Day 58: Intercom, Dawn

Aug 16, 2011 01:01

Dawn broke with the hustle and bustle of staff, uniformed men and women moving to and fro to wake patients from their slumber. Those who managed to slip through their watchful eyes and gain an extra minute or two of shuteye were soon rudely awakened by a rather enthusiastic man with a Western accent ( Read more... )

heine, zero, leanne, intercom, daemon, sesshoumaru

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M??? princeofthemoon August 19 2011, 07:23:27 UTC
It felt as though Sesshoumaru woke very suddenly, which was disconcerting for multiple reasons - the most obvious being that, once again, he could not remember falling asleep. Then, of course, was the fact that once again he was lying down. It was all he could do not to growl in frustration - a lapse in his calm, but this place appeared determined to test his control, both emotional and otherwise. But there were more important matters to be attended at the moment, the most important of which was that there was a voice somewhere close by, which meant the owner of the voice was also close by ( ... )


Re: M??? damned_soldiers August 19 2011, 20:07:02 UTC
A female soldier entered then, seemingly unfazed by the sight of the long-haired, one-armed man staring in horror at his own fingers.

"Come on. Get your beret on and let's move," she told Tsukinoou shortly, a cool, stern look in her eyes as she nodded toward the hat sitting on the dresser. The man would certainly have heard the announcement about leaving for the morning meal at this point; there was no need to repeat that information. It would be the new recruit's own fault for paying more attention to his own confusion than to his immediate surroundings if he had missed it.


princeofthemoon August 19 2011, 21:36:02 UTC
Here as a situation which, at least, Sesshoumaru felt marginally more prepared to handle. He was fairly certain, at least - but as hesitation and a fear of being weaker than his opponent, or even meeting one whose strength equaled his own, had not been a major concern for over 500 years. The result of this state of affairs was experience which would have left him ill-prepared to behave with caution, even if he could remember how to feel so foreign an emotion. And so, when an unfamiliar woman walked in, Sesshoumaru was torn between curious and annoyed, with more prudent emotions so far beyond the realm of consideration as to be effectively nonexistent ( ... )


damned_soldiers August 19 2011, 21:49:20 UTC
"I won't ask you again," said the woman, not missing a beat. Even if she had been the type to be thrown by threats and disobedience, dealing with the rest of the patient body for the past few days would have made such things routine to her at this point. "If you don't get moving, you will be put on report. Further disobedience will result in other consequences."

She shifted her own stance subtly, preparing to react if Tsukinoou did make a move against her. She was fit and well-built for a woman her size, and more than capable of subduing and restraining a man on her own when the need arose.


princeofthemoon August 19 2011, 22:42:50 UTC
Being... subdued by a woman would not sting at Sesshoumaru's pride as it might have a human warlord from the feudal states - Sesshoumaru was quite accustomed to women being as deadly as men. It was a lesson that he was hardly likely to forget, his mother would never have allowed such disregard of her sex, but even without her early lessons in just how deadly females could be there were hundreds of years of his own experience. The gender of this person was not, therefore, of great consideration. The fact that she appeared to be human would be a far greater blow to his pride, to say nothing of the simple act of being subdued. Sesshoumaru, so used to casual power that it had become as much a part of who he was as the color of his eyes, rarely had to face any such indignity.

His eyes were narrowed in a glare as he took in everything about the woman in front of him - odd clothing, her apparent species (though perhaps it would not be wise to judge by appearances). "You are one of those in control?"


damned_soldiers August 19 2011, 22:50:29 UTC
"As far as you're concerned," she answered, not offering more detail than that. While she was not one of the higher-ups, per se, she and the rest of the soldiers were more in control than any of the "patients". She waited to see if Tsukinoou would say or do anything else, eyeing his movements and the changes in his facial expression.


princeofthemoon August 20 2011, 00:26:13 UTC
Sesshoumaru had had so much experience in combat as well as other places that the person who could accurately read his motions was a rarity - they existed, but there weren't many of them. And most had known him for a long time.

