The 7th Day

Mar 29, 2009 15:39

Today I needed a day off from my days off.

I planned a vacation day Friday to take my boys to a Dodgers spring training game. Camelback Ranch, their new training facility, is beautiful. The weather was fabulous, 80's and sunny. The Dodgers lost to the Royals 4-1. Manny had three singles.

Cheryl scored last minute free-tickets (the good kind) to Les Miserables at the Phoenix Theatre. After being in the sun all day, plus the two hour drive home due to a rollover accident in rush hour, I was very tired. I let her drag me to the theatre. The play was great. We sat in the second row. I always enjoy live theatre. I believe the people who commit themselves to live arts are special. I mean that in a respectful way.

On the way home from the theatre we did some midnight grocery shopping for the weekend.

I had to work a half day Saturday but before I went in I worked on my pool, which was fouled by a nasty windstorm, and cleaned the kitchen a little because we had company coming over.

After working the morning I met Cheryl and our very old Tucson friends, Tom & Sue, at the Tempe Arts festival. By old, I mean I've known T&S for a long time, since high school.

I enjoy arts fairs but I'm good for only one per year. After doing the festivals in Tucson, Tempe, Prescott and Fountain Hills......I've realized they're all the same. I mean exactly the same, the same artisans, the same vendors, the same food concessions, the same visitors, and the same overpriced goods. These artists make nice stuff, but I'll pass on the $300 wild wild west belt buckle. But, if I'm interested in a stained glass of Jesus looking down at me in judgment, rekindling my Catholic guilt, I know where to find it.

My money clip didn't  get through the day unscathed. I bought a cigar and a cap, an Andy Capp style cap. It's tan with a light checker pattern of thin lines. It will be a god 'pub hat'.

After strolling Mill Avenue for a few hours we went home. We cooked dinner for five including James, Jeff, and their mom. Jambalaya is Jeffrey's favorite meal so we decided to make it for his last dinner at home before flying back to La La land.

When everyone retreated last night I told Cheryl......."Make no plans for me tomorrow."

Today I got up early, fed Mikey, took him for a 45 minute walk and then drove Jeff to the airport. James accompanied me for the airport curb drop. We're a no frills family when it comes to the dozens of airport trips we've done. You'll get the curb and like it. Pack light, you're carrying your own bags.

There's no doubt James is feeling emotions about his brother leaving. It's not hard to sense.

I stopped at Starbucks. I worked on the pool a little more, and picked up dog shit in the backyard. Yay! I helped Cheryl transplant our family of herbs and tasty plants, and after that......nothing, zilch, nada.

The last 48 hours have been non-stop activities and rushing around. I don't mind the weekend runaround but sometimes you need a day off from your days off.

The remaninder of this day will be my time to vegetate, my 7th day. I was planning to clean the garage, but today I say, "Fuck it."  I sat by the pool with a Bass Ale, or three, and smoked my cigar while reading my book on Boxers.

I must get ready to cook dinner. Steaks on the grill with potatoes, grilled zucchini, caprese and baked bread.

Even when I relax there's work to be done.

friends, sports, baseball, entertainment

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