Day 58: Intercom, Dawn

Aug 16, 2011 01:01

Dawn broke with the hustle and bustle of staff, uniformed men and women moving to and fro to wake patients from their slumber. Those who managed to slip through their watchful eyes and gain an extra minute or two of shuteye were soon rudely awakened by a rather enthusiastic man with a Western accent ( Read more... )

heine, zero, leanne, intercom, daemon, sesshoumaru

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Comments 20

allineeded August 17 2011, 00:19:26 UTC
The sound of her door opening jolted Leanne awake. Eyes snapping open, she pulled her sheets closer to herself as she scrambled to sit up. No, no, no, they wouldn't go in her room while she was sleeping, would they? They wouldn't dare! Neither of them would. Zephyr, at least, should have learned his lesson when he'd walked in on her in the bathroom that time.

Though that still left... VashyronEyes narrowed, she opened her mouth, ready to let him know just what she thought of his intrusion, when ( ... )


M?? believein0 August 17 2011, 01:44:46 UTC
[ooc note: he already intro'd over NS, but I decided to write up a first DS post in addition to his breakfast post.]Waking up once after the events of Ragnarok had been incredibly strange and nothing short of a miracle for Zero. So when he opened his eyes again, this time to a human yelling at him to get up, the red Reploid was more than a little surprised. He frowned at the sudden noise, barely half awake and completely confused ( ... )


bastard_sadi August 18 2011, 19:17:43 UTC
It was the unfamiliar voice that woke Daemon, bringing him out of a deep slumber. His mind processed the words, not making sense of them as he pushed himself up on one elbow and rubbed the sleep from his eyes with a knuckle. That was odd. Why was it morning again? Hadn’t he just had breakfast…?

The thought brought him more wide awake and he sat up. Then blinked down at himself in utter confusion. Hell’s Fire, what was he wearing now? Granted, the demented smiley was missing - thank the Darkness for that - but now he was in some sort of uniform. Military? Not that he’d ever worn such a thing before, but it had the look of one. What had happened in the span of time since breakfast, that there were unfamiliar voices babbling about soldiers and opportunities - sounding far too chipper for this early in the day, for that matter - and that he’d suddenly sprouted a new outfit ( ... )


M??? princeofthemoon August 19 2011, 07:23:27 UTC
It felt as though Sesshoumaru woke very suddenly, which was disconcerting for multiple reasons - the most obvious being that, once again, he could not remember falling asleep. Then, of course, was the fact that once again he was lying down. It was all he could do not to growl in frustration - a lapse in his calm, but this place appeared determined to test his control, both emotional and otherwise. But there were more important matters to be attended at the moment, the most important of which was that there was a voice somewhere close by, which meant the owner of the voice was also close by ( ... )


Re: M??? damned_soldiers August 19 2011, 20:07:02 UTC
A female soldier entered then, seemingly unfazed by the sight of the long-haired, one-armed man staring in horror at his own fingers.

"Come on. Get your beret on and let's move," she told Tsukinoou shortly, a cool, stern look in her eyes as she nodded toward the hat sitting on the dresser. The man would certainly have heard the announcement about leaving for the morning meal at this point; there was no need to repeat that information. It would be the new recruit's own fault for paying more attention to his own confusion than to his immediate surroundings if he had missed it.


princeofthemoon August 19 2011, 21:36:02 UTC
Here as a situation which, at least, Sesshoumaru felt marginally more prepared to handle. He was fairly certain, at least - but as hesitation and a fear of being weaker than his opponent, or even meeting one whose strength equaled his own, had not been a major concern for over 500 years. The result of this state of affairs was experience which would have left him ill-prepared to behave with caution, even if he could remember how to feel so foreign an emotion. And so, when an unfamiliar woman walked in, Sesshoumaru was torn between curious and annoyed, with more prudent emotions so far beyond the realm of consideration as to be effectively nonexistent ( ... )


damned_soldiers August 19 2011, 21:49:20 UTC
"I won't ask you again," said the woman, not missing a beat. Even if she had been the type to be thrown by threats and disobedience, dealing with the rest of the patient body for the past few days would have made such things routine to her at this point. "If you don't get moving, you will be put on report. Further disobedience will result in other consequences."

She shifted her own stance subtly, preparing to react if Tsukinoou did make a move against her. She was fit and well-built for a woman her size, and more than capable of subduing and restraining a man on her own when the need arose.


savagestray August 21 2011, 03:56:49 UTC
It was too damn quiet ( ... )


savagestray August 21 2011, 03:57:03 UTC
The man looked a little perturbed, but not like he hadn't expected the answer. There was no way in hell this was a case of mistaken identity. So what then? Brainwashing? The soldier threw a scrap of fabric in his direction, hitting him square in the chest in a gesture that was more show than anything else. "Last chance Lindemann."

Last time he'd been bullied into following along with a crowd of armed men, it was mostly due to the fact that he was at home in his own apartment and the landlady would be fuckin' pissed if he messed up the place. Not that he expected to get his deposit back. But here? He didn't even know where the hell 'here' was. No reason why you should care if we get a little wild then... Gouge out the eyes of that chubby bastard on the right with the pen you found, tear the limbs right off the fucker trying to tell you what to do. Maybe we should make him choke on that hat. See how far you can get your fist down his throat before something breaks...He could always play nice instead. See where it got him. Probably some ( ... )


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