Day 24: Doctor's Office 1, Dr. House

May 19, 2007 17:20

Dr. Gregory House was aware that mental ailments were a sign of physical illness as much as any doctor (hell, even more so), but he didn't particularly like to think along those lines when he had to deal with the little bastards himself. Last week's sessions had particularly convinced the foul-tempered diagnostician that he was sick of this whole stand-in farce, and it was perhaps because of that and perhaps because he'd complained about it so vocally that his new (and temporary) boss had agreed to hand him some of the less mind-numbingly boring patients.

He didn't doubt they'd be just as whiny, though what he'd heard about the communal hallucinations was intriguing enough that he wouldn't indulge in so many distracting activities as he had during the last therapy day. Big boogie men at night could be indicative of a long list of mental disorders and underlying diseases, most likely environmental or contagious if they were so widespread, though they could also be indicative of big fat liars and idiots. He guessed these people were not only crazy, but also stupid enough to believe that if they cried wolf, they'd get out sooner than if they just went along with the program.

And so House waited, brow furrowed and concentration somewhere else as he tapped the bottom of his flame cane against the floor of his office.
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