Nightshift 30: F1-F10 Hallway.

Feb 26, 2008 10:40

[ inside f7]“What?” Kairi had been in the middle of getting off of the bed when she heard the announcement the head doctor made, surprise overtaking her face. Hadn’t the man on the radio been well known? Hadn’t he helped all kinds of people ( Read more... )

naminé, miku, hanyuu, lyta, axel, amelia, kairi, lust, rukia, shana, luxord, ururu, max, fox, rena

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F9 kagurazuki February 26 2008, 20:33:33 UTC
Kagura felt anxious as the nurses led her back to her room as night approached. It all seemed very surreal. Like a dream she might wake up from at any moment. The curse wasn't in effect anymore and Hatori seemed to be working for this place. Why that was, she couldn't say for sure, but maybe the one was linked to the other?

Either way, she was glad to be able to help, even if it was just a little bit. Leon and Javert and Ren had helped her through her first night and she just hoped that this next one would pass a little easier.


Re: F9 officer_leon February 27 2008, 03:09:19 UTC
[from here]

Leon knocked lightly on the door, then eased it open. "Kagura?" he asked. "It's Leon..."


Re: F9 kagurazuki February 27 2008, 04:01:59 UTC
Kagura hurried across the room only to see that Leon had already opened the door. "Ah- you made it alright?" she asked, looking slightly worried. He seemed to be in one piece though, which was a relief. She smiled up at him.

"Is... Javert-san with you? He said he was coming too."


Re: F9 officer_leon February 27 2008, 05:12:56 UTC
Leon nodded. "It seemed quiet out there," he said, deciding for the moment not to mention the vague threats he'd heard. "And I haven't seen Javert yet."

He glanced into the small room. It looked about the same as the one he and Yohji occupied. "Mind if I come in?" he asked.


Gah, just kidding, it's F10 *fails* kagurazuki February 27 2008, 06:52:26 UTC
"I'm glad to hear that," she said as she pulled the door open a little wider to allow Leon to come in. She motioned for him to have a seat if he'd like. Kagura hadn't quite finished gathering up her things for the evening. She turned, going through her drawer for the flashlight.

"I hope we have better luck tonight," she said with a slightly worried smile. She'd be fairly upset if she ended up with even more scars from this terrible place. It was all well and good to be rid of her curse, but if she ended up with lots of icky scars, then... then even someone like Kyo might not want her anymore!


Re: Gah, just kidding, it's F10 *fails* officer_leon February 27 2008, 17:12:33 UTC
Leon leaned against the desk, watching as Kagura collected her things. "Me too," he agreed. He glanced at the door again. Something had been going on in the main hallway, he was sure of it. Hopefully they'd be able to get past without incident.

Instinctively, Leon looked at his wrist, forgetting that he didn't have his nice chronometer. He sighed and dropped his arm. "I wonder where Javert is..." he muttered, watching the door.


kagurazuki February 28 2008, 00:17:18 UTC
Kagura held the flashlight tightly in her hand, but didn't see much else she could take along that would be of any use. Oh well. She took a seat on the edge of her bed and waited. "I hope he's ok," Kagura added, casting her own worried look toward the door.


officer_leon February 28 2008, 22:38:06 UTC
Leon looked over at the radio as it suddenly clicked on. Had the Doctor lied? Was Doyle alive after all? The sadly familiar music that began playing hardly answered Leon's questions. It was music played when one died, of course, but who was playing it? Who else would have access to the broadcast equipment? More and more questions, and never any answers. He sighed heavily and looked at the door again. Maybe once he found a few weapons and was able to do some real exploring, things would become clearer.


unmocked_lawr March 1 2008, 03:07:00 UTC
[from here]

This was Kagura's room, then? Javert glanced back at Alec, then raised a hand and knocked firmly, feeling faintly apprehensive despite himself about entering a young lady's room.

Even if it was pretty much the same as every other patient room in the asylum.

"Mlle. Kagura? It's Javert."


janus_006 March 1 2008, 04:50:32 UTC
Although he would have rather slit his own throat than admit it, Alec was actually secretly glad for the break. Normally he could have covered that distance without even breaking a sweat. He could have even ran the entire way. But tonight there was something deeply wrong with him.

Stopping to catch his breath was fine by him. He tried to keep his breathing shallow so the Frenchman wouldn't pick up on it and mock him incessantly, or worse, imply that he should spend the night in.


kagurazuki March 1 2008, 05:05:03 UTC
Kagura jumped when she heard the knock. It'd been so quiet in the room just a moment before as they listened to the sad song play on the radio. She felt bad if it was true that the man had died, but she hadn't really known him either. After a moment she pushed herself up from the bed and opened the door to see Javert and one other.

"Ah- Good evening Javert-san," she glanced apprehensively at the visitor, "who is your friend? Ah um... Leon-san is already here too," she took a step back, opening the door wide enough for them to enter if they wished.


officer_leon March 1 2008, 05:51:53 UTC
Leon straightened up as Kagura opened the door to her room. "Good to see you again," he said by way of greeting to Javert. There was another man with Javert, looking slightly winded.

"I'm Leon," he said with a nod in the new man's direction. He glanced back at Javert. "Everything all right out there?" He paused, then grinned slightly. "As all right as things around here get, I mean."


unmocked_lawr March 1 2008, 16:09:40 UTC
Something was definitely wrong with Trevelyan tonight; it was fairly obvious he'd been more than merely sedated. Still, Javert only cast the other man a glance that, in the right light, might almost have looked concerned before turning to Kagura and Leon.

"Good evening, Mlle. Sohma, M. Leon. This," he gestured with a nod of his head, "is Alec Trevelyan, an...acquaintance of mine. Would it be all right if he traveled with us tonight?"

He glanced back down at the hallway, smirking slightly. "Not exactly. There's a Special Counseling patient just outside the patient rooms - that's why we got here late. Sounds like Landel wants to make things especially interesting for us tonight."


janus_006 March 1 2008, 18:08:24 UTC
Although Alec was a little peeved at Javert giving out his name so freely - he supposed it was something he'd need to get used to - he merely nodded and said, "Evening, everyone." Too tripped-out to even hold onto an angry mood properly. Pathetic.

So these were Javert's traveling companions. Mlle. Sohma, as the Inspector had called her, looked to be about as useful as Nadine, but he wouldn't judge her on just that. Maybe she would be like the girl who'd started the riot this morning. M. Leon, though, he looked like someone Trevelyan could feel comfortable wandering around with.

And what the hell was that look Javert had given him, anyway? He'd puzzle it out as the night wore on. It didn't quite look like irritation, which was something he'd gotten used to.


kagurazuki March 1 2008, 19:27:05 UTC
Another difficult name. Leon and Javert were fairly easy to pronounce and only a couple of syllables, but Trevelyan? She wasn't even sure if she could say it properly, let alone spell it. "Nice to meet you Tre-be-ri-an-san," she tried to sound it out slowly, hoping he wouldn't be upset if she got it wrong.

She looked curiously at Javert, "Special... Counseling? What does that mean? Should we... just go a different way?"


officer_leon March 1 2008, 21:50:37 UTC
Leon frowned. "I thought I heard a fight starting on my way over," he admitted. "Special Counseling.." He glanced at Kagura. "Didn't the boy from earlier today mention something about patients being turned to serve Landel?" That sounded... pretty horrific. He'd been through a lot, but the one thing that had terrified him the most was when Saddler had started taking over his mind. He'd almost killed Ada... he shuddered to think what would happen in a place like this.


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