Day 24; Doctor's Office #9; Dr. Sohma

May 19, 2007 18:30

Dr. Hatori Sohma's office was sparsely decorated, and utilitarian at best. He'd come to the Institute requesting not much more from the staff but bookshelves for his rather impressive collection of books, and bookshelves were what they gave him. A modern desk marked the middle of the room, a single picture frame facing away from the cushy patient chair.

Hatori hadn't slept very well last night. Though he generally rose and retired early, last night's thoughts had kept him up far later than he'd wished. Not only was he practicing away from the estate, he had never really seen a patient who hadn't been coming to Sohma doctors since childhood, a patient whose file wasn't already thick with notes from his predecessor. Truthfully, he was really quite interested in his first patient, though his seemingly permanent deadpan expression advertised none of his interest.

He'd just had a cigarette to calm last night's lingering nerves, and as he was closing the desk drawer with his ashtray in it, he noticed the sweets he'd kept in his desk for the times his blood sugar was sinking. Well, something sweet right now wouldn't be entirely unwelcome. So he removed a single dark chocolate-coated biscuit stick from the desk and began to munch while he read up on his first patient.

Any time now.

hatori, aidou

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