crookedspoon Jan 10, 2019 20:50
self-recs, f: the raven cycle, f: dcu, list: fics, character: joseph kavinsky, character: harley quinn, dw: snowflake-challenge
crookedspoon Jan 01, 2017 11:49
character: prokopenko, f: the raven cycle, pairing: christina/harley, character: christina bell, f: dcu, list: fics, character: joseph kavinsky, character: kate kane, self-recs, pairing: prokopinsky, f: batman: arkham knight, character: harley quinn, f: injustice: gods among us, dw: snowflake-challenge
crookedspoon Jan 03, 2016 15:04
self-recs, list: fics, dw: snowflake-challenge