Were he concerned with such things, such a thought might have been some kind of comfort to him now, but they weren't. He was not, after all, used to needing to concern himself with others. And the operative point here was that this woman had just admitted she was one of those attempting to hold his leash - it was all he needed to attack. And, even stripped of his strength and speed and senses, reflexes and poison and heightened awareness, Sesshoumaru was adept enough in the art of slaughter to be deadly, when he put his mind to fighting. Whether or not they maintained their supernatural strength, his claws were long and extremely sharp, and had been classically trained in many ways to kill others.


damned_soldiers August 20 2011, 00:54:33 UTC
There, the sudden rush of motion she had suspected might happen. Oh he was good, all right. She was unable to help a slightly impressed half-smile when Tsukinoou rushed her ( ... )


princeofthemoon August 20 2011, 02:17:06 UTC
Hundreds of years of training and putting that training into practice did that for you. The unfortunate part was that you also became rather set in your ways after so long, and Sesshoumaru wasn't really used to anyone even being fast enough to touch him, let alone grab him, or strong enough to hold him if they did.

He missed Toukijin badly.

Sesshoumaru guessed her intended plan fairly early, it just took him a few moments more to realize that he actually needed to concern himself with it, by which time she had her hands on him. For the first time in some months, Sesshoumaru found himself cursing his brother for cutting off his arm as he had - normally he ignored it, or worked around it. Normally he was powerful enough for a missing arm to hardly matter. Now, it seemed, things were slightly different. Sesshoumaru snarled and twisted himself in an attempt to pull free before she really found her grip, or if she had his arm than at least twist so that she was at a more convenient angle to him, so he could tear her throat out with his ( ... )


damned_soldiers August 20 2011, 04:05:12 UTC
The soldier nodded at her partners as she worked to get her grip secure. She was fairly certain she had him, but it never hurt to be sure. Too many casualties happened due to carelessness and cockiness. She forced the arm further up toward Tsukinoou's neck, trying to put painful pressure on his shoulder joint to keep him distracted in the meantime.

One of the other soldiers entered and rushed forward, making for Tsukinoou's armless side. He reached out to grab the shoulder on that side in a strong grip, aiming to help force the man to the ground, where the first soldier's hold would have more of an advantage.


princeofthemoon August 20 2011, 05:36:34 UTC
Sesshoumaru snarled again at that, twisting his hand to try to dig his claws into the hand of the woman who was twisting his arm, shortly before he was forced partway down, onto one knee - he'd managed to shift enough to prevent being forced down completely.

It hurt, yes, but his pain tolerance was remarkably high - he'd long trained to show nothing, react to nothing. An enemy who was powerful enough to wound him would be powerful enough to see or smell or hear his reaction to it, and press that as an advantage. It was almost humiliating that he was being forced to use this training against humans, but at least this was not something that could be taken from him.

Were he himself, these pathetic beings would not so much be able to touch him without losing their lives. They would not be able to contemplate such action before he had killed them.

Sesshoumaru growled, a deep sound, and coiled his muscles in an attempt to force himself back up. He wanted these people to pay in blood for their impudence, their presumption.


damned_soldiers August 20 2011, 19:43:38 UTC
No give for the white-haired man, unfortunately. Two soldiers were more than enough to hold one unarmed patient once down and restrained. "You're already on report, Tsukinoou," the first soldier warned, tightening her grip and continuing to maintain pressure to show that she and her partner were not going to let up until they got some cooperation. "No food, no sitting or leaning - for twenty-four hours. We can keep it at that or we can restrain you further. Choice is yours."


princeofthemoon August 21 2011, 00:34:00 UTC
A few drops of blood were on his fingers, trickling from his claws, the one cut he'd been able to make in this pathetic affair thus far. It wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough. Sesshoumaru snarled, a deep almost feral sound, and twisted, trying to free himself, dropping further as he did so.

It wasn't so much that he wasn't used to this body as he wasn't used to it reacting this way. But give him time to accustom himself to it and he'd come back and rip all of their throats out.


damned_soldiers August 21 2011, 02:13:50 UTC
It seemed that Tsukinoou wasn't up to making any choices right now. He was operating on pure anger, not logic. The soldiers shared a slightly frustrated look. They had been hoping it wouldn't have to come to this.

The first soldier nodded to the one still in the door, who signaled down the hall. A few moments later, one of the rare remaining nurses entered the room. If the soldiers had been relatively calm, that was nothing. The woman who entered now seemed to be calmness defined, no fear to be seen as she approached the struggling patient. It was eerie to look at, in the sense that she looked by every definition good, pure, and cool under pressure, as a nurse ought to. And yet there was something about her that wasn't quite right, all the same ( ... )


princeofthemoon August 21 2011, 06:04:22 UTC
Sesshoumaru snarled again when this new person came in and turned his head, teeth bared. He would kill all of them, for daring to ( ... )


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