Day 58: Intercom, Dawn

Aug 16, 2011 01:01

Dawn broke with the hustle and bustle of staff, uniformed men and women moving to and fro to wake patients from their slumber. Those who managed to slip through their watchful eyes and gain an extra minute or two of shuteye were soon rudely awakened by a rather enthusiastic man with a Western accent ( Read more... )

heine, zero, leanne, intercom, daemon, sesshoumaru

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allineeded August 17 2011, 00:19:26 UTC
The sound of her door opening jolted Leanne awake. Eyes snapping open, she pulled her sheets closer to herself as she scrambled to sit up. No, no, no, they wouldn't go in her room while she was sleeping, would they? They wouldn't dare! Neither of them would. Zephyr, at least, should have learned his lesson when he'd walked in on her in the bathroom that time.

Though that still left... Vashyron.

Eyes narrowed, she opened her mouth, ready to let him know just what she thought of his intrusion, when--

...The words promptly died in her throat, her eyes finally adjusting to the sight in front of her. That wasn't... Vashyron... Or Zephyr...

Leanne blinked up at the unfamiliar woman standing at the door, unable to process just what had happened. She chanced a quick glance to the rest of the room before looking at her again, but just the brief look was enough. She wasn't in her room, probably not even anywhere in Ebel City, judging by the furnishing.

After a moment's hesitation, she looked up questioningly at the woman, hoping she hadn't had anything to do with her coming to be here. "Wh-where am I...?"

The woman only stared at her, before telling her to get up and follow her, giving no further explanation. At Leanne's own shocked stare, she merely looked at her expectantly, taking a step out the door.

She couldn't possibly be serious... Just asking her to follow, just like that? She didn't even know where she was! Yet, at the moment, it seemed like her best bet was to follow that woman. Maybe, just maybe, she was leading her to someone who could tell her what was going on.

It was worth a shot, anyway.

Stiffly, she pushed the sheets off her and sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. A moment's pause, during which she realized she was wearing some kind of uniform-- she wasn't wearing her own clothes-- before she quickly got on her feet and headed for the door.

Her heart was beating as fast as if she'd just gotten out of a fight (and wouldn't it have been nice to have her gun with her just then?), but she couldn't think too much about that, not just yet. At the moment, finding out just what was going was the most important thing.

It'd be almost like going on a job by herself. Leanne could do that.

...Yet, she couldn't deny, couldn't even think to, she really wished Zephyr and Vashyron were with her.

[to here.]


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