (evidentially she had learned a lot more in one day than Zelgadis had in two, such is the advantage of being outgoing), Zelgadis was too depressed at his failed spell to answer.


pacifistcrush February 28 2008, 01:45:49 UTC
The result wasn't too surprising, considering Amelia hadn't been able to get so much as a spark from the Fireball she attempted earlier that day. Still, she gave Zelgadis a sympathetic pat on the arm.

She was happy to take his silence as a "why no, I didn't, do go on" and continued. "It means that should we find one such person and undo whatever foul process caused them to turn against their fellow man, we would have at least one person on our side with fully functional powers!"


accursed_rock February 28 2008, 02:29:32 UTC
Zelgadis looked at Amelia, somewhat surprised at her tenderness. His logic, however, he found faulty.

"Do we know what they did to them? How do we know we can reverse it?"

It seemed like a lot of guesswork on Amelia's part, but he had to admit it was much better thought out than his current strategy-- survive and avoid Xelloss. Zelgadis decided to try a lightning spell as well, since it had worked for Amelia,


Nothing, again! He took on a terse and sullen look.


pacifistcrush February 28 2008, 05:24:17 UTC
Poor Mr. Zelgadis! He couldn't even use a Lighting spell in this place? She had to wonder why one of them could use limited magic while the other could use none at all. But there wasn't much information to go off of at the moment, so maybe they would figure it out later.

To his questions, Amelia simply tapped her chin and replied, "Nope, no idea."

There was a brief pause as she realized that probably didn't make the plausibility of her plan too convincing. "However!" she loudly declared, continuing with one finger raised dramatically, "Those whose hearts have been deceived by the powers of darkness need only have their eyes opened to the light of truth to be saved! Seeing as there is no greater power than that of Light, justice is sure to prevail both in war and in the internal struggles of men!" In Amelia's head, this was a perfectly logical explanation and served as more than enough reason to believe they could succeed.


accursed_rock February 28 2008, 14:31:59 UTC
[ooc: icon luv!]

Zelgadis sighed heavily but knew there was no way to refuse a justice-fueled Amelia.

"Should we move on, then?"

He hoped Amelia's few weak spells and his even weaker physical prowess could keep the monster's at bay.


pacifistcrush February 28 2008, 21:17:23 UTC
"Yes, let's!" the princess agreed with an eager and enthusiastic nod. Happily taking the lead as though she just couldn't wait to run into untold danger, Amelia led the way down to the next hall.

[To here]


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