J.T. Dropped In For A Visit

Mar 26, 2009 16:35

I realized today it's been a week since I last posted to my blog. Since this is not a daily journal, as some people have, it's no biggie that I haven't written. It's just unusual for me to be quiet for a whole week. I always have something to say about something going on somewhere.

It's been great having Jeffrey home. We've observed a major difference in James' behavior. There have many moments of clarity, glimpses of the young man we raised. Last Saturday, James, Jeff and I were playing Wii. Abnormaly, James could not be bothered with a such a meaningless pursuit, but he was having fun, smiling, and acting like J.T.

J.T. (James Tyler) is the name we used his entire life, up to college graduation, when he announced it was not suitable for a lawyer. He wanted us to call him James from that day forward.

I really miss J.T.

Jeff really likes Michelangelo and the dog has taken a liking to him. Mikey loves everyone on two legs. I have observed some issues with four legged friends. If he sees a cat during our walks he wants to chase it. I'm okay with that, dogs aren't supposed to actually like cats. Some canines just tolerate them. He also manages to find trouble at Butt Sniff Park. Every time we go he finds one dog that he doesn't get along with. I'll write about that some other time.

Last Sunday we went to the Athletics spring training game. It was a good day, 80+ degrees and sunny. James did not speak five words during the game. J.T. stayed home. It was an offensive contest, lots of runs and bad pitching. The White Sox won 12-10. We had great seats eight rows behind homeplate.

Last night we fulfilled James 24th birthday request with dinner at Ra Sushi. I was teasing Jeffrey about the waitress, a very cute girl he went to high school with. I was pretending to play match maker. "Hey, you should check out my son, UCLA student, California boy, future psychiatrist to the Hollywood stars." I didn't say this in front of the young lady but I embarrassed Jeff with the hint that I might.

The smile on J.T.'s face made me feel good. He was enjoying his brother squrming in pain at the possibility dad might say this to the girl he once had a crush on in 8th grade. I didn't, but I did ask, "Do you remember him from high school?" That was enough to make him blush. Mission accomplished.

While we sat at the table Jeffrey texted me, "I try not to mention psychiatry in front of J.T,"  I later told him I don't play pretend and dodge the truth regarding his brother. James may think psychiatrists are quacks but the rest of us know better.

The sushi was awesome. I have an addiction to sashimi, especially yellow tail. J.T. and Jeff also love sushi. Apparently James does too.

Tomorrow I'm playing hooky. I'm taking the boys to a Royals @ Dodgers baseball game. L.A. just moved their spring training to AZ. They previously trained in Florida. I heard their new facilty is beautiful. It'll be a nice day. I hope J.T. comes to the game.

james, food, baseball

